Last Friday I wrote an article titled, Seven Pillars of a Color Revolution. Here is a follow-up article to that piece.

As wrote about in my original piece, the United States is involved in a traditionally scripted CIA Color Revolution. The main reason for the revolution is not to institute Marxist rule as the payed for mob is advocating. The rioters, Antifa, BurnLootBurn, ABR or whatever banner they riot under, are pawns or ‘useful idiots’ being played by the money men like Soros, Gates, Kerry, etc. They are being played by the folks behind the Great Reset which I wrote about recently, titled 2021 – Americas Future.

If you are reading this article for the first time, I recommend you going back and read the aforementioned articles.

This is where we are in the Seven Pillars:

  1. A semi-autocratic rather than fully autocratic regime – President Trump is not a semi-autocratic leader as proven by him not mandating edicts during the CCP Virus. However, our leaders from the Democrat party and Mainstream Media (MSM) are all calling him a Fascist, dictator, Nazi, blah, blah, blah. This step is done. 
  2. An unpopular incumbent – All we seem to hear from the MSM, Hollywood, and again Democrat Party is “orange man bad”. When Trump supporters get together, they are rarely reported by the MSM. When the MSM does report on Trump supporters, they are always pointed out as ‘white nationalists’ and/or their failure to wear masks. This step is done.
  3. A united and organized opposition – This step is also completed. Let us see – Useful idiots, MSM, and the Democrat Party – They are all there.
  4. An ability quickly to drive home the point that voting results were falsified – This will happen on the night of November 3 and into November 4th. It will be driven by riots, the MSM, and wait for it…The Democrat Party. 
  5. Enough independent media to inform citizens about the falsified vote – This campaign starts Wednesday November 4, 2020 by our wonderful MSM. 
  6. A political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest electoral fraud, and – Think about the money men, Agenda 21, The Great Reset, and plants in our own government – At local, state, and federal levels. Organised ‘spontaneous’ uprising in the streets.
  7. Divisions among the regime’s coercive forces.  – Now is the time for the spitting or fracturing of our police and military forces. The worse will be seen in our Progressive cities and states. The rioting and opposition to the rioting by so called ‘white supremacists’ will be so severe and promoted by the already mentioned swamp creatures, that the populous will DEMAND that the government do something. This is called ‘bottom-up’. 

We all know that this is how Hitler came to full power. After Kristtalnacht, the German people rose up (bottom-up) and demanded that something be done. Well Hitler did – he rounded up 30,000 Jews (bottom-down) and sent them off to the first of many concentration camps. Today, lets substitute Jew for Deplorables.

To help the Color Revolution along, let us review what is being done across the country in Progressive states.

  • Mailing ballots to all registered voters,
  • Extending the time those ballots need to be returned by,
    • California, seventeen additional days after November 3, 2020
    • Michigan, fourteen additional days after November 3, 2020
    • North Carolina, Nine additional days after November 3, 2020
    • Pennsylvania, three additional days after November 3, 2020
    • Wisconsin, six additional days after November 3, 2020

A recent Quinnipiac University Poll shows that 63% of likely voters do not believe the country will know who the American President is Wednesday morning, November 4, 2020.

Let us review:

  1. Trump did not play well with the New World Order (NWO) and threw sand into their Agenda 21 or Great Reset,
  2. Trump has been under constant attack by the global swamp since November 4, 2016,
  3. When all the attacks have failed, the CIA script of a Color Revolution was drawn up and begun,
  4. The final end-all of the script is for the people to riot because of a false election,
  5. The riots will rise in crescendo till you, the American people will demand that the government does something (Bottom-up).
  6. With step seven in place – the fracturing of authority – Congress will step in and once again, wait for it….Impeach Trump! (Bottom-down)
  7. This is when several things could happen.

Bottom-line, the folks behind The Great Reset or Agenda 21, or… Will try to force their agenda. What can you do?

What we are doing is continuing our preps,

  • Praying like there is no tomorrow (Pun intended) that I am wrong, for our President, and the United States of America,
  • Stockpiling more beans, band-aides, and bullets, and
  • MrsMac and I are planning on and encouraging all, to vote in person. The only way to spray water on this plan is if the in-person votes way outnumbers the mail-in ballots.

