Reader Alert: AZ Recount Development – All Eyes on this Development

This is an urgent alert coming in from a reader and emailed into American Partisan. We highly recommend that this gets distributed far and wide.We don’t exactly know what, if anything, will come from this but we wanted to get ahead of the story in case something does develop out of this. All of this is unverified information.
If anyone is in the area, feel free to email photos, videos and observations of the “Carnival” to [email protected] – Patriotman

3 days ago – yes just 3 days ago, it was announced that a new event called, “Crazy Times Carnival” will be held in the parking lot adjacent to the Arena where the recount is happening. The event runs for 10 days starting tonight.
People following this story from the outset noticed that the website for the event was simply a landing page until about 24 hours ago. The event page makes it seem like its a state fair, but it is not at all. This is not the norm.

Note the Dems lost the temporary restraining order argument earlier this week and the event was announced around the same time. The recent media/establishment narrative is that the AZ Senate auditors are not ensuring security at the arena (despite live stream cameras).

All eyes on the arena.
Here is the discussion going on at the Free Republic:

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. Luke April 30, 2021 at 14:23

    I have been skeptical of this audit. Months later one would have have assumed the loose ends had been tied up. Still it must be noted how lazy the Left truly is. None of their “get Trump out of office schemes” were overly complex James Bond type shit. The best they could muster was the voting machines but even then they failed to hide their tracks. But why work hard to rig or hide something when you have the full weight of big media, tech, financial interests fully on board with your plans. This is called hubris and it is what we must exploit. It is the Left’s Achilles heel.
    Crazy Times Carnival in Clown World indeed. Perhaps they are scrambling to tie loose ends. Another “Las Vegas shooter” ready to go down in flames.

    • Juri April 30, 2021 at 15:04

      Excellent point. In Eastern armies there is a term what may translate something as ” invisible factors ” . In the West, all people are equal. In the East not so much and ” Invisible factors ” means analysis and understanding about enemy deeper nature.
      In this particular case this is horrific self esteem. Those wise educated classy übermenschen really believe that their opponents are drunk uneducated rednecks who are not able to understand computers and sophisticated things so they may let all ends loose.
      So when enemy thinks that our side is incapable to do sophisticated things and they are not prepared, what kind of operations our side should consider ?

      • LUCAS BURROUGHS May 2, 2021 at 02:05

        We beat them at their own game Juri. We attack on their turf. For instance we demand a huge 15T reparations bill be paid for our past sins. I have explained why we should. Last year the left was demanding it. What’s changed since then? Time for them to put up or shut up.

  2. 71M April 30, 2021 at 14:37

    That is the best example of the paid “Rent a Riot Mob” I have ever seen. I am too far away to be of use. I sincerely hope that there are AP’s that can overwatch & mingle for pics.
    Wouldn’t it be informative to see where the funds come from, who signs the disbursement, how delivered.
    Be safe everyone.

  3. NY O April 30, 2021 at 14:53

    According to Jeffery Prather , Hotels are filling up with BLANTIFA crowd.

  4. boss21 April 30, 2021 at 17:25

    Hopefully this heads up will foil the plans of these demons.
    Martin Armstrong’s computer has this election shit rolling and boiling all the way into 2022. A ‘political panic’ on the order of the ‘30s. I guess we don’t need a computer to tell us that.
    A lot of regular Republicans are not letting this go. They don’t burn cop cars but they do hire lawyers. Once they realize ‘law’ is as FUBAR as politics look out below.

  5. Anonymous April 30, 2021 at 19:58


  6. Prof. Spartan April 30, 2021 at 22:52

    Been following this story, the Crazy Times Carnival is planned for the old AZ fair grounds, the actual AZ State fair is held in chandler Az at Wild Horse Pass. There are numerous groups watching the live feed cameras to ID anything out of the ordinary and have also reported this Carnival event as a security concern to the audit team. Interesting the carnival team defers media questions of security to the audit press team and individual calls to the carnival sponsor are forwarded to the organizations PR agency, which has a full voicemail inbox. Something to keep your eye on.

  7. LawrenceOfAL May 1, 2021 at 19:40

    If I was nearby in AZ, I’d get good quality video cameras covering every bit of the audit building area. 24/7. You can’t rely on coverage from someone else’s video when it comes to nut cracking time. AZ partisans need to take shifts pulling sentry/video duty around this place. CONSIST overwatch of what goes on and who comes and goes.

  8. Not So Free May 1, 2021 at 19:42

    No, You can’t come in and use the bathroom.
    Security better be tight.
    I see a false flag.

  9. