The Bankruptcy Election

…the White House has been put on lockdown, and that according to NBC sources, beginning tomorrow, a “non-scalable” fence will be erected to secure the WH complex, Ellipse and Lafayette Square with 250 National Guardsmen on standby…

And now, it seems that Wall Street is also starting to freak out: in a note by AGF Investments’ Chief US Policy Strategist Greg Valliere, he wrote that the “threat of post-election violence has been a dominant topic in virtually every investor briefing we’ve done this fall,” but he’d “never raised the topic of violence — until now.”

Valliere said he was “stunned to see much of the city boarded up” while driving through downtown Washington over the weekend, and flagged disruptions in Portland, Ore., and elsewhere.

“In a country this angry – and armed to the teeth – we worry that an inconclusive election could unleash conflict,”

In a hint that violence may indeed be coming, Biden’s Campaign Manager Jen O’Malley Dillon said that “under no scenario will Donald Trump be declared a victor on election night” confirming that there is no condition under which Biden would concede tomorrow.

“President Trump believes that if he wins the East Coast battleground states, Florida, North Carolina and Georgia, he plans to go out and declare victory, and we want to be clear with you if he tries to do that that will not be true.”

“We Worry About Armed Conflict”: Investors Are Suddenly Freaking Out About Post-Election Violence – Zero Hedge

The aging hippies and Karen coalition that are somehow still allowed to vote are in for a rather rude awakening in the next few days. I am entirely envious of the people lucky and sufficiently amoral to sell the seed corn of future generations for double digit returns on their retirement during the China uber alles days of the 80’s and 90’s. I only kid, I don’t know how those people sleep at night, and I most certainly hope they do not die a natural death. In pleasant news, the fact that a huge number of people are ready to kill their fellow Americans over competing and irreconcilable political differences has finally penetrated the board rooms of Wall Street and soon those monthly checks getting sent to Boca Raton. The Volatility Index (VIX) for tomorrow was off the charts months ago. Adding fuel to the fire is the certainty that a Joe Biden election will result in large swaths of the country being shut down if someone tests positive for COVID-19. The upside is that this financial ruin will not simply extend to the under-50 unwashed masses but is likely to create such overvaluations that most mutual funds and investment vehicles are going to take very real, and very serious losses. Your solace should be that most of you who read this site are young enough to still pull a trigger if you have to and still recover financially. The added benefit will be the angry lefties that thought you could shut down an economy and just stay home forever being forced to work as ‘essential’ workers  and face more exposure to the scary virus than they would have had if the economy hadn’t been destroyed. It’s easy to avoid people when you have a retirement. It’s more difficult when eating gets in the way and you have to show up to work at Wal-Mart for the foreseeable future. All polemics aside, Wall Street is taking notice and BLM is bad for business. While the #Resist sticker on the Mercedes is so cliche, the fact remains that a shutdown of our energy sector and rolling shutdowns of retail, tourism and service industries is going to make that lease hard to pay. If both sides start shooting, even pockets of isolated violence are enough to cause significant financial turmoil as investors price turmoil and property destruction into price valuations. The entire country won’t be at war overnight, or even in the event of a civil war. However, the vast, vast majority of the country will be very poor even if it never sees urban fighting or troops. The US dollar is a method of exchange, the smart money is on the people trading it for useful things. Pro tip: if 2020 has taught us anything it’s that you can always find someone to buy or trade for small arms ammunition, green paper not so much. Time’s are changing.

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About the Author: Jesse James


  1. Anonymous November 2, 2020 at 20:49


  2. Michael November 2, 2020 at 21:25

    Do you ever get the feeling that like a failing business buying insurance and having an “Accidental” fire that this is a deniable semi-controlled demolition of the US economy?

    Maybe the Democrats DON’T want to “win” this Election? oh some useful idiots need to THINK it’s a real Horse Race with all the bells and whistles to make the Con more believable? I strongly doubt that Antifa and Burn Loot Murder have a clue what happens to the street army once the New Leadership takes over… They Probably THINK THEY are going to BE the Revolutionary Government. Useful IDIOTS indeed, history Blind.

