Normal American: The Purge of the Deplorables

This originally appeared on Normal American. -NCS
There is talk of civil war. This seems unlikely to happen.
Civil wars are fought between elites at odds with one another. Our own southern elites’ attempt to separate from the northern elites is one example. The king of England raising an army to fight Parliament in the 1640s is another. Angola’s civil war was two anti-colonial revolutionary movements fighting after independence.
Today there are no elites publicly on the side of the deplorables. Just about every suspected conservative with a book contract, column, or blue checkmark lined up dutifully for a ritual denouncing last week. All agreed that the horned, all-organic QAnon shaman was a capable insurrectionist who was about to install himself as Supreme Maximum Leader or something.
Not one member of the Yellowstone Club or Upper West Side penthouse set would dare to suggest that the Capitol occupation was anything short of a crime against humanity that will echo through the ages, despite about half of Republicans being okay with it.
Pope Francis may not have time to criticize Antifa’s bloody tactics, but he quickly condemned American conservatives. Faithful Catholics expected this. It’s been a long time since the Spanish bishops’ courageous 1937 letter describing communist abuses: “In the history of the western peoples there is on record no such phenomenon of collective savagery…”
The few elites suspected of harboring pro-deplorable sentiments are being humiliated, starting with the re-impeachment project. Josh Hawley, a sitting U.S. senator, has been reduced to complaining on Twitter that he lost a book deal. Rep. Mo Brooks released a sad, rambling statement to fend off a censure resolution blaming him for speaking at the pro-Trump rally.
Now that the president of the United States has been banned from countless Internet services, with YouTube reportedly next in line, the left has publicly consolidated their power. It does not matter that a timeline shows the Capitol breach began a full 20 minutes before Trump’s speech ended. Our overseers in Silicon Valley may be anti-American weirdos, but they write the checks, and they bring politicians to heel on command. We are meant to understand who’s the boss, and it’s not the voters.
The divide between the views of elites and normal Americans has widened to a chasm. One suspects that any pale-skinned elites who may have said something halfway flattering about Trump at some point are deleting their old tweets even faster than rumored conservative Charlie Kirk. We may also suspect that the reason for their panic is Nancy Pelosi’s decree that Trump supporters are guilty of excessive “whiteness.”
At least the communist Chinese elites were decent enough to let their deplorables expunge reactionary thoughts in struggle sessions. Now that our rulers are convinced that the real threat to America is excessive “whiteness,” their preferred solution might resemble Rwanda. Far-left commentator Matt Christman sees more clearly than blue-check conservatives here: “Neoliberalism has finally come for the whites… The vast majority of you, your kids are gonna come out peasants… They will shit all over you.” Our children understand our new reality. So does Michelle Malkin.
In less fraught times, it would be amusing to see the deranged Ayanna Pressley, who appears to be an actual elected official, accuse her fellow members of Congress of being “treasonous,” “white supremacist,” and, for something really horrible, “anti-masker.” Today we are left with the disquieting possibility that she might actually mean it. Pressley may be a member of the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, but we all know that does not mean the civil rights and civil liberties of Trump voters. Anyone guilty of excessive “whiteness” deserves what’s coming.
Michael Beller, a top attorney at PBS, was caught on video by Project Veritas talking up the camps. “We go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security will take their children away… we’ll put them into the re-education camps.” He trotted out the term “enlightenment camps,” which surely will make for an easier sell. We will be told it is an expression of caring and diversity to rip children from arms of mothers who are overly conservative and therefore domestic terrorists. As Jimmy Kimmel reminds us, deplorables are a “large cancerous tumor that still needs to be removed” by any means necessary.
Strangely, the re-education camp enthusiasts among our elites are not volunteering to do the roundup themselves. They expect police and the military to do the dirty work. The FBI has revealed itself to be partisan secret police, and we have no reason to disbelieve the PBS attorney’s assumption about Homeland Security. On the other hand, our rulers remain nervous about the military’s political reliability.
The Pentagon has been taking extraordinary steps to make sure members of the military do not wake up on January 20 and decide that President Trump is the lawful president. There are credible reports of loyalty tests being administered. Then there’s today’s Joint Chiefs memo saying: “President-elect Biden will be inaugurated.”
That memo also says “any act to disrupt the Constitutional process” is “against the law.” We are left to wonder amongst ourselves if disrupting the Constitutional process through election irregularities is also “against the law.” At this rate we should expect the political commissars to be assigned to units soon. For the rest of us, America’s social credit system is being rolled out.
What happens next is difficult to predict. There is time for our rulers to reduce tensions. President-Elect Biden could commit to preserving the Supreme Court’s current count and maintaining the Electoral College. He could condemn street violence from the left and maniacal talk about too much “whiteness” from his fellow Democrats. Vice President Pence, in his letter today rejecting a 25th Amendment removal, gets it right.
Sadly, this outcome seems unlikely. Our ruling elites are emboldened. They are enjoying the purge. The excellent reporter Michael Yon wrote today: “I would not be surprised at all if Trump, Don Junior, and Rudy Giuliani are charged and arrested soon.” There’s more in this vein from Bionic Mosquito, T.L. Davis, and The Intrepid Reporter.
Things seem to be accelerating toward disruptions of some sort on or after January 20. We should know soon whether that means a splintering of the empire or Jesse Kelly’s prediction coming true or a variation on hunting the deplorables for sport.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Juri January 18, 2021 at 04:58

