The Cowardice of Moral Ambiguity

I’ve learned that often times a person’s response to a challenge to their comfort zone is illuminating. Tell someone something they don’t like and you generally get denial, acceptance, or it provides a further impetus to induce change. The former two pretty much sum up 90% of the people I interact with, but it does give me data points to work with, helping me map out a person’s or group’s character. My last article here was no different. While it pains me to admit that stating the obvious and previously uncontroversial point that atheism is a wholly anti-social ideology that is antithetical to western civilization, it brought out one thing of interest to me. Namely, it exposed that the right has become so limp-wristed and feminized, even among the so-called patriot movement, that many have surrendered even having a standard, let alone dying for one.

I admit I am at a certain disadvantage in attempting to understand the depths of philosophical and intellectual dishonesty required to be morally ambiguous.  Even as a child I knew I was willingly choosing to do the wrong thing, and could be honest about it to myself. It could be that Teutonic certainty that never quite managed to get beaten out by American pseudoculture, or something else entirely. Either way, this bumper sticker ideology of ‘you do you, and I’ll do me and it’s all good bro’ is leftist philosophy under the guise of freedom. Similar to the left, the right is free to criticize the morals of Islam, the Great Bogeyman™. Islam is a threat to be sure, but while we scream about the degradation of children, women, knowledge and just about everything else under Islam…if you mention something not on the Official List Of Things The Right Can Criticize, then all of a sudden you’re an intolerant zealot. This from the same people who were so morally stalwart they failed to prevent anything up to and including ritualized child sacrifice.

Some things are black and white. Good and evil. Particularly so when it concerns the principles we live our lives by. By and large, many on the right have accepted the left’s moral framework and rather than say ‘X is wrong’ we take the coward’s route and shrink a universal truth to one that is applicable for little old us…but for everyone else it’s negotiable. Many of the same people on the right who claim to be pro-life, who believe that abortion is the murder of a child, would somehow never dream of “imposing” that belief upon others. Apparently we are expected to believe that it’s only murder if certain people do it.

‘Just leave us alone’ is a passive statement, uttered by the weak and timid. It’s victims pleading for mercy from the victor. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a borderless state. Without dividing lines between what a society believes is moral and immoral, socially acceptable and socially unacceptable, orthodoxy and heresy, there exists no society. Not that the vapid politicos harping on moral supremacy have any real answer, but why exactly would anyone be inspired to fight and most likely die for something that is not demonstrably different than what we have right now? I realize I’m in not any way part of the patriot movement, but is the idea of no taxes and the freedom to look off the front porch and watch your neighbor molest farm animals whilst shooting heroin really the future you’re trying to sell? The lack of any coherence to this approach and really any differentiation between it and the current tack of social degradation the communists on the left are using is precisely why those under 40 are laughing at the RNC and those who still believe conservatism is anything other than a kinder, gentler socialism.

The efficacy of this pivot away from any moral component has had enormous political implications. Once Roe v. Wade had ensconced child sacrifice into the national list of ‘rights,’ the Republican party became the party of Gordon Gecko. It no longer represented a competing future with the socialist wing of the liberals, it fully embraced a kleptocratic moral wasteland. Who cares if we kill the ‘unfit’ in the womb, out of the womb, wherever, so long as you could afford an S550 and a McMansion? Iceland got rid of Downs Syndrome didn’t they? (By killing all the kids with Downs Syndrome) Who cares about the nuclear family so long as you can paper over the crippling mental abuse you’ve put your children through by sending them to therapy? What’s a few school shootings compared to pumping your child full of SSRI’s to make him a manageable zombie instead of a kid? Education?! Well let someone else teach my kid, I’m sure they won’t fill him with communist indoctrination and beat any critical thinking skills out of him. As long as that money train keeps rolling and I’m putting fat stacks of cash in my 401k!

The most interesting thing to happen socially and politically in my lifetime is not the election of Trump, but the realization of many in Gen Z and more than a few Millenials that money is nice but a functioning culture and society is better. The people who grew up in the farcical prosperity and utter absence of culture in the 80’s and 90’s want a refund. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be the Baghdad Bob of Congress, but the people voting for her do want a radical change. I respect her more than the cowed, weak men on the right who won’t even stake out a position. At least she’s willing to draw a line and fight for her moral standard, no matter how twisted and wrong it may be. The alternative to AOC? What is the alternative? There is none. Well, a few people have presented alternatives, but despite being the norm even six or seven decades ago, we have evolved past that on the right.