    Normally a War is an effective way to gin up support from the PEOPLE and they accept the hardships to WIN the War and thus the economy cures it’s woes. But I think a lot of the Powers that Be KNOW we’ve not “Won” a war against even piss pot countries that have an economy smaller than the state of Delaware for over a generation. We have Nuclear Weapons so we are still dangerous but they have limits.

    Thus my wondering give that by any sort of accounting the USA is BROKE and soon enough the Petrodollar will fail, sending Trillions of overseas Debt dollars back Home for redemption… Can you say Hyperinflation? Weimar Germany level Hyperinflation? Venezuela level Hyperinflation?

    I’m praying I am wrong and I hope Trump being the King of Bankruptcies has the leadership to walk the USA out of the debt trap “Professional Politicians” CREATED by kicking the can down the road over and over again, with less taxes AND MOAR promises FUNDED by Debt.

    The Chinese seem to want us out of their face Militarily (nukes) as they have bought our country’s “leadership”. Our “leadership” seems only to care about POWER and Graft.

    Soft times makes weak people, I hope we remember how to become MacGyvers and are AmeriCAN’s (spelling intentional)

    Get your beans (to include ways to get safe water, SHELTER repairs, Gardening etc.) ready. I know the bullets part is ready. I hope the Band-Aids (to include rebuilding with the Constitution and Bible as a Guide) is ready.

    Praying for our Republic as Rome wasn’t destroyed by the Visigoths. The Visigoths were just the scavengers picking over the corpse of Rome after it was destroyed by the “Elite” Traitors who were fighting each other USING street MOB armies over who got the Bigger slice of the Pie…

    • MN Steel November 2, 2020 at 22:04

      Every empire goes through phases. We are getting to the end of the looting phase, the penultimate phase.

      It used to be that the “right” would rob from the productive to pay the war-makers and the “left” would rob the productive to give to the non-productive.

      The last few “administrations” have been putting on less and less of the “guns and butter” show, and the grift has been going straighter and straighter to the moneyed class.

      W ran up $3.3 Trillion in 8 years with 2 wars. BHO ran up $6.7 Trillion in 8 years with continuing wars. DJT is slated to run up $6.6 Trillion in 4 years while winding down war commitments worldwide (

      Besides a $1200 check, what have you received except for 50% inflation on the dollar, 111% inflation in medical expenses, 58% food inflation, and a 10% raise in average wages? And these figures are using the official gubmint numbers, which I’m sure are completely correct.

      Hope you have a parachute, this plane is not only crashing, but the stick is pushed forward with the balls to the wall.

      • Johnny Paratrooper November 3, 2020 at 15:06

        Don’t forget the 500% increase in the cost of housing in a neighborhood that isn’t a dystopian nightmare.
        My parents bought a 4 bedroom, 5 bath house in 1989 for $147,000 in Baltimore. That same house sold for $450,000 15 years ago. My father was a basic carpenter.

        My family member, who is in banking for home loans, told me that most of our projections for the economy involve the assumption that homes worth $400,000 will be worth $1,600,000. This is, of course, impossible for a carpenter to achieve in 2020.

        We are a broken nation. Morally, ethically, and financially. I hope cooler heads will prevail.
        We need to pray. And we need to pray some more.

        God bless all the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.
        You did not die in vain.

    • Reece November 4, 2020 at 00:08

      to quote ” Trump being the King of Bankruptcies” what many are not seeing is that the covid bill that Trump got passed had alot more than 1200 for people. He took trillions of dollars and had BlackRock with the FED’s approval start buying up American debt from overseas and moving into blackrocks portfolio there by we are going to own our own debt. Your 401k climbing? Stock Market climbing? We now energy exporters. Trump has been shoring up the dollar. Now we just need Trump to win again.

      • MN Steel November 4, 2020 at 12:25

        Who owns BlackRock, and why are they the approved debt-aggregator?

        • Jesse James November 4, 2020 at 13:57

          Lawrence Fink is the owner of Blackrock. Middle of the road lefty, but does own a ton of capital in the MIC. Either a less evil version of Buffet or just has a better curated image.

          • MN Steel November 4, 2020 at 19:47

            Ever smash the Early Life and Education section of his Wiki?