Freedom Through Self-Reliance

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About the Author: johnyMac


  1. Michael September 25, 2020 at 08:38

    johnymac so far We the People have ALLOWED the Deep State Color Revolution to progress and grow beyond our worst nightmares.

    How and Why? The How we let them establish the battlefield, CONTROL THE MEDIA and the rules of engagement. They ACT, we Complain and do nothing.

    Why? I’m not sure but will cut and past what I THINK Happened AND will happen very soon to Us Deplorables.

    From Zero hedge article “Let me explain what happens” does a pretty good description of what I’ve noticed. Here’s a great comment that sums it up.

    “The entire goal of the global ‘elites’ is de-population. Don’t anyone read or listen anymore? The message has been communicated out in the open. Read a copy of the UN’s 2030 or any of the previous ones. Read an interview with Bill Gates. They want us all cramped up in urban areas. We are easier to slaughter in those locations. Think feed lot, like for livestock.

    Not remember who first said this. I believe it was said in the time of WWII in occupied France. “With a knife you can get a pistol. With a pistol you can get a rifle. With a rifle you can get your country back”.

    (Is that true in a Surveillance State Stalin would have been overjoyed to own? With more than half our population willing to “See something, SAY something for a Good Citizen Award? Maybe food?)

    And lets not forget this…

    “During an arrest, you think since you are not guilty, how can they arrest you? Why should you run away? And how can you resist right then? After all, you’ll only make your situation worse; you will make it more difficult for them to sort out the mistake.
    And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family?
    Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?
    The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! We did not love freedom enough. Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself.” Solzhenitsyn”

    We allowed this cancer of Soros payed for Socialist-Democrat Politicians and DA’s to turn the Rule of Law into the SHEILD of the Street Terrorists. The Police are trapped between obeying what is LAWFUL ORDERS (by the Laws Written by the Soros folks) and staying employed (something about feeding their families and medical care, pension etc.) and punished by being Thrown to the Wolves of the MOB and MEDIA if they DO what is right.

    A few but growing number of the police are turned into Praetorians that will OBEY any order as long as their Masters protect them from the Mob and Media.

    Rampant voter fraud is already before us. Thrown away Military Ballots for example that the MEDIA will never mention on the big screen where Joe 6 pack sees it. Joe 6 pack don’t see it, it NEVER Happened… They ACT, we Complain and do nothing.

    Orville’s 1984 and SOON the Hunger Games are upon us.

    The Deep State doesn’t need so many useless eaters. Their Disposable Face People the Socialist-Democrats THINK they are getting the ring of total power. But the Power behind the Throne is the Deep State. The Deep State will use their “Useful Idiots” the Socialist-Democrats and those street army’s and those not needed as Criminal Gang Warlords to suppress the population will find the “Night of the Long Knives”.

    The Criminal Warlord program is working pretty well in Venezuela and I am sure the Deep State is taking notes. Deniable and Sacrificial as needed “Enforcers” as long as they Obey and when they get out of line the Black Truck Secret Police Troops make sure the REST of the Gangs know to Obey.

    I’m praying Jonnymac that you and I are wrong and that Trump, Barr and Co will defang this Color Revolution.

    Our Forefathers took on what was the strongest military in the known world. The pledged “Their Lives, their Fortunes (A Nice way to say their employment, pensions, AND their Families health and safety) and their Sacred Honor” to the revolution that after 7 LONG Grueling YEARS and many families destroyed WITH the Assistance of the French in military aid (Guns, ammo, General Lafayette, the French Fleet Blockade of Cornwall’s Army, the Powder Maker Dupont and more) made the Crown give up the colonies as “Unprofitable”. Goodness they came BACK in 1812 to try again…

    Who is going to give us “Aid” to overthrow the Deep State? Seems China is backing the Socialist-Democrats right now. And Congress spend every chance they can attacking Russia as a “Threat” to Our Democracy… From the same wordsmiths that named the Patriot Act, not what Patriots wanted eh?

    Praying for our Republic and for Wisdom.

    As Sun Tzu said :Before you go to war remember to count the cost”. The letters between George Washington and his wife about the dangers of upstanding British Citizens like themselves becoming traitors to the Crown is illuminating. HAVE your Families support or face Betrayal. As I’ve said many times Never fight from your front porch, Never stand before a raging Elephant (Mob, SWAT Team etc.) and FAR Better a few TRUSTED Friends that have you back than a dozen that have one or more Judas Iscariots (A Jewish Patriot BTW thought Jesus the King would Free the Jews from the Romans NOW) that will betray you and sell you out.