This lack of a standard, any standard on the social and philosophical front by the right, including the hard right, has rendered us with utter silence when asked about what kind of future we want. Some mumble incoherently about a return to the 18th century of lily-white Anglos a generation away from Europe, or the more progressive take it all the way to 1950 when the roots of Communism were already bearing fruit. Nearly to a person, the right insists on being backward gazing luddites. None have an answer to the changing economy…the manufacturing jobs are NEVER coming back and if you thought that was a trip in the 80’s and 90’s, wait until automation gets really going…and their answer to Musk, Brin, Zuckerberg and Bezos is to get a flip phone. They have no grand vision of the future, no answers for the actual issues facing the majority under 65 today. Their answer is simply, do what you want. There is no right, no wrong, so long as you make money and pay taxes. It is a fundamental misunderstanding of the human condition to assume the sole driving force of the average person is simply money. I work to provide for my family, nothing more. I enjoy what I do and believe there is a religious component to work, but none of my motivators are money. It is a means to an end, not the end itself.

We absolutely must stop equivocating on 90% of the things that are truly important and start focusing on things that actually matter. The priorities of those under 50 are NOT the priorities of the people in the 90’s. We grew up under the absentee parents and watched the BMW or Corvette get more love and attention that we did. We enjoyed material prosperity and withered in a social and moral wasteland. Why is it that grunge was a thing and the Gen X’s claim to fame is rampant nihilism in the books they write, the movies they make and the music they sing? Their kids are not that, they resent it and are willing to burn two millennia of civilization to change it. Change is coming. Ours or theirs. Currently what we have to offer the father who’s looking at his kids going to school with feral humans, getting emasculated by angry women screaming for his cis-gendered misogynistic existence to be terminated, and losing his job to stockholder demands for third world slave labor is…lower taxes. Is it really any wonder why we’re losing?


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About the Author: admin


  1. DTG February 25, 2019 at 06:23


  2. 2Knives February 25, 2019 at 09:09

    Is there another way to support this site other than Patreon? Do you have a PayPal account or a physical address for a snail mail check? I asked this question here rather then your info@ because others may have the same issue I have with donations.

    • Kit Perez February 25, 2019 at 09:32

      Hi 2Knives,

      You can PayPal us at [email protected] or send a check to:

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      Thanks for wanting to support our mission!!

      • Mark February 25, 2019 at 10:29

        Good. PayPal isn’t much perfect but it’s better than patreon.

  3. Don W February 25, 2019 at 10:10

    Great write up. I feel like we are probably around the same age, and I feel the exact same way. Nice to see I’m not alone.

  4. Jay February 25, 2019 at 10:40

    Jesse there is a standard that explains where we are and how we got there, and most important where things are going. It is illegal to own in 41 countries, The Bible it clearly states what is right and what is wrong with NO relativism. It also makes clear that when men are doing what they see fit and good and evil become reversed, that God is going to move in the judgement of this planet. It is the BEST old book. Never proven faulty or false on a single page. Might be a good time for everyone to give it a read or reread. Join the discussion…

  5. Reasonable Rascal February 25, 2019 at 10:48

    The phrase “Who am I to judge” has become the modern excuse for failing to take a moral stance. I have heard it for decades now and refuse to let it guide my life. Judge, no. Not of the state of another’s soul. But right from wrong? Without judgement in the form of determination of left vs. right, of up vs. down, of good vs. evil there would be only anarchism.

    If I could roll back the sands of time to return to a previous era I would be hard pressed to determine as to just when. Even so that does not stop me from longing for simpler times of less moral ambiguity. Such times did exist and will exist again. To believe otherwise is to allow the other side to win without any effort to resist. I refuse to concede.

  6. patriotman February 25, 2019 at 12:30

    “They have no grand vision of the future, no answers for the actual issues facing the majority under 65 today. Their answer is simply, do what you want. There is no right, no wrong, so long as you make money and pay taxes. It is a fundamental misunderstanding of the human condition to assume the sole driving force of the average person is simply money.”

    This also drives me crazy. It seems our current arguments are “well, look at the crazy changes the other side wants – we won’t do that” but we really do not offer any sort of comprehensive argument other than “muh lower taxes”.

    Excellent musings as always – more so that I am now dry and warm!