    “””…..Civil wars are fought between elites at odds with one another….. “I would not be surprised at all if Trump, Don Junior, and Rudy Giuliani are charged and arrested soon…..””””
    Yep. And to defend themselves, they calling up people. So you get your resistance elite.
    We got rid from Soviet Union 1991 this way. We had 4000 troops and 350 tanks on the capitol, like you have now. Gorbachev was isolated and his comms were taken down. Like Donald now.
    When tanks were rolled out, then everybody understood that purges were imminent. So those who considered themselves Gorbachev loyalists, were afraid and called up to resistance. So we got us elite, Yeltsin most known.
    Your commies know this too. Donald comms are down for one single reason. There is only one thing left what he can say more. IMHO, your commies do the same mistake that our ones did. Our guys underestimated the effect of independent thinking and counted on decades long brainwashing. They thought that they have some legitimacy and support in the society.
    Your commies also seem to think that if they command, army just does. Tamanskaya division was considered elite and most loyal. This was the reason, why they sent to Moscow to support the coup. Later Yeltsin ended up speaking on their chief of staff tank.
    My personal opinion is that Donald saga is not over but Donald need one final serious Casus Belli. Donald understands that extremely radical moves demand very good reasons. People must understand that all good options are off the table before they agree do to something really serious.

    • 240Geezer January 18, 2021 at 09:35

      Well said Juri. Sometimes I feel I have more in common with folks in Russia than in this country.
      This is not a new feeling and it is not an endorsement of communism.

      • Boss21 January 18, 2021 at 10:22

        240, it’s basically deplorables world wide vs the top of the pyramid. Many know this now hence the hysterics. These fools think power is a substitute for hierarchy. We will soon see if they are right.

        • Juri January 18, 2021 at 12:01

          Absolutely. Third World War will be whole world humans against whole world communists or liberals The key point is that liberals have a different brain structure. Because of that , we can never live together.
          Already ancient Egyptians knew this. Liberal brain structure reminded them some numerical combination of this era and this is how legend about Number of beast was born.
          Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults

          So if anybody wondering, why we don`t understand each other ? Why they hate what we love ? Why they always lie and bully ? The cause is biological. And they know that they are not normal and never will be. Because of that, they demand “equality” . When we get rid from current issues, they find a new ways to bully us .
          Shitty times ahead. Even we remove them or they remove us. Without some ground breaking medical treatment, there is no third option. Good news is that whole world seems to know. This Egyptian specialist who told me about this commented that Islamic State is nothing more as their version of European Union.