    And NEVER Post anything on the open Internet you don’t want to see used against you in the Kangaroo Courts of the Socialist-Mobs. The FEW Trusted people only.

    • Johnny Paratrooper September 25, 2020 at 12:51

      I deleted my social media completely at the beginning of the summer when you guys first started floating the Ideas of color revolution on this site and in the comments.

      I can still look up myself, and as usual, all of my more aggressive comments are logged into the first 10 pages of google. Despite ALL of my social media being completely deleted. (I forgot to grab the few photos I had left from Baghdad; which is kinda sad that my future family won’t get to see those)

      What happens on the internet, stays on the internet.

      My next step, and the only step I have left, is to destroy all electronics connected to me, and start using public access(Libraries) to write all my papers, do my homework, and check the internet sites I like.

      That’s where we are. Forever…

      • Shinmen Takezo September 27, 2020 at 22:27

        Rather than “destroy all electronics” connected to you–here is an alternative.

        The only thing that connects your IP address to you is you MAC address.
        Your MAC address emanates from your internal wireless modem–either laptop or desktop.

        Solution 1…

        Here’s how you get around that… purchase an ‘external (plug-into the USB) wireless” device.
        Re-route to that device which has a completely different MAC address.
        Use TOR or a VPN with your laptop.
        Use this combo only at public wireless connections and do not log into anything that is connected to you personally.
        Post away all you want with this combo.

        Solution 2…

        Using a desktop–ditto, but not as mobile.
        Suggest you use a good VPN with the USB wireless.
        Again do not log into anything connected to you.
        Do not have any mobile device on in proximity to the USB device–suggest it be off and in a Faraday wallet.

        Is the above traceable?
        Solution 1–very, very hard. Would take a lot of high-level work to trace.
        Solution 2–hard, but not impossible at a high government level. Any mobile device (even a neighbor’s) can be connected via proximity to your USB device. Would be difficult for ABR’s to trace.

    • johnyMac September 25, 2020 at 14:10

      Well written Michael. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

      God Bless

  2. Jose September 25, 2020 at 09:27

    There is a long dark winter ahead. I will definitely up my prayers.

    • Johnny Paratrooper September 25, 2020 at 13:00

      We need God.
      I was taught that Germans started WW1 in my History class the other day. I have never read a single history book that would make such ridiculous claim. But let’s just keep blaming Germans for every problem that ever existed. Everyone knows that once the Nazi’s were defeated, evil was vanquished forever, and the rest of the 20th century was a rainbow festival of fun.

      I’m on my way to the dentist right now. I suggest everyone does the same. It took 4 weeks for an appointment.

  3. Anonymous September 25, 2020 at 11:33


  4. Badger September 25, 2020 at 13:37

    Your very last bullet point is important for those who want to vote. As seen in many locales, when the OPFOR don’t have enough Rubbermaid® Totes Full o’ Votes™ ready, the alternative is to dump mail-in ballots from known ‘red’ areas. Dumpster, irrigation ditch. With extended receipt timelines and postmark requirements kicked to the curb, folks have already voted in the last legitimate election in this country until there is a housecleaning of unbelievable scale.

    • Johnny Paratrooper September 25, 2020 at 15:21

      That, and I have researched every Republican in my AO and cannot find any information other than “I’m Republican, Vote for me ’cause Republican”. We have NO real methods of vetting our inevitable straight ticket Republican electoral candidates, or holding them responsible for colluding with the democrats. Which they very clearly are.

      This is the stuff that broken republics are made of. Spain, and 30 other victims, could not be reached for comment.
      FerFAL and Bracken are right. 50 years of “Violencia” like Columbia is probably our future.

  5. Researcher September 25, 2020 at 14:49

    It would be good if you would point out that these seven stages of a color revolution were first published by Michael McFaul in Transitions from Postcommunism, 2005. Perhaps even a link to the PDF where we can read it. The link to Journal of Democracy is available online by simply searching for the title “Transitions from Postcommunism” in Duck Duck Go. It’s also on conservapedia.

