The Nature of Now

The Romans had a concept, hostis humani generis, the literal translation being enemy of the human race, or common enemy of all. Cicero spoke of pirates being such in De Officiis, Book III, Ch. XXIX. It’s tied in closely with homo sacer, the legal status of being a person outside the law…or an outlaw. Under most definitions, which include English common law, certain behaviors were so evil as to place a person outside the limits of civilization. Pirates were almost universally included, as were patrons who committed fraud or broke oaths in Roman times. The person who fell into such a category could be killed by anyone and enjoyed no protection from the sovereign. It was the definition of a Hobbesian existence. Beyond mere banishment, the person was deemed not just a threat to their polis or country, but also a threat to civilization. It was primarily reserved for behavior in those societies that was so beyond the pale and contra to their legal and social norms as to be a direct assault on the very foundation of the society. While not the definition of evil that I subscribe to, it was, in fact, an exceptionally good response to the problem of that class of people who cannot be allowed to continue their behavior.

One of the fundamental misunderstandings most Americans suffer from is the actual praxis of evil. The very nature of evil is the eradication of good, for the very existence of anything that is good and right is an indictment against that which is not. None of the examples of evil we conjure up from the last century were an accident. Rather, they were the result of seemingly innocuous and often times superficially good ideas or people. In hindsight one can point to the one degree of separation in the ideology and what grew out of that small difference. Like good, evil bear fruit. We have this mythos in America and Europe about genocide and other human tragedies as if they were political lightning strikes and a combination of unlucky circumstance, rather than an inevitability. Perhaps it is the fact we haven’t experienced true evil up close and personal on a mass scale. The US has been largely shaded from things like the Holdomore or Armenian genocide. It is entirely different experiences watching a documentary on an event versus living through it or having oral history passed down from family members. Much of the naïveté in our society is precisely because we have been so sheltered from the fruits of evil. To us it is this theoretical concept with horns and child sacrifice and very rarely is there ever any portrayal of it in its infancy when it is candy coated and palatable. The Romans, specifically the true statesmen of the Empire, recognized the insatiable appetite and virility of evil behavior when left unchecked. In keeping with our humanist roots and strong individualist leanings, the US elected to take the ‘wretched refuse of your teeming shore’ and simply redefine evil as someone’s opinion. History seems to clearly favor one position over the other.

The misunderstanding of many on the right is that those espousing evil principles can be trusted to ‘live and let live.’ I hear this often by decent people, and while on its surface it speaks to their desire to avoid conflict, it also betrays a lack of understanding about what they are confronting. Live and let live is merely an opportunity for evil to retreat and regroup. Most of us have had a steady diet of postmodernist thought fed to us since birth, boomers included. Whether through popular culture or higher education we have been inculcated with the idea that good and evil have this give and take relationship. To add to the muddling of the waters we also have fully embraced a relativistic moral code, on both sides of the political and social spectrums. One of the primary reasons for the success evil has enjoyed, specifically in the last five decades, is that many of us will refuse to acknowledge the natural result of a person espousing evil ideals and living those out. Most on the right cannot even agree on a moral standard, and are content with merely rolling back the gaping maw of the hedonistic wasteland we currently live in to the more manageable and morally analgesic one in its infancy from the late 18th century.

The right will continue to lose strategic battles politically and socially until it can establish a unified ideology and that ideology has praxis in the real world. Lawrence v. Texas happened in 2003 and today a transvestite is running for office for a major political party. The Trump effect will fade in 2020 or 2024 if the left does absolutely nothing but exist, because the Bill Kristols of the world and the “Constitutional conservatives” will never have the stomach to do anything but beat them back across a line under their self-imposed Marquis of Queensbury rules. The left will regroup behind that line and then push until a new one is established. We are satisfied with détente until one day you wake up to the inevitable result and history students have to memorize a set of dates and a name associated with your shallow graves. It’s not a popular sentiment or statement to make, but in the battle between all of recorded human history and your feelings, I’ll take the former every time.

By Published On: August 21, 2018Categories: Jesse James24 Comments on The Nature of Now

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  1. […] The latest from American Partisan. […]

  2. Anonymous August 21, 2018 at 03:55


  3. Anonymous August 21, 2018 at 06:03


  4. Tfrere August 21, 2018 at 07:12

    Please educate the ignorant: That is a picture of what, exactly?

    • Jesse James August 21, 2018 at 08:40

      The Khmer Rouge Killing Fields…or as I like to call it ‘what it looks like when you lose.’