  7. H P February 25, 2019 at 14:19

    Many of the folks I interact with regularly seem to not identify as R or D. Many recognize that at the top, these two groups are indistinguishable. These establishments are waning. The average American is rejecting the insane and destructive agendas being pushed by the tiny vocal minority of coastal elite Ds. By default, Joe Sixpack is now gravitating towards the Rs because they apper to be less insane. The Rs may be less overt, but the endgame is the same. Marxists are in control of both parties. Therein lies the problem.
    People must break with this control system. Unfortunately, history and human natures tells us that this is unlikely.
    One solution is direct democracy as discussed by Gerald Celente. Do we really need a trillion dollar behemoth “representing” us in Washington? Does the technology not exist to allow each citizen to vote directly on every issue whether national or local? Of course, without a morally grounded citizenry, any form of government will fail.

  8. Carl B. February 25, 2019 at 14:35

    Well done, sir.

  9. Will February 25, 2019 at 16:17

    Interesting. It’s ok to say that the Green Weenies making decisions about how people live is wrong- because that is what they want to do is completely re order society. It’s ok to say that Muslims making decisions about how people live (Sharia Law) is also wrong, because “mooslims” is anti gay and anti woman and anti anti…… But, perfectly ok to have our own Theocracy, our own Dogma etc… and impose it on others because, we know better…..

    Now, arguably, and I believe, we DO KNOW BETTER….but we’re going to have to sell that to a whole lot of folks that aren’t buying…..The same old “Capitalism is better and everyone knows it” isn’t going to work, “We live in a Republic, not a Democracy….” isn’t going to work…..Given the changes in society, what exactly DO we argue other than, “Truth (Objective-as this article seems to argue for)- Justice and the American Way” which rings rather hollow for many today?

    • Jesse James February 26, 2019 at 02:20

      My response to that would be that the results speak for themselves. Yes, philosophically or logically they make sense but the point of all that is it works. The results are better with one than the other. On one hand you have the Notre Dame or pick any literary masterpiece from the last three hundred years, the other you have social norms that would make Hobbes look positively optimistic. Even here in the first world you look at the lives of these people living by absolutely no moral code. I work with a fair majority of liberals and have for most of my life. Almost to a person, they are miserable, small, dysfunctional people who jump from one wreck to another in their personal lives. My current favorite example is an atheist feminist who’s about my age with three kids to two different men, her 17 year old (making her ~16 when she had him) smokes pot at home and who is currently suspended for the same. The hands off parenting style and lack of anything resembling a nuclear family has crippled her children to the point of barely functional feral humans that in all likelihood will wind up on TV at some point. She complains about the lack of eligible men, when the reality is no decent man would marry a woman like that. Substance abuse issues to paper over the gaping maw of failure and loneliness in her own life. Resentment at people moving on and relatively happy. She would likely curse my wife out for betraying the sisterhood of women for not just saying, but enjoying a traditional marriage and submitting to her husband. Hate moral absolutes if you want, but it works. It results in happiness, stability and a future.

      The perception of liberalism is Hollywood, the reality is coming home to an empty home or angry spouse and popping some pills and chasing it with some alcohol to pass out before you have to think about things. The perception of conservatism is a boorish man humiliating his wife and abusing her, but the reality is coming home to a family and a loving wife. I do get a hot meal and a kiss, a fact for which I am profoundly grateful for. My life isn’t charmed, but the problems I do run into I know I have someone to support and help me whatever gets thrown my way. Which is more appealing? The failure of conservatives is that they HAVEN’T BEEN CONSERVATIVE and not the philosophy itself. The kids today need no convincing that liberalism sucks. Because they’ve lived the latchkey life and mom that browbeats dad and dad that buries himself in porn or hobbies. Women degrading themselves to be a man and men so cucked they act like women and force their women to lead them? These people are profoundly unhappy. What they need is EXAMPLES of how it’s done differently…and the intestinal fortitude to say yeah I live like that and it’s great. The real deal doesn’t need a schtick, it just has to be contrasted with the gilded poison that is this bitter, degrading, miserable existence masquerading as social freedom. There’s a reason the suicide rate, substance abuse rate and divorce rate even in the elite of elites in Hollywood is off the charts. Their main propaganda arm of obscenely wealthy and successful still can’t kick the reality of the matter.

      Do you want to be happy? Do you want a home you can’t wait to get to filled with people you love? Are you tired of using chemicals to avoid your problems and loneliness? Do you want your kids to grow up healthy, well-adjusted and educated? Don’t you want to be able to deal with real life without crippling depression, mental issues or impotent rage? There’s your pitch.