    • NC Scout September 25, 2020 at 16:18

      That’s a good one.

  6. Machine Trooper September 26, 2020 at 01:41

    I’ve been at the wrong place at the wrong time all my life. I was ready for all this to blow up when Klinton was in the White House. Still in fighting shape, motivated, with energy to spare, and pretty well up-to-date on current tech and weapons systems. Had my gear squared away and was ready to bug out or throw down at any time. Never went anywhere without a knife and compass, minimum.

    Now here it comes, almost 30 years later. Well, I’ve still got some of the basic skills. Eyes aren’t as good. Shake too much when shooting. Knees and elbows scream when I get in the prone and I wince just thinking about the high crawl. But I still know my pace count. Can still dead reckon and terrain associate. The cold doesn’t bother me as much as it did during those wet winters at Bragg. Some of the old habits I never completely lost. Feet still caloused–toes, heels and balls of the feet like boiled leather. Got some high-buck optics for my bang sticks (gonna head out to dope in hopefully soon). I can move, shoot, and communicate. Just can’t move or shoot as well as I could in my 20s and 30s.

    I live in a decent area–could be much worse. Rural area–nearest big city hours away. Don’t really see the ABRs coming out here; but federal jackboots probably will, sooner or later. Maybe even infantry formations. I’d much rather fight the ABRs–I love the enfilade potential they offer during every Burn Loot Murder op. But I’m not gonna head for a major population center looking for trouble.I would say I can make a lot of mischief here when the enemy decides to pacify this area–but with all the uber-tech out there (incredible improvements in NODS; real-time satellite poop; drones; radar triangulation of incoming fire) I don’t know how well I can guerrilla those guys, either. I hope at least me and my neighbors can make them pay a heavy price. Bunker Hill 2.0.

    Really glad you guys are out there; and training; and paying attention. Very thankful for American Partisan.

    • johnyMac September 26, 2020 at 08:40

      Thank you Machine Trooper for the kind words.

      I too find myself in a similar situation both physical and possessions. Just remember what you have between your ears is incredibly valuable. Life lessons learned are so far superior to book learning.

      73 & God Bless

  7. James September 26, 2020 at 09:37

    Yep,getting older has it’s downsides though beats alternative unless plagued with a painful/terminal condition ect.The cool thing about getting older is you have a appreciation for the life/country despite personal/country setbacks you have had and though have no kids(find them annoying at best)really do like my friends kids(am the crazy uncle) and thus willing to work towards making sure they have a decent future.

    Getting old does give one the “Nothing to lose/Everything to gain mentality” and the threat of life in prison has lost a lot of it’s deterrence value.

    Get out there and vote in person and encourage others to also.

    Food/clothes/fuel ect. still reasonably priced,go shopping(yet again!).

    As someone who has gotten older do not have a lot to share with younger folks but what little skills/knowledge I do have try and pass along.

    In the end,plan for the worst/hope for the best while remembering to enjoy the day.

    • johnyMac September 26, 2020 at 09:46

      Amen James.

      Every single day I greet MrsMac with a kiss and a cup of coffee. Within minutes after she has fed the inside cats, I always remind her, “enjoy the day to its fullest as it may not exist tomorrow.” Her reply is usually, “yeah, yeah.” Or, “you really need new material”. LOL

      73 & God Bless

  8. Max M Wiley September 26, 2020 at 11:35

    Paraphrasing Stalin, it’s not the votes that count, it’s who counts the votes.
    This article lays out the many problems that will affect the vote in 2020 just in Minnesota. Many other states have similar issues, and a good number of them are swing states or important states that are very evenly split. It’s no accident, for instance, that the counties in Florida that have the most problems with election integrity are those that are Democrat controlled.
    Turning the dial to “11” on rhetoric and propaganda is the sending of a clear signal to all of their partisan precinct workers that the ends justify any means. The absolutely Orwellian named “Transition Integrity Project” has already prepared the ground for everybody to expect the vote counting to continue until the preferred candidate has won, or for swing state governors to refuse to certify the vote due to “election irregularities” (!!) to deny Trump 270 electoral votes, if it comes to that.
    Back in August an NBC/SurveyMonkey poll revealed that 65% of Republicans, 56% of Independents, and 46% of Democrats expressed a lack of confidence in the fairness of the election. What this effectively means is that somewhere around 25% of the population is likely to reject the results of the election regardless of outcome.
    I would call widespread refusal to accept the results of an election another step on the road to failed state status.
    It’s time to face facts: this isn’t one country anymore. An ever growing percentage of the population wants a divorce. It remains to be seen whether it will be messy or amicable. My money is on the former.