  5. Ray August 21, 2018 at 07:31

    IMO: AND JUST MO. From conversations that I have had with some of the more militant on the “right”. They WANT the system to fail , just as much as the radical left seems too. There seems to be a growing belief that if they just let the whole rotting edifice of the federal system simply collapse ,the “CWII” will start so much the sooner, and they can give vent to there growing belief that only the physical extermination of the “enemy” will have any effect at all.

    • DWEEZIL THE WEASEL August 21, 2018 at 10:36

      Ray: Your observation is true. It was opined by some on the WRSA site before CA closed the comments that it would be better if the Hildabeest won, because then the kickoff would start. Fence-sitters and flag-wavers would have to choose a side and Amerika would go full-on Bosnia. Mr. Royce, in BOSTON’S GUN BIBLE used the metaphor of constant nausea(sic): let’s just throw up and get it over with.
      I do not fully buy that idea because people are motivated economically, not politically. If we end up going full Weimar, then I believe CW II will rear it’s ugly head. As long as FEDGOV, state, and local Orcs and Orcettes continue to pick off the LaVoy Finicums, Jack Yantis’s, Randy Weavers and others, the bread and circuses crowd will not move a muscle. Sad that.

      • ChuckInBama August 21, 2018 at 16:09

        Dweezil: you’re spot-on with that comment. I hear basically the same in the circle of folks I work and recreate with. As long as there are bread and circuses, there will be no CW II.

    • Jesse James August 21, 2018 at 11:15

      The way you treat an infection or cancer is to excise *before* it destroys the entire body. The idea of reasoning with someone who’s only response is ‘die cis white male’ (leftist speak for infidel) is folly. Wishing you did not have cancer won’t make it any better, there is no way to roll back the clock. The whole point of this essay was that it is in the NATURE of these ideas to result in the physical extermination of anyone opposing them. The options are off the table, and as much as I wish it were different, it’s the hand we have been dealt. The revolution has already started and only one side is fighting right now, while the other side tries to convince itself they don’t need to do what they must to survive. It’s less militant IMHO than the realization that this ends in camps without drastic measures. Reasonable minds can differ though, but the last two years have convinced me there will be no peace.

      • aleksandr baranov August 22, 2018 at 22:50

        while the other side tries to convince itself they don’t need to do what they must to survive.——-excellent !!!!!!!!

  6. Sean August 21, 2018 at 13:03

    Jesse James, your comment was as spot on as your blog. That’s the problem with goody-two-shoes, law abiding “conservatives” who have conserved nothing, but instead have backed all the way up into the corner for two years speaks volumes as to why one side only is fighting. By their nature, the cuckservatives have allowed the enemy to assume the high ground, because they’re so law abiding. Fighting with savages and barbarians should be done on the same level they want to operate, with the same methods. Refusal to do this on “moral” grounds, is the creed of losers and slaves.

  7. Jimmy the Saint August 21, 2018 at 13:54

    Nothing like the possibility of a decree of caput lupinum to motivate one into correcting their behavior.

    • Jesse James August 21, 2018 at 14:00

      I didn’t want to go into the history of jurisprudence too much lest I lose the readership but it’s a crime people even consider what we have now to be anything like English common law. In reality ECL was ‘Roman law for a bunch of Norman’s who don’t speak Latin’ in many ways, which is a compliment. I found it interesting the concept occurs in just about every legal code of anywhere that one would call civilization…except here. Heh.

  8. Aesop August 21, 2018 at 15:15

    Hadrian’s Wall only works for a time.

    The Third Punic War solution is the only way to be sure of never needing a Fourth Punic War, short of nuking them from orbit.

    Most thinking people realized that in 2016, and the rest are becoming believers, albeit slowly.
    Some puppies always need their noses rubbed in the mess before they comprehend.

  9. chrisauthorlife August 21, 2018 at 17:27

    Appreciate the article. You speak truth.

    A word or two…

    The definition of evil is the imperative. Lacking an absolute moral standard, one is want for the establishment of true definition. A buckaroo may postulate and philosophize regarding boundaries, statutes, legalities, and employment of the subjective until the cows round the barn, but you still have nothing more than the illusory when all is said and done. Flawed. Broken and ineffectual… about as valuable as the parchment beneath the script. It’s illogical to lay down legal principles and continue a system of jurisprudence predicated on the ramblings of fallible man. Not impossible, just illogical. Typically, as this perpetuates, incidence of suffering flashes proportional to the advancement of enlightened rationality and moral relativism.

