Amid shortage, Cuba to increase food rationing

The resounding success of socialism continues to shine as Cuba now announces new food rationing as the economic crisis in Venezuela has put a severe strain on their already fragile supply system. This move is a further indication that the communist grasp on the people of Cuba is weakening, and hope for change to a Free Market Capitalist system is certainly alive. According to CBS:

The Cuban government announced Friday it is launching widespread rationing of chicken, eggs, rice, beans, soap and other basic products in the face of a grave economic crisis. Commerce Minister Betsy Díaz Velázquez told the state-run Cuban News Agency that various forms of rationing would be employed in order to deal with shortages of staple foods.

The communists lay blame at US sanctions, citing specifically the new embargo placed upon the government of Cuba for its role in aiding the Maduro regime in Venezuela. Perhaps this new round has placed a squeeze upon their economic system, but this cannot negate the rampant problems the Cubans already face. Duetche Welle continues:

Cuba, which imports 60% to 70% of its food, already has a system of rationing, but additional amounts are available at higher “liberated” prices. The new rules would ensure that all those foods would be rationed.

“Liberated” prices and additional amounts are reflective of the nepotism that hallmarks socialism in practice- everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others. But with that said there is hope for the Cuban people to overthrow a repressive government that has served as an agent of repression. There are cracks in the foundation that will in time lead to freedom.

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  1. Anonymous May 13, 2019 at 08:05


  2. Bryce Sharper May 13, 2019 at 11:11

    Maybe they can pray to their white god on the wall to give them food.

  3. Matt in Oklahoma May 13, 2019 at 18:38

    Cuba has nothing coming. Then aren’t our friends no matter what the libs tell ya. They chose the socialist life and it’s been so long they wouldn’t even know what to rise up to and where to go. They quit thinking for themselves generations ago.

    • vyt1az May 24, 2019 at 12:48

      Many older Cubans made their bed for sure, but there are plenty of Cubans born into it and desperately wanting out. When you’re born dirt poor and you have no money or resources like us, it’s not that simple. There is a large contingent of former Cubans in the US that are conservative for this very reason.

      I’m not sure where the comment about “libs” loving Cubans comes from. Cuba yes, Cubans, not so much. Obama made moves to keep Cubans from declaring political asylum when entering the country while simultaneously allowing immigrants from Mexico to flood over the border.

      When you’re trying to push the country towards Marxism, you can’t let in the people that know how bad it is.

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