I’m glad I’m not in human medicine. This kind of stuff, while predictable, makes you wonder What is the human medical profession doing? They claim it could be *harmful* to people if their gender were designated on their birth certificate. No, it is going to cause problems! Immediate problems with this: lack of gender on records (so as to let people identify as whatever they want to) may lead to some incorrect medication administration.

As we have written many times, there is something SPRITUALLY wrong with these medical journal writers. Not accepting your God-given gender is a fundamental rejection of God’s Word (besides rejecting Him for salvation). It is an abomination to God.

Let’s read the Bible instead of the New England Journal of “Medicine.”

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. wwes December 28, 2020 at 07:47

    My mother in law works in a NC hospital doing birth registry records. She very recently had a “couple” request no sex be listed on their son’s birth certificate, but NC law, at least for now, requires a sex to be listed. I reckon they’ll be trying to get that law changed as well.

    • Johnny Paratrooper December 28, 2020 at 11:00

      Poor Kid.
      I despise having democrat boomers as parents. I literally have nothing in common with them.
      But at least my father spent 2.5 minutes teaching how to use a tape measure and a miter box and ride a motorcycle.
      My parents might be textbook boomers, but they don’t hate me.

  2. Freya Valentina December 28, 2020 at 09:25

    The precious overlords that the leftists love so much, must be laughing their asses off at the complete con job they’ve managed to pull off. I thought the libs might bottom out at some point- but apparently it’s a race to a non- existent bottom. Only a complete fucking retard would do this to their children. The kids they are producing are so screwed.

    • Johnny Paratrooper December 28, 2020 at 10:53

      All the Homosexuals I know in College, High School, and the Military are completely mentally ill, drug addict/ alcoholic communists.
      Zero exceptions.
      Many of them have killed themselves or committed serious felony crimes.
      Most work for the government or with kids in some respect.
      The social contract in this country is damaged.

      When I was getting my head examined by the VA for some problems I was having, I was sent to the “Dick Removal” facility in Baltimore City.

      “They”, As in them, were obviously trying to tell me something without saying it.
      Remove Trump from office… See what happens… Break the contract completely. I dare ya’ll

      • Daniel Morgan December 28, 2020 at 12:23

        “All the Homosexuals I know in College, High School, and the Military are completely mentally ill, drug addict/ alcoholic communists. Zero exceptions.”

        Sounds to me like Johnny Boy has some repressed “feelings” he doesn’t want to face!

        “Zero exceptions”? Care to explain that to Ric Grenell? Care to match your service record with his record of serving President Donald Trump and our Country and for fighting across the globe for our American liberty and the western way of life? “Completely mentally ill?” “Communists”? Ric Grenell a mentally ill communist? Zero exceptions, huh? I know President Trump would completely disagree with you.

        • NC Scout December 28, 2020 at 12:30

          I’m going to say this once.



  3. Jack December 28, 2020 at 11:05

    SICK !
    There are alot of Psychotic People out there…
    Too many appear to be in the Medical Field

  4. Daniel Morgan December 28, 2020 at 12:00

    This is absurd and harmful to the children involved. But ultimately, this is all part of the left’s war on women.

    Every time I hear about a high school (or, Jr. High?!?!) girl who states she is trans or really a boy, or a girl AND a boy, or whatever, I just want to run over and yell, “Yeah, boys and men have known for thousands of years that we are better, stronger, smarter than women and so we understand COMPLETELY why you don’t want to be the deficient, second-class female sex. Welcome to manhood, the superior sex, glad you’re aboard!” I would do it so the women’s libbers out there, the pussyhat wearing females of the world can think, “what…he thinks there’s something wrong with being a women?” And then I can reply, “actually I like women just as they are, but it is YOU PEOPLE who think there’s something wrong with being a girl. I’m just willing to affirm your thought experience.”

