The Novelty of Placing our Active Duty Military on our Actual Border.

A novel idea of border security is to place our active duty military on our actual border. Last I checked, the purpose of a national military force is for defense of the homeland, which specifically includes the defense of those borders. I’ve been told by a great many people on both the “left” and “right” sides of the aisle that somehow this is just not doable. Either the border is too long or it’s an unnecessary move or it’s too costly, or some other such excuses. My rebuttals:

-There are a great many highly secure borders in the world. Israel’s borders are highly secure even though they’re attacked fairly regularly. They have placed their military on their border and erected barriers, and are actively guarding them with both manpower and the best tech they can get their hands on. South Korea has a border that millions would love to cross, but few have dared to try and fewer still have made it. They guard it with their military and with OUR military as well. Don’t tell me we have no men who know how to guard a border. We have plenty. Hungary and Poland have borders that thousands of North African and Middle Eastern migrants are attempting (and failing) to cross daily, and if they ever make it at some point, it will have more to do with communist infiltration in their respective political systems than it will with military incapability. They are currently holding those lines well as long as they maintain the support of the people who make the rules. India and Pakistan have a fairly secure border, guarded with barriers and enthusiastic soldiers.

-The US military is currently deploying hundreds of thousands of our young men and women to secure hundreds (if not thousands) of embassies, compounds, bases, forts, FOBs, outposts and camps throughout the world. What would be the square mileage of those areas we currently secure around the globe? I believe that by bringing some of those troops back here and placing them along our 2,000 mile border with Mexico, and putting them there on a combat footing rather than a paper pushing “advise and assist” role, our border crossing could be cut drastically. We are currently rotating the US Army brigades and divisions through combat deployments to Afghanistan (18 years later still). What if we rotated them through combat deployments on our border instead? Same guys, same weapons, same equipment, slightly different mission. We have to keep the cartels off of our border.

-Deploying Army divisions to the border would be much cheaper than deploying them across the globe. Southern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California aren’t going to cost nearly as much as Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Germany, Japan or any of the other dozens of spots our troops are securing right now. And they’ll never have to ask “what are we doing here again?”

-The cartels and smugglers on the southern border have become a major threat to US national security (or have been for years). They are at least as sophisticated as any terrorist group overseas, just as motivated and are probably more aggressive and creative with their methods. Additionally, they’re already here. Already starting conflicts inside our borders. Already killing US citizens. Infiltrating our neighborhoods. They have supply and sale contacts in your town, right now, if not actual armed soldiers. Some of our law enforcement know exactly who they are and where they are. Some of them openly wear their colors and tattoos. They’re unafraid for a reason. If we aren’t defending our border, then we aren’t defending the interior.


I suspect that the lack of border security has more to do with a lack of willpower on the part of our national leadership than it does lack of ability on the part of our military. Unfortunately I believe that even our high level military leadership may lack the will to make these proposals. Fighting Afghan insurgents must be preferable to fighting drug cartels south of the border.

I tell people to “stay out of Sarajevo” as a way of telling them to avoid the trouble spots. But what happens when the trouble spots come to you? Ammo, buy it cheap and stack it deep. You’ll need it. Try, just click the link you see on this site to help us out here and to pick up a discount over there. Look to Brownell’s for replacement gun parts. If our leadership isn’t going to use our military to defend our actual national border, then it will come down to you to protect your border, wherever that may be. Be prepared to do so.

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About the Author: admin


  1. anonymous November 14, 2019 at 06:55

    I believe that before we build a physical border wall, we need to change or laws that encourage illegal aliens to come here. Fining American companies who employ illegal labor for example. Saving money is one thing but paying out some major $$$ if caught is not worth the risk. The same measure for allowing illegals to be given U.S. taxpayer benefits. No more benefits for illegals unless they have a green card. We have many U.S. citizens unable to get help, yet the U.S. gives the illegal alien for free ? If recipients didn’t pay into the system, then they didn’t earn that right.

    Those measures alone would greatly encourage the illegals from coming here. The illegals coming here specificallyl to hurt us – that is another topic altogether. You would think 9/11 would be good enough to educate us, but we have apparently forgot that lesson, especially the “Open Borders” crowd.

    • Gray Man November 14, 2019 at 16:46

      Changing the laws and building barriers can take place simultaneously. Unfortunately they will take place only in our imaginations.

  2. Matt in Oklahoma November 14, 2019 at 07:31

    This issue is way to complex to simplify it like this. Trump can’t even pull the military out without them turning right around and going back. Look at Syria. Oil billionaires run that mercenary operation.
    Even if we get them back our maintenance is crap with deadline vehicles at a high and our training is lacking with basic task due to the “fast track” programs and it needs a reset. We can’t even keep a seal team together because of the way we are doing things.
    Then we have Posse Comitatus Act which won’t get dealt with because our politicians can’t pass legislation.
    Then we have to define the border because Border Patrol doesn’t understand that 100 miles inland isn’t the border and it’s illegal to stop and detain Americans.
    Then we have the issue of the military who are a hammer and every issue is a nailhead. They’ve already shot some folks down there and that didn’t end well for them.
    Then you need to answer the question of where can they shoot them? Is it on Mexican soil? That’s war. On American soil it’s a violation of law as they aren’t combatants. Same issue the Border Patrol faces.
    If you say anything about unarmed I’ll slap you myself because I was in several of those military missions and that’s hogwash.
    I can go on but there is no need. I heard this same thing in the 80s and every since and it will not happen.
    The real solution is undoable because of our laws and society.