      • StormN January 18, 2021 at 12:02

        Some years ago on a forum I express ambivalent feelings about Putin. Someone’s reply cleared it up for me. He said that Putin is more or as much of a nationalist as he is a communist.
        So why couldn’t The Donald develop a good relationship with Putin and sign some genuinely peace-making, economy-building agreements over the last 4 years? Yea, that’s right: our Liberal party/bureaucrats/media made sure that wouldn’t happen.

        • Juri January 18, 2021 at 16:22

          4Gen warfare 101
          Words mean nothing until enemy decide what they mean. Putin is not communist or not nationalist. He is mentally healthy person who makes decisions not by weasel words but by rationality.
          I can be communist when your property must taken away. When after that your child is starving, I become then anti communist and say that no free stuff whatsoever.
          I can be anti Nazi, when immigrants coming to Ukraine and kill you. Also I can be Ukraine nationalist when I can’t wait until you get killed by immigrants and I want you to force you to Donbas war to get killed.
          Words are like weapons. When the machine gun is in my hand, I scream the gun rights. When the machine gun is in your hands, I scream about gun violence.
          Every word must be used against enemy. But because enemy have mental defect, they are natural born liars. Liberals winning by the very same reason because fat guys winning the school fights.
          Genetics. Enemy is better liar as we are. My preferred ideology is hamsterism .
          When you like hamsters, then I declare that in the Christian conservative society has no place for rats even when they are beautiful. Your child hamster can chew through your church floor and through entire Christianity. So they must be forbidden. And you must be destroyed as threat to Christianity.
          When you like hamsters, then I declare that for hamster welfare we desperately need 100 000 qualified hamster care holders and please ignore that I am bringing in he entire Islamic State. This is nothing more than far right propaganda.
          When you have word, I take it over and turn it against you. This how 4th Gen warfare really works. It is not about words, it is about meaning of the words and narrative.
          For example I believe that Mr. Putin is just nice guy who lives his life and any defamation about him is just Kremlin trolls and Russian propaganda, so I as a educated person reject every last misinformation that Mr. Putin has anything to do with Russia. Yes, all bad things told about Mr. Putin are Kremlin trolls misinformation and Russian propaganda. Normal person does not read garbage like this.
          Tell me one English language and I turn it as a weapon against you to show entire world that you are the monster who need to be destroyed to save human race ..

          • Jere Bear January 19, 2021 at 19:35

            That’s an interesting take on it and yes I agree. We just lost the country not due to a shooting war but due to an ideological war against international marxism, 5th gen new world odor secret warfare, and massive 4th gen war from multiple parties supporting both of those most notably china corrupting and buying off everything. For years the battle has been potentially against China since Clinton was letting spies getting away with stealing our stuff and signed the bills giving literally 15 years I think it was of TAXPAYER SUBSIDIZED PROFITS paying for every company to move to China being promised they would not lose a dime. If you went and shipped your auto parts factory to Shenzhen or something, and you simply said on a tax form that you lost money, the US taxpayer footed the bill and handed you a check of your difference between what you made in America vs what you were now making in China for a full 15 years, and I believe an extension form would extend it another 10-15 years. This is globalization by design, conspiracy, and behind the scenes dealings, planned DECADES in advance/the ball was running well before Clinton, he was just the one to start the serious sucking sound to the east worse than even NAFTA sucking to the south.
            Yet even mexican labor driving our wages down, and mexican immigrants coming into the USA is not their own fault. Their own economy was destroyed when the peso was blown out and it became nonviable to be a small subsistence farmer, people were basically forced to move to Mexico City where the manufacturing jobs were being set up under NAFTA. All these things happened in perfect concert, almost as if it were a coincidence… People are always herded in the direction they want us to go. We are living through a script as Alan Watt says (not Alan Watts, not the buddhist guy but someone else) and the elite always get their way. Trump started to make their script go off track, so everyone had to cooperate and collaborate to put us back on that track no matter how bad the fraud was. The sickest thing is that it’s our own people oppressing us – people in alphabet agencies and rank and file army being threatened by their superior officers to go along with Biden as your president now are literally being offered nothing except pay and pensions fiat currency on overdrawn insolvent bank accounts. It’s all a scam. They will oppress us, and then the economy will be totally blown out once we are pacified and they will get f_cked too, and even if people would argue that it’s karma, this is how they play all of us off against one another. They corner people, give them no way out except the desired behavior, and carrot and stick us into fighting against each other.
            2020-2021 is the year that proved Alex E. Jones was absolutely right all along about everything.