            Seems to have done pretty well for himself with a BA in PoliSci and an MBA in Real Estate…

  3. Machine Trooper November 2, 2020 at 22:18

    We’ll know Trump is for real (assuming he wins) if he wages total war on the Deep State and their useful idiots, then shuts down the Federal Reserve, has the bankers arrested, and reinstitutes sound money.

    Anything short of that and America will never be great again.

    More importantly, as Michael implied, we must return to our Christian roots. We think our core problem is economic; political; cultural; etc. But those are just symptoms. Our core problem is a spiritual one. When people don’t love the truth, they are handed over to a depraved mind and become incapable of managing a robust economy, or freedom, or the world’s most technologically advanced military, etc. Our ultimate struggle is against the powers and principalities. We can’t lose sight of that even while we use physical weapons against tangible enemies.

  4. Reece November 2, 2020 at 23:58

    Has no one noticed that they(the idiots in charge) have been spending like there is no tomorrow. The democrats don’t plan on winning. It is a dog and pony show for the masses. What is happening doesn’t pass the scratch and sniff test. Pompeo said that Covid was a military exercise that went live but for some reason it went live globally. Why are they pushing the Covid narrative so hard? Why is there no news about what is happening around the globe or just blurbs of news? Everything that we have been watching is about mis-direction and keeping us focused on what our neighbors are doing. Those ANTIFA and BLM people are paid actors used to stir up unrest. The question we need to be asking is what do THEY really not want US to SEE?

    • NC Scout November 3, 2020 at 06:55

      The antifa crowd may be paid organizers, but they are 100% true believers.

      To suggest otherwise, or that all of this is somehow managed chaos, is simply stupid.

      • Reece November 3, 2020 at 10:08

        I didn’t say that ANTIFA were not true believers. What I am saying is that they are paid there for controlled. As for the chaos to much of the same b.s. is happening in to many of our allies countries to be just coincidence.

        • NC Scout November 3, 2020 at 11:01

          Nah, negative.

          They ARE part of an international. But as far as it being run by one man or being managed at the top, that’s nonsense and highlights exactly why people like you have no idea how to fight them.

          Initially they got the push, but that was after decades of grooming and guiding. You didn’t see any of that phase or realize it, even though the Boomer generation bought it hook line and sinker. What you have now is the push into the top of the insurgency pyramid. And that cannot be controlled.

          As for myself, I think in terms of what I can accomplish and do versus wide eyed conspiracies that do nothing but circle jerk.

        • Johnny Paratrooper November 3, 2020 at 15:25

          Syndicated Anarchism has an organized structure.
          And the International World Workers Party is FAR more powerful than the WWP or any other organization. We are in trouble.

          These groups are well funded, organized, well established, and global.
          Anyone who says otherwise, while claiming to be informed; Isn’t.
          We need to remove our heads from our 4th point of contact.

          The workers parties have, historically, organized riots numbering in the 100,000’s in the U.S. This is a VERY, VERY serious situation.

          It’s likely that the U.S. and many parts of the world as we know it will not survive this situation.
          When we fall apart, places like Taiwan, South Africa, and France are gonna explode.

          We don’t have enough troops to secure LA or New York. Let alone our swiss cheese empire and protect our allies.

          • Reece November 3, 2020 at 22:07

            Call me a conspiracy… as I see it currently America is being isolated. All our main allies are being systematically shuttered into socialist dystopias.

  5. Anonymous November 3, 2020 at 08:36


  6. Hank November 3, 2020 at 12:06

    Is the last part of this comment accurate, is that how you beat insurgents? From here:

    “But two retired lieutenant colonels, John Nagl and Paul Yingling, have found a remedy. (Nagl was known till now as the true author of the inordinately long, rebarbative, and repetitive counter-insurgency manual attributed to generals Petraeus and Mattis—hundreds of pages written to elide the simple fact that insurgents must be out-terrorized, as every empire has done throughout history”

    • NC Scout November 3, 2020 at 12:25

      Read the Devils Guard by Elford.

      That’s how you beat an insurgency.

      • Green Mountain Shooter November 5, 2020 at 16:03

        The Devils Guard, a great book.

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