    • Gray Man November 14, 2019 at 16:46

      If our military is able to secure thousands of square km all around the planet but not our own borders, then it’s time to admit our country does not exist and we owe the idea of it no loyalty. If we have created a system of laws that prohibit us from even imagining a stable and secure border region, then the people need to look inward at what we have created. If our military is only responsible for the security of the rest of the world and not our own territory, then it’s time to globalize the US military officially and hand it over to the UN. If we are too worried about repercussions for shooting foreign invaders, then we may as well do away with the CBP and replace them with immigration desk drivers to get these new vibrant migrants ushered into our welfare system as quickly as possible. It’s unfortunate that foreign nations can secure their borders using their military, but we in America find that to be out of the question.

      As far as the piece being oversimplified, I suspect that the problem is so complicated (or we think it is) at this point that no amount of volumes would be sufficient to cover it, especially when you have people on one side saying that using our military to defend our border is the answer, and yet another side that imagines that it’s an absurd, undoable idea. This tells us that we are unlikely to ever find a solution, no matter how obvious I believe it is.

      This piece had nothing to do with how likely this solution is to be implemented. I know we agree that chance is 0%. We simply lack the will. And I guess most of our leaders lack the know-how as well.

  3. Liberty November 14, 2019 at 08:29

    Long ago the US Army actively patrolled our western and southwestern borders to defend against marauders molesting settlers. Immediately after the Civil War and you through the end of World War 1 Army deployments and forts protected the borders. Several little know punitive expeditions into Mexico during the mid 1800s to early 1900s reinforced the sovereignty of the US. Precedent for your proposal exists. Alas, those days are gone.

    The interests of our elites no longer align with the interests of the American family. That’s highly problematic on the best day. The Supreme Court has even ruled that states have no authority to control their borders against illegal activities; that is the province of the Federals. (Forgive me for not citing the case and opinion)

    So families face the choice of depending on the forbearance and tender mercies of MS-13, MM, and the like or organizing to defend themselves and their neighbors as was done on the frontiers by past generations. The Federals won’t like that latter choice, nor will state and local prosecutors looking to make a name for themselves. It’s a conundrum for a responsible citizen. Face the wrath of “authorities” for protecting kith and kin, or suffer the depredations of marauders because the “authorities” turn a blind eye.

  4. 1chota November 14, 2019 at 08:35

    thank you for this. it has been my position for many years. thank you again.

  5. Charlie Prime November 14, 2019 at 08:47

    Problem is, the GOP obey the Corporations who fund candidates. They do not want a closed border, so you shall not have one.

  6. Gray Man November 15, 2019 at 19:15


  7. Gryphon November 17, 2019 at 17:09

    I believe that the Real Reason the Army is not being used to Patrol the Border is because it would actually Work – just Not in favor of the politicians, businessmen, and ‘deep state’ bureaucrats who Run the Drug Smuggling/Human Trafficking ‘enterprises’ making Billion$ of $hekel$ every Year. Close the Border and Millions of sub-wage Laborers, socialist ‘voters’ and Welfare Dependents would not be able to Enter the Nation and provide Profit (reason for higher Taxes) to the ‘state’. Thousands of Tons of Drugs would Not enter the Country, Cutting Off Billion$ of Income to the CIA/Deep State Criminals.

    If the illegal Border-Crossers were properly Interdicted, Photographed, and immediately Marched Back over the Border into one of Mexico’s Cities, not only without any “Asylum” hearings, but put on a Ban List for Legal Entry, rather Quickly the Incentive to come here would be Reversed. If EVERY Non-Citizen convicted of a Crime (any Crime, even Traffic Tickets) were IMMEDIATELY DEPORTED to their Country of Origin, the huge amount of Crimes committed by Illegal Aliens would rapidly Decline.

    Finally, if the Military were used to Interdict the “Migrant Caravans” and Special Forces Troops used to Capture the Organizers/Leadership of the Groups that organize these Invasion Groups, the average Peasant would have No Resources to travel to the U.S. in the first place.
    Seriously, How the F**k are AFRICANS showing up on the U.S./Mexican Border? WHO is paying for this? Find them, Seize their assets, throw them in GITMO as Terrrists…

  8. Defensive Training Group November 18, 2019 at 08:46

    The border is not secure simply because Congress does not want it secure. Both sides of the aisle. The ‘progressives’ want the border open to get more people on the ‘free sh*t’ bandwagon; the so-called conservatives want the border open so they have issues to rail against and justification to tax and spend.

    POTUS could, as CINC, if he so desired, order the military to the border on his own, but with today’s ‘woke’ command staff and assumed ‘never Trumpers’ in JCOS, it would be a disaster with unintended consequences, including, but not limited to, ‘the left’ attacking military personnel on the border, staged massacres, and so on….doing so would devolve into civil war fairly quick because people would most likely start dying in great, huge bleeding batches.

    Until and unless POTUS gets control of his staff (weed out ALL traitors to their Oath (both military and civilian) and all bureaucrats who don’t want their retirements messed with), it isn’t going to happen, no matter how stellar the idea may be.

  9. Anonymous November 19, 2019 at 21:37


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