    • J January 18, 2021 at 15:15

      A couple of weeks ago Iran was issuing warnings of false flag attacks by Israel against US forces in Iraq to give Trump the cassus belli
      needed to attack Iran (and left unsaid, stay in office, due to ’emergency’, not that he needs that as he won anyway.).
      Another article (linked below) is warning of Iran maybe doing revenge assassination(s) against Trump’s people after January 20 for their assassinated general, also giving US cassus belli to attack Iran.
      Iran is definitely a potential flashpoint at the moment.’s-iran-team-tehran’s-retaliation-176357

    • Luke January 18, 2021 at 18:43

      Interesting take Juri. Yes that could be the Trump Cabal
      could fill the “elite” part of the puzzle.

  2. Robert Witte January 18, 2021 at 06:35

    I’m sick to bloody death of conservatives being such prolific whiners. We excel at “woe is me” antics.
    To hell with elites. We need an American version of the Wat Tyler Rebellion. If necessary, we respond with the secession of conservative counties and towns and refugee a decentralized constitutional republic. We encourage relatively homogeneous conservative states like West Virginia to join the Exodus from the godless Marxist Democrat fascist empire.
    Any conservative who willingly submits to the Communist tyrants deserves pain and death for their blatant idiocy.
    Our response is freedom at all costs. This likely portends secession of red counties, municipalities, even neighborhoods.

  3. Buckeye January 18, 2021 at 09:13

    Folk from E OH and W PA that were talking about getting together for training opportunities/networking on the old forum. nwa_sportsmen_club at protonmail dotcom.

  4. Luke January 18, 2021 at 09:48

    That Matt Christmas feller is a hoot, but he gets it. It’s worth watching those 2 videos of him provided by the link next to his name in this article. They are only about a minute long and he looks either very troubled or inebriated or perhaps both.

  5. Joe January 18, 2021 at 10:26

    Allowing people to actively seek power and thereby authority positions; government, police, … , provides for these vocations to self select the most psychopathic and narcissistic elements of our society. It should not be a surprise at the outcomes. Anyone actively seeking these positions must be excluded from the selection set. We have shown voting doesn’t work. We are left with lotteries, a nonnegotiable draft, to perform the selection for these strictly term limited positions. Yes it will result in good men, idiots, liars and thieves getting into office, they are representative of us, but this would dilute the near 100% concentration of psychopaths currently occupying these positions to a more tolerable 4%, an estimate of psychopathic pervasiveness in the general population.
    If we can have mail in “votes”, we should be able to install a Public Service Draft. /sarc Didn’t we already do this? /sarc
    Best of Luck