    The moment the old dudes sculpted our infant nation from raw stone and declared the product bound to the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God – the moral absolute, an enemy of all that is good began the sustained process of active degradation. This process, nearly complete in its destruction, will not end until the last vestige of the Creator’s Hand is wiped clean from societal framework.

  10. sirlancelot August 21, 2018 at 19:41

    A very good article indeed. Sadly the left controls the narrative by way of infiltration to all media. The internet has been our only saving grace. The Liberals have doubled down on their propaganda but fortunately more and more Americans are not buying it. Both sides seem to be at a Mexican standoff. Sure the Libs have antifa and have championed the efforts of degenerates, it’s just neither side wants to light that match.

  11. Another Secret Squirrel August 22, 2018 at 11:04

    The Left will continue to win simply because they appeal to human nature. The Right continues to fail because they obsess over the lawn care of others, instead of weeding their own gardens.

    Your Liberty to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.

    • Jesse James August 22, 2018 at 11:58

      I disagree. In theory it seems well and good but common sense dictates that while the right stops, inertia and that whole matter cannot occupy simultaneous space with other matter thing still results in a broken nose. People might get strangely uncomfortable when large bore artillery is pointed at their family’s dwelling by 20-30 armed men even though I assure you that I’m within my rights. My liberty to fire half a dozen 108’s at you end where your nose begins amiright? As I said, praxis. The Armenians has rights, right up until they got to watch their women crucified by the score. Rights are meaningless without the force and will to defend them. The right has never had the latter and the camps will be full of Reason readers and Ron Paul supporters with excellent logical arguments supporting their ideology. Your lawn becomes my problem when it’s a threat to me and mine. Some social contract or dude with a gavel be damned. FWIW not trying to flame or be unreasonable, but the last phrase is oft repeated and provides very little in the way of real-world value IMHO.

      You are correct the left appeals to the worst angels of our nature. The ‘right’ (leftism circa 1790) is content with debasing man to a generator of economic units and a life of secret hedonism whilst muttering to himself about individualism and the deity of man. Were it a sane world the parties would be named Envy and Avarice.

      • Another Secret Squirrel August 22, 2018 at 14:57

        And a transvestite candidate is a threat to you and yours how?

        • Jesse James August 28, 2018 at 00:08

          Mentally ill people in charge of anything that affects the laws in my country is a threat. Mentally ill people convincing others that mental illness is not mental illness is a threat. Mentally ill being held up as an example of civic duty or role models is a threat. Furthermore, the social and moral rot associated with such a candidate is an indicator of a larger problem. The premise of the entire article was that evil spreads like a virus. The Spanish flu. Why did the French care what was happening in Kansas? It’s because we aren’t islands. Evil in any form is a threat because it is an affront to God and the public practice degrades and corrodes not only our human dignity but the social bonds between us. It turns humanity into it’s worst version and unleashed untold suffering. On a practical note, there are social constructs that work and those that don’t. The current one doesn’t, and won’t because it ignores and in some cases even encourages evil. Period. I won’t pretend these are popular views, but they are orthodox. My side gets to claim practice, the people who aren’t get to claim theories…and make excuses for the inevitable results of their inaction. “Silence in the face of evil, is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

          • Instrument of.... September 26, 2018 at 21:11

            Bingo. And for what it’s worth, the only people I ever heard say there was no need for a fight when there was fighting to do were the cowards who would not fight if they were being choked to death by a one- armed midget. The right is riddled with them. I gotta chuckle at this whole Qanon thing. Buncha people telling themselves “ Whew! We won’t have to fight after all. The gubment’s gonna save us all!” Well, we shall see. Personally, I think a fight is coming, and we’ll see how many muster out when it gets here. My experience has been that one of ten men is solid in a fight. Been a bit since I was there, and it would appear the ratio may be the worse for wear at the present time. Plan accordingly.

  12. rented mule August 22, 2018 at 23:58

    leftism,communism,globohomo whatever you want to call it is absolutely evil, my bones ache with loathing for what these demons in human form have done to what was once a functional society. i used to believe logic and reason would prevail because american people would not accept collapse & the four horseman that are inevitable now. i swear on my mother’s grave in my AO…

  13. […] quote from The Nature of Now explains some of it: “The misunderstanding of many on the right is that those espousing evil […]

  14. Kerry Jackson September 22, 2018 at 08:36

    Great article. I’m usually looking for “information” in articles that I read but occasionally I find out that I really needed “insight”.

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