  9. Team Freedom Member September 27, 2020 at 13:04

    Team Freedom Strategic Overview:

    Team Freedom: All who support Trump, all who support and defend the US Constitution, those who support Western Civilization against destruction worldwide, and those who oppose communism. Team Freedom is disorganized. There is no command structure, no C3 other than the internet, Team Freedom is amazingly powerful in total, but is without any unified direction or strategy.

    Situation: After seeing the world attacked with a weak bioweapon, The USA finds itself embroiled in a color revolution. It is supported by primarily China, Globalist power structures who benefit from and support China, and who in many ways make all their money because of China, disenfranchised useful idiots, criminals, leftist billionaires made rich by the internet, liberals brainwashed by the MSM, the MSM that is beholden to the Deep State oligarchical structures. For lack of a better term let’s call the assembled groups arrayed against us Team Commie Globalists (TCG). Their army in the USA is currently composed of ABR (Antifa/BLM/Revcom) as described by Matt Bracken so well. All of this is happening as the Biowar continues. The bio attack of Coronavirus has served to prepare the battefield, placed people in western civilization in a position of subjection to tyrannical globalist health regimes and control methods. The Bio attack is serving to also further divide and weaken Western Civilization worldwide.

    Their goal: This color revolution is part of a worldwide effort to destroy Western Civilization, weaken the USA, and establish China and Globalists as the center of all power. Once the USA is under their control it will be the end of Freedom worldwide. The dismantling of our Republic, the destruction of the Constitution, and the subjection of all to their whims, priorities, and goals. Short of this any disruption and division that they achieve within the USA will only help the primary goal of establishing China as the new world power and help to further establish globalist control worldwide. Once we are busy fighting each other in the USA, their takeover can proceed worldwide with us distracted and incapable of effective resistance. I would say this this primary goal is already being partially achieved as all our focus is currently inwards.

    Their methods: On display everyday for all to see. Perhaps many we cannot see or have yet to see.

    Moving towards a Winning Strategy:

    It is said that to destroy and enemy you need to focus on their centers of gravity. There has been no identification of the enemy, no focus on their Centers of Gravity, and effective response or no counter offensive.

    So far the response of Team Freedom has been to discuss and prepare for future conflict. There is no clear definition of the enemy or their precise goals. I am attempting to take a stab at providing that here.

    TCG Centers of Gravity (In descending order of importance, as I see it):

    State Powers: Primarily CCP/China, Iran, perhaps Venezuela, perhaps Russia (but I doubt this so far.)
    Globalist Corporations: Chiefly Google, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter. Perhaps Apple? All leftist controlled media corporations.
    US Deep State TCG supporters: the leadership of the FBI (sure seems like it anyway), perhaps elements of the CIA and DOD leadership.
    Global Organizations: WHO, the UN. Perhaps others I am unaware of today.
    Individual Leaders: Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, the entire DNC and all of their leadership.
    Forces of Evil: TCG organizations that support the exploitation of innocent people at all levels whether through drug gangs/cartels, human trafficking groups, etc. Basically, those groups identified by the Qanon movement.
    The entire Bio-war pandemic fear/paranoia structure – defeat the biowar and you remove a key COG for them.
    ABR leaders at all levels.
    ABR Useful idiots or grunt level soldiers/criminals.

    Current Strategy or No Strategy: So far there is no unified strategy to combat TCG. There has only been reaction.