    • Jere Bear January 19, 2021 at 15:05

      These people win because they understand systems better than you. The bible talks about ‘powers and principalities’, this is what it means. If you were to theoretically shoot someone in one of these systems, the system itself just replaces them, often with somebody even worse while riling up the rest of their side. This is how Jesus can simultaneously talk about carrying a sword for self defense, turning the other cheek (almost like aikido, avoiding the mutual antagonism and escalation which is the norm) to handle certain aggressors, and being at war with powers and principalities – the very systems of corruption, in which evil flourishes and consistently manages to take over and corrupt.
      The joint chiefs signed off on a statement saying Biden is the president and to do otherwise is sedition, the FBI publically signed a statement claiming there was no antifa in the capitol and 100% of everything was extremist trumpers faults. Yet were someone to act in any way against individual members of the FBI or joint chiefs, no matter how righteously angry you might feel about what you feel is a betrayal, THAT SYSTEM WOULD NOT CHANGE.
      You have individuals plotting to attack you or carry out false flags – I will never say do not defend yourself if so attacked. You have individuals carrying out evil acts for a system – they have chosen their side. Yet even if someone went after those people it would smack more of revenge than effectiveness in terms of changing the actual system. I can’t stop anyone determined to seek revenge, I can only suggest to people who want a system to change, first you have to understand that system at least as well as your opponent, and figure out exactly how they exploited it, undermined it, shifted it, and ended up owning it.
      Systems and ideologies cannot be changed exclusively with bullets, even if you eliminated everyone of one system they would just create a new one and hire new people as corrupt as before. If you created your own system they would re-corrupt it, just like before, because you didn’t understand how they did it the first time. Ideologies are even harder, the ideology of the constitution cannot be defeated by any level of oppression if people keep it alive, but their ability to impliment or reimplement a constitutional republic is now seriously in trouble.
      I think Trump threw in the towel because he realized so much of the government around him was so utterly corrupt to the core and already signed onto their system that he saw no possible good outcome, even if he did order them to do something. In reality Trump was a fool for not taking action for four whole years, if he had figured this out sooner, it’s possible we would have had time to avert things, but I know no way for anyone shooting anyone else to solve this bigger level problem.
      We need to become open minded thinkers now, regardless of what anyone individually plans to do as far as ‘kinetic’ talking. Only if we learn how OUR systems were corrupted and taken over, because hostile outside forces understood them better than we did so we left the doors wide open undefended, not worrying about things like some people buying off DA positions in a bunch of cities and other crap, might we stand a chance of flipping America back to a constitutional republic.
      There will be no more honest elections from here on out, but the right kind of civil disobedience and refusal to obey unlawful color of law orders commanded by fraud combined with self education would shift some of the balance back in our favor. They didn’t win by much, they just barely pulled this off at all, but would anyone actually care or try to follow a strategy when I talk like this? Or are people through talking and just looking for a fight? If certain people here (NC Scout, Matt Bracken) tell me to say more I will, else i’ll keep my peace and let you get back to cleaning your rifles.

  6. WilliamtheResolute January 18, 2021 at 11:13

    Where do Blue cities like D.C. get their electrical power…asking for a friend.

    • enn ess January 18, 2021 at 16:14

      Read “Lights Out” by Ted Koppel, there are others available as well, all stating similar scenarios regarding the fragility of the grid. Knocking out one such transformer/high power transmission line causes surges throughout and can disable an entire grid “section”.
      Most all of the largest transformers are purpose built for given stations and can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to replace. Transformer mfg I believe in the US are 3, and then only the smaller of the bunch. The larger ones all come from guess where – “chinklandistan”. Just info as I have read it to pass on to your friend.

    • Johnny Paratrooper January 18, 2021 at 19:14

      Our elites would bring in a few nuke carriers and jump start their city.
      Which can be done. No joke. You can use nuke powered vessels to power cities and bases. Although, not the entire city. You do need to cut power to major sections of the city.
      All major FEMA and DHS oriented facilities like Fusion Centers and Hospitals have serious generator sets. Most of them a multi-fuel capable. The one at my job was tied into the natural gas lines and could also run diesel.

  7. Anonymous January 18, 2021 at 14:07


  8. TallBawls January 18, 2021 at 16:46

    We will have our answer on Wed. 20th whether we are still a Republic or a Totalitarian Dystopia at which time we will know what needs to be done. Until then smile and enjoy the SHOW.

    • Rob Witte January 18, 2021 at 18:33

      Red State and County secession/independence is the way forward.
      I say, let’s severe the gangrenous limb of leftist regions. Eventually, after several years of enduring horrific misery and economic collapse, they will either beg for reunion with our conservative republic, or we will invade the desolate wastelands and restore order.
      What Do We Do Now? Red-State Secession Blog
      Posted on January 7, 2021