      • Will February 26, 2019 at 06:53

        I would argue that most people are somewhere in the middle. They arent the liberal train wreck you describe, nor are they Ward and June Cleaver. They have a life that looks like most of their peers and it’s ok.

        They hold a mix of liberal and modestly conservative views— there are two genders but wifey has a queer cousin and “shes ok”…. They are mostly happy not outrageously so nor wildly successful in life. They see no great difference in their lives vs. anyone ele in their peer group based on how they live.

        They do have anxieties-mostly economic, that a moral framework does not address. That is where they can be moved.

      • Joe. February 26, 2019 at 15:27

        In the old days, the church did the job that you are refereeing to, but it too has become corrupted. At some point I think people have to be allowed to sink into the morass of their own making, which would quickly come about if other people weren’t being required to finance the existence of said people.

      • Jay February 28, 2019 at 08:45

        My comment was approved and then zapped. The problem is very simple. The Bible is what FOUNDED western civilization. Ever since (churches) have depended on tradition and mans thoughts, we have confusion and relativism. or a pope that says there is no hell.

        Sola Scriptura…it is why the martyrs burnt.

  10. Will February 25, 2019 at 16:32

    As a follow on to my earlier comment I’ll quote the philosopher, Johnny Paycheck in his seminal work, “Take this Job and Shove It” when he said- “I seen a lot of good folks die, had a lot of bills to pay”…..Morality is a wonderful thing, a necessary thing, an important baseline and touch stone for every society (Yet, Mr. Paycheck works a job he hates)– people have to eat too.

    That is a big part of why millenials are upset and more people are going to be upset in the future as they are replaced by AI and future jobs. People want to eat, they want a nice home (not a mansion but nobody wants to live a metal hut in a Favela either) they want opportunities for their kids, they want a decent retirement where they can do the things- whatever it is, that they want to do. Morality standing alone is no answer to that. The winners are going to be those who can convince people that they can have those things and still be “a good person”…..being a “good person” alone, ain’t going to cut it.

  11. June J February 25, 2019 at 17:07

    This was a very good post, full of hard truths.
    As one who too late came to understand the failings of “conservatives”, the RNC, etc, I than willing to listen to solutions and follow leadership put forth by the younger people.
    What are your suggestions for turning this mess around? Where are the leaders who can not only voice the issues as you have, but rally like thinking people to action around them?

  12. Eyes Open February 25, 2019 at 17:23

    May I recommend to my liked minded friends, Mark My Words – Propertarianism on the unloved youtube?

  13. A Freeman February 25, 2019 at 17:56

    What would the cultural Marxist do if we stopped paying them and started marching and protesting? You would have your answer for how far off we are. Would you listen even then?

  14. Lawless February 25, 2019 at 18:57

    Well done and will be a hard pill for some to swallow. Without the moral framework, we will have nothing to be the foundation of society. We need God, we need to return to His service and learn how to apply His Word to this age where young people can get it,

  15. Anonymous February 25, 2019 at 21:52


  16. ApoloDoc February 26, 2019 at 11:38

    Even reading through the comments, there is a central problem, the question: what do you want? I have grown weary in writing about the NECESSITY of Biblical Christianity for moral grounding. If you reduce choices and decisions to preferences that relate mostly to your own comfort, there is never enough! We are utterly disconnected from TRUTH: We were made by God but have rebelled from Him. Our world is broken, and man’s efforts just further the deterioration.

    I am a huge fan of Tolkien & Lewis. I am reading 2 excellent books, one which addresses WW1 impacting their thinking and writing, the other addressing specific story elements, characters, and the development of virtue. Prior to the Great War, the idea of endless “Progress for Man” was the dream.

    I have much more to elaborate, perhaps I will submit a couple of essays. I thought to do this on your blog, Jessie, but never did.

    • ApoloDoc February 26, 2019 at 17:57

      I have to change my automatic email address, unseen has apparently died and I think I was the last guy to realize it!

  17. Anonymous February 27, 2019 at 12:36


  18. Anonymous March 5, 2019 at 08:01


  19. Georgiaboy61 September 14, 2019 at 00:31

    “Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it all others depend.” – Winston Spencer Churchill

    We can now see that the systemic attack upon manhood and manly virtues over the last fifty or so years, and the relentless feminization of America and the West were no accident but part of a coordinated plan to render our civilization less-able to defend itself from threats, whether internal or external. Not many Americans these days know about the Battle of Athens, Tennessee in 1946, but you can bet the statists do.

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