    We have seen no effective response by the US Government to stop this color revolution, and our President has not put the full weight of his authority towards the destruction of TCG in our country or the world. President Trump has correctly identified China increasingly as an adversary.
    We have seen Team Freedom mount efforts with local Militia and Oathkeepers to act as security, but there has been no active or effective offensive efforts by TF to go after the the centers of gravity of TCG or their ABR army. We keep hearing this may happen someday, but so far it has not. Furthermore, their is no effective Team Freedom response worldwide either. As we see in Europe protests are starting to occur, such as the recent London protest in Trafalgar square, but there is no sizable organized effort yet.
    Team Freedom members are being targeted individually as citizens when they encounter ABR in the streets of America. TF members are also facing TCG power structures in all their efforts to deal effectively in society with the ongoing bio-attack. There has been no organized or defensive reaction to the bio attack either.
    So far there has only been weak application of legal structures and law enforcement to go after the lowest level of TCG centers of gravity.
    TF members have been focused on developing and creating their own personal ability to fight TCG at the lowest level of their Centers of Gravity in preparation to survive/withstand and defeat possible more widespread TCG attacks or collapse of order in the future.

    A Real Strategy:
    To win this war We must begin to target TCG Centers of Gravity (COG) at all levels to have any chance of success. When and if this emerging conflict goes truly hot kinetically, we must target the COGs and find ways to bring the fight to them and dominate them. In the meantime we should be looking for ways to target them short of outright warfare using unconventional tactics. TCG is using unconventional tactics with great success currently, we should be looking at ways to do this also.
    The entire Bio-war pandemic fear/paranoia structure is a key COG it has established the base of all TCG operations. Remove it and their narrative beings to collapse. If we resist it, we can help defeat the biowar and remove a key COG for them. This strategy can be employed at all levels and the more we can get success at the lowest levels the greater the odds of undermining this COG.
    The Fb/Google/Youtube/Twitter power axis represents a key COG. Do not use it. Do not help it. Actively seek alternatives. We must undermine FAANG power structures and support systems.
    TF members need to develop and explore means and methods to attack these COGs.
    TF must achieve some national and international levels of organization and control in order to effectively coordinate operations and target TCG COG’s.
    TF members at some point will need to go operational in their response, when that time is, I don’t know yet. I would say one likely trigger would be the forcible removal of President Trump through extra-constitutional means
    TF members need to use all legal means necessary to ensure that President Trump is successful in re-election and we should be looking for ways to guarantee safe elections. In the event Trump is removed from office, TF needs to develop a strategy to counter TCG control.
    TF needs to begin developing parallel structures to help organize government organizations who split into TCG vs TF groups. There needs to be some level of structure to offer TF members at all levels.
    Open warfare will occur when TF begins to target the power structure of TCG in the open. It will necessitate it and there will be no going back.

  10. Team Freedom Member September 27, 2020 at 18:18

    Team Freedom Strategic Overview:

    Team Freedom: All who support Trump, all who support and defend the US Constitution, those who support Western Civilization against destruction worldwide, and those who oppose communism. Team Freedom is disorganized. There is no command structure, no C3 other than the internet, Team Freedom is amazingly powerful in total, but is without any unified direction or strategy.

    Situation: After seeing the world attacked with a weak bioweapon, The USA finds itself embroiled in a color revolution. It is supported by primarily China, Globalist power structures who benefit from and support China, and who in many ways make all their money because of China, disenfranchised useful idiots, criminals, leftist billionaires made rich by the internet, liberals brainwashed by the MSM, the MSM that is beholden to the Deep State oligarchical structures. For lack of a better term let’s call the assembled groups arrayed against us Team Commie Globalists (TCG). Their army in the USA is currently composed of ABR (Antifa/BLM/Revcom) as described by Matt Bracken so well. All of this is happening as the Biowar continues. The bio attack of Coronavirus has served to prepare the battefield, placed people in western civilization in a position of subjection to tyrannical globalist health regimes and control methods. The Bio attack is serving to also further divide and weaken Western Civilization worldwide.

    Their goal: This color revolution is part of a worldwide effort to destroy Western Civilization, weaken the USA, and establish China and Globalists as the center of all power. Once the USA is under their control it will be the end of Freedom worldwide. The dismantling of our Republic, the destruction of the Constitution, and the subjection of all to their whims, priorities, and goals. Short of this any disruption and division that they achieve within the USA will only help the primary goal of establishing China as the new world power and help to further establish globalist control worldwide. Once we are busy fighting each other in the USA, their takeover can proceed worldwide with us distracted and incapable of effective resistance. I would say this this primary goal is already being partially achieved as all our focus is currently inwards.

    Their methods: On display everyday for all to see. Perhaps many we cannot see or have yet to see.