    At my work, someone or “some-they’s” have put up signs in the bathrooms saying something like, “Please be courteous and lower the toilet seat after you are done.” I always want to put a sign below it saying, “Nope. You women want to be treated the same as men? You want us to ignore society’s assigned sex roles? You want us to treat a person’s sex as not relevant to anything? Well, then, there you go. You can please be courteous to us men and RAISE the toilet seat back up when YOU are done!”

  5. Chris Mallory December 28, 2020 at 12:40

    No “gender” on the birth certificate is fine, gender is not on birth certificates now. But we should keep putting the baby’s biological sex on them. Gender has to do with language and culture. Quit debasing the English language by using “gender” when you mean “sex”. A baby’s sex comes from God, gender is a creation of man.

    • NC Scout December 28, 2020 at 13:25

      To my knowledge (and I happen to have a lot on the topic), its the Left, third wave feminism to be exact, that differentiates between sex and gender. Gender is a sociological role based on symbolic interaction and thus fluid, sex is a biological assignment requiring surgical mutilation to ‘correct’ based on one’s interpretation of the former.

      To the sane, sex and gender are one in the same.

      • Johnny Paratrooper December 28, 2020 at 20:58

        Correct and Correct.
        I believe one, sex, is based on the Greco language. Gender is Latin language based.
        For the purposes of intellectual honesty, I didn’t google this and pretend to be a genius. So I may be wilding incorrect.
        These types of debates were created by the left so they can win their own arguments. Which is why I don’t play by the rules of my enemies.
        I believe this debate was created by a victim of Mexican industrial waste who suffered from horrible hormonal imbalances and sex organ development.
        Instead of being a normal human, and excepting she isn’t perfect, we decided to just rewrite western history because of a mutant villain created by toxic waste dumping.
        We covered this in a Women’s studies class I took. Which wasn’t as bad as you think. Apparently, women already know they are nuts.

  6. Paulo December 29, 2020 at 01:50

    This is an oldie goldie – remember?:

    …”Although we’ve advanced several strategies that we think might be unique and strong, the power of our case is our recognition that the federal and Texas laws regarding food and drugs presume man to be an “animal”. This presumption is anathema to fundamental principles of the “Declaration of Independence”…
    …”I believe the “man or other animals” insight may provide the foundation for the most important challenges to governmental power in a century or more. This insight triggers issues bigger than Roe v. Wade, even bigger than the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s & 1970s. The government deems the people to be animals. In doing so, government lays the foundation for treating us as slaves, “human resources” and even exposing the sovereign people of The United States of America to genocide.”…

    In its entirety here, with Adask’s video included:

  7. kelly January 2, 2021 at 02:05

    The NEJM article actually states that under the authors’ proposed changes to birth certificate format sex would still be recorded on the birth certificate but be entered “below the line of demarcation”, simply placing the data in a different statistical category (only reported publicly in aggregate). As the authors allude to, this addresses the decades-old problem of surgeons arbitrarily ‘assigning’ a sex to intersex babies at birth and then later discovering that the child raised as a girl in fact knows themself to be a boy and might have had their penis removed at birth. This was a common occurrence among intersex babies in part because of the surgical adage “it’s easier to construct a hole than a pole”, essentially meaning it was easier for a surgeon to construct a realistic neovagina out of a vestigial penis than the converse, even if this later conflicted with the child’s innate sense of gender. Intersex babies can have a wide spectrum of ambiguous genital morphology, from having an apparently normal female vulva with undescended testes to any other combination of male and female organs. The authors wish to allow the person to decide themselves at a later time what, if any, surgical intervention they wish to have rather than have this arbitrarily imposed on them by a doctor at birth. There is no physiological or genetic test for a person’s innate sense of gender. To quote the authors, “it is a fact that designating sex as male or female on birth certificates suggests that sex is simple and binary when, biologically, it is not,” Unsupported assertions are in the nature of prejudice, but biology and genetics increasingly show that gender and sex do in fact span a spectrum.

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