Venezuelan General Calls For Military Coup Against Maduro

In a video that surfaced on Sunday, Venezuelan Air Force General Ramon Rangel called for the nation’s military to revolt against the Maduro regime and liberate the nation from the grasp of the communist regime both in Venezuela and Cuba.

As events in Venezuela have unfolded, the mass protests at the beginning of May did not lead to a general uprising as had been expected. While there have been defections among enlisted troops of both the nation’s military and national police force, the primary officers commanding troops did not defect- or rather, those that had planned to were uncovered by the intelligence apparatus of those keeping Maduro in power, leading Juan Guaido’s calls for mass uprising to move forward a day early. Many of the key movements on the government end were not in place, leading the uprising to mostly fizzle and brought a certain level of discredit to the freedom forces.

General Rangel himself had already defected and fled to Colombia last month according to the articles by Task & Purpose and Rueters. While its doubtful that this move will have an immediate impact, its one more example of the fractures in  Maduro’s grasp on power. There will indeed be a change, and perhaps the next time things will follow more closely to the plan. If you’re going to overthrow the guy in charge, you’ve only got one real shot, so you better make it count.

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One Comment

  1. shane m connor May 13, 2019 at 19:44

    U.S. had an easy shot at regime change back in 2002, when Venezuelan Commanding General’s of the army, air force, navy, national guard and military academy, along with civil ministers down there, including the head of Oni-Dex office, and his personal presidential airbus pilot Major Diaz, all quit him in public protest & general strike in late 2002. Helped get Major Diaz, in fear for his life, secreted out to Miami and arranged for extensive debriefing by FBI there, along with lots of documentation provided then, too.

    Tried to reveal some of what we’d learned on the ground back in 2002 & 2003 via major media up here, including Major Diaz first-hand knowledge of Chavez giving Taliban $1 million AFTER 9/11, which then made front page news all across Venezuela when we released it, but could only get traction via the internet up here.

    While stunned to see the lack of interest by our major media and Bush govt back then, more details of why emerged later, as noted at link.

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