      • Jere Bear January 19, 2021 at 14:51

        I have heard this rhetoric before “lets just separate from the blue states” but the problem is that this wins a temporary battle but not the war. Lets say you secede from the left coast and abandon that as blue territory. Now you are no longer ‘americans’ in the minds of the ‘legitimate’ government and so chinese troops can be landed with total impunity on the coast – you have no ability to stop them landing, or massing, even millions of them if so invited. (and they would be invited i’m sure) You’ll be told outright if you dont come back under new, far worse than before terms (as collective punishment for having resisted) they will simply use drones to agro-terror your fields wiping out all the crops youre holding hostage and refusing to give to your ‘legitimate’ government.
        Even if you continue to exist, you’ll exist in squalor, with no international trade, no ability to live other than at a desperate level of self sufficiency, no restocked hospitals, no anaesthetics for dentistry, all the things necessary to make life ‘not sh_t’ will be embargoed. Might you prevent them food? Yes, then they’ll make the left hate you even more for denying them the food they need to live and send out the gangbangers by the tens of thousands a county at a time, saying any farmhouse you can capture you can cheap, with of course full drone support and mil air support and chinese ground troops backing them up.
        If you do the long term war analysis it just doesn’t add up. They are planned ten steps ahead, most of this side is planned about 3 by what I can tell, I almost never hear talk of things like deep logistics or long term economic warfare strategy.
        That doesn’t mean give up. There are strategies I believe to refuse to submit, the problem is will anybody actually follow them if offered? Or is this exclusively a binary choice for everyone, toggling between being fat dumb and happy on the couch as long as the power and TV works, or going out to shoot anyone in anger at all of the various minorities that the international marxists successfully gathered under one banner to oppose you? There are MANY options between the two but nobody even TALKS about those options, it’s either “vote for Trump, go back home and be stupid doing nothing expecting him to fix it” or “imma gonna blast someone, dey terk oor jerrbs!”
        I’m not trying to make light of ANY of this. I’m wondering if this failure was necessary to get the right to actually finally WAKE UP and realize that THEY JUST LOST A WAR FOR KEEPS ON OUR OWN HOME TURF with the opposing side firing ONE SINGLE SHOT.
        I tried to warn others of what I saw coming months ago while I saw patriots gladhanding and partying the night of the election sure in their victory and then I watched everyone, including Trump and Alex Jones walk hook line and sinker into their trap. Disinfo works. Does anyone want to even start to try understanding just how they pulled all that off?

        • Rob Witte January 20, 2021 at 22:52

          I recently happened upon this article by the Mises Institute. “Halfway to Secession: Unity on Foreign Policy, Disunity on Domestic Policy.”
          “Certainly, when it comes to self-determination and the protection of human rights through local control, the ideal solution lies in radical decentralization. This would mean a sizable number of fully independent entities in place of the old immense, unified American regime.
          “However, practical considerations do not always lend themselves to this solution in the short term. Like the abolitionists of old, decentralists and localists can look to the ideal while nonetheless accepting partial victories.
          “Americans likely still have a long way to go before deciding to break their polity up into truly sovereign new nations. For now—barring an economic cataclysm of late-Soviet-Union magnitude—an in-between state of domestic disunity and foreign policy unity is more likely in the short term.”
          More to it. Perhaps pushing radical decentralization on the domestic front is more tenable at the moment. Meaning, California can have all of the wild leftist domestic policies it desires to its content, and Wyoming would be a libertarian paradise. Thoughts?

          • NC Scout January 20, 2021 at 23:30

            The problem with that, as we’re seeing, is the trash leaving CA is coming in droves to other places, bringing their habits with them. And they leave behind uni-party systems where the opposition is irrelevant.

  9. John Sapienza January 19, 2021 at 12:43

    Michael Yon is hardly an unbiased an accurate source. He’s had an axe to grind against ex-1SG C. J. Grisham and the 2nd Amend Group Open Carry Texas for years. I never trust anything Yon prints. I trust Grisham.

  10. Rob Witte January 21, 2021 at 10:54

    NC Scout, hence why I also propose secession as an option.
    Our alternative is to remain in a violent, contradictory, toxic political alliance with rabid animals who ultimately wish to destroy our freedoms and our lives.
    Since no one actually intends to lead a Revolution to save the Republic – no one is, and no one does – our next best solution is secession where we reside.

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