  11. Michael September 27, 2020 at 20:37

    Team Freedom? A lot of fancy words. We have No effective leadership, No effective supply system nor medical recovery, we have no real common goals, nobody can step up to establish leadership NOR common Goals with out our OWN People trashing them, let alone OPFOR efforts to subvert and destroy them. ANY Group big enough to have meetings already has a PLANT or Weak Link or three ready to betray them.

    Don’t Underestimate your enemy. Sun Tzu

    We need to look towards the Afghan’s who kicked out the Soviet Union and pretty soon the USA from their dirt poor little country, mostly with small arms. They didn’t worry about “Centers of Gravity” and such. Those Targets are WELL Protected. They just kept ducking and hiding from the overwhelming might of Soviet and American forces, killed off the local political leadership that obeyed the “Invaders” and kept chipping away at any unguarded infrastructure NEEDED by the Enemy until they won. They had no radio communications for us to listen in, they used the Mothers Tea system of passing on any needed co-ordination via family connections at Tea Time. They did not engage the enemy at their own villages because overwhelming Air Strikes and Firepower would have destroyed their families and supply systems-medical recovery areas.

    Thus THEIR Families were unlikely to Betray them to the money (food, power) waving Enemy. BETRAYAL will get you killed or in prison ASAP.

    Or as The Graham Combat Killhouse Rules

    1. NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE YOU. Whether an event lasts a few seconds, a few hours, or even a few days – you have to work as though nobody is coming to save you.

    2. You are your savior, so start working because EVERYTHING IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. You are your security, you are your medic, you are your rescuer.

    (I would add you are your OWN Supply System for those Beans and Band-Aids you and your family needs, got farming skills and seeds?)

    3. You are your own best resource to SAVE WHO NEEDS TO BE SAVED. Nobody wants to save your life more than you, so set yourself up for success by having the simple tools and knowledge to do so: do what you can with what you have. Recognize that nobody is in a better position to start saving your life than you.

    (I would add LEARN Field Sanitation, it’s easy to learn how to shoot a milk jug at XXX ranges, MUCH Harder to deal with preventable diseases from poor or bad Sanitation because some Dufus shat-bathed in your groups drinking water)

    4. Sometimes saving lives means you have to KILL WHO NEEDS TO BE KILLED. It has been almost 15 years since I first wrote “the more effective you are at taking a life, the more successful you’ll be at saving one” and nothing in the intervening time has changed my mind. Be swift, be decisive, be final.

    5. Mostly, ALWAYS BE WORKING. There is always something you can be doing to improve your position. Always. Because nobody is coming to save you.

    30 some days until the most fraud ridden election in US History will be in the STREETS. The Deep State and their disposable Face People the Socialist-Democrats are going for the Golden Ring of Total Power. My greatest fear is that the Deep State will look to Venezuela and their successful use of Gang Warlords to control difficult areas. Disposable and deniable criminals that when shot at will respond with murder-rape-beating interrogations and torched homes to establish YOU DON’T Hurt a Gang member. THEY are a real problem as they will keep an ear to the ground looking for trouble where soldiers just follow orders and go back to the barracks. Their OODA is VERY SHORT as in Rage Right NOW short.

    Anybody want suggestions as towards a Chaos Kit for your family?

    • Team Freedom Member September 28, 2020 at 09:29

      I agree with your points as long as we do not establish our own organization, and I think your advice is excellent at the individual/small group level. However, I obviously disagree with not doing so. We have to try to organize and build a system, a structure, a force to to defeat the enemy. What worked in Afghanistan for the cavemen there may not work well here. Most Americans cannot achieve the independence in terms of all areas of life that would be necessary for your strategy to win. I think that individuals that cast all their hopes in your strategy will be picked off piecemeal. I would say the best case is doing both what you advocate, and also do what I am advocating.

      Please share your tips that you mentioned at the end.

    • Michael September 29, 2020 at 14:40

      Team Freedom did you purposely ignore this part of my comment?

      “ANY Group big enough to have meetings already has a PLANT or Weak Link or three ready to betray them.

      Don’t Underestimate your enemy. Sun Tzu”

      Your desire to have a Organization is a “Center of Gravity” as you put it, for the OPFOR to attack-subvert-cause betrayals.

      As far as being “Picked off piecemeal” VS being swept up in a few grand operations by betrayal… If I am picked off piecemeal then my OPSEC failed and I hope to have an Large Honor Guard in the afterlife.

      When the Deep State puts you and your family into the choice of Submit to the Deep State and live a “Semi-Normal” Life under the rule of the Marxist-Socialist-Democratic system or fight and live as an Outlaw you will NEED Caveman stubbornness AND skill set to survive and be a pain in the Deep States Ass.

      Vietnam, Afghanistan and many other places SUCCESSFULLY demoralized and drove off the United States Military USING those “Caveman” rules you discount. Our OWN American Revolution was successful BECAUSE between our stubborn refusal to quit (CAVEMAN TACTICS) AND the Military Support of the French made the Colonies “Unprofitable”.

      The Chaos Kit I will post in a second posting today so Admin can decide if it’s a comment to be buried in this 7 pillars thread or redone as a small article.

    • Michael September 29, 2020 at 20:59

      Did the Chaos Comment-article fail to get through? My computer went back into that CAPCHA nonsense after I submitted it? A very long comment or a small article so I guess I timed out the CAPCHA?

      • NC Scout September 29, 2020 at 21:04

        I dunno, give it another shot.

        If you still have an issue email it to me, I’ll post the article.

  12. Shinmen Takezo September 27, 2020 at 22:05
  13. Michael September 30, 2020 at 18:24

    A much shorter version of the Chaos Kit article I lost via CAPCHA

    Know that your home is going to get damaged in the near future. Winter storms, power outages, stray bullets, attempts to throw objects through your windows, fires both from home made heat sources and arson from “Peaceful Protestors” and so on.

    Have the tools and materials put away where you can find them in the dark, in a hurry maybe while having a weapon on your person. Establish and practice SOP’s for various situations. From my two + decades in active duty nothing beats confusion and fear like a practiced battle drill.

    What does that mean Michael? Glad you asked. A short story:

    It’s O’ dark 30, it’s a stormy night, a a glass breaking crash occurs in the living room. You awaken slip on your Bedside Ready Clothing and Slip On Shoes (so you don’t cut your feet on the broken glass and the frozen wind blowing in your home) , grab your loaded personal defense weapon, a strong flashlight (with fresh batteries) to check it out. PER your Family SOP and Practiced by all involved Mom has her Personal Defensive Weapon and is securing the children’s rooms. You determined it was a tree branch thrown by the storm through your window. You inform Mom, and get out your large roll of Heavy Duty Clear Plastic sheeting, the fasteners , the wooden strips, the hammer etc. and deal with it. Later after the sun rises you notice a bit of tree damaged your roof. You get out the tarps, rubber washered roofing nails, the ladder and hammer and fix it.

    It’s been a few days since the *Still* contested Elections. Folks are getting weird. Mom didn’t want to go all “Mad Max” before BUT smoke from the neighborhood across the valley from the burnt homes has her understandably freaked out. She doesn’t want a Molotov through the windows. Lowes has been empty for days from panic buying BUT you had Already had bought 1 inch by 2 inch welded wire fencing, measured and cut for the windows along with the fasteners (extras and extra bits as Mr. Murphy is a bastard) an a fully charged cordless drill (with a fresh spare battery). You, your wife and your Oldest standing watch get the windows covered ASAP. Happily you also bought fence posts, 2 X 4’s and tools to make “Airlocks” to protect the pretty weak doors and that sliding glass door from visitors.

    A stray bullet cracked your wood stove or your ally neighbors stove or stove pipe. Smoking them out. You get out your stove cement and fiberglass tape and fix it.

    It’s thinking well beyond the heroics of fighting for Team Freedom and being able with forethought, skills, some stored supplies (AND can find them and the tools under stress and in the dark) as well as GETTING your family into the action with SOP’s for situations.

    This SHOULD include Duress Codes. Mine is referring to my family members by both there name and middle name. They know something is NOT RIGHT.

    30 some days until this get REAL. Homes will get damaged, maybe even burnt out. Make realistic plans on how your family will respond to INCLUDE rally points if the house is burning. Where do they flee to to regroup? Do you have an ally to rally around? Do you have a buried cache with the needed things to aid you in surviving the nastiest of weather (Winter) when you had to flee with whatever was in your hands.

    Winter is coming. I could go on but don’t want to lose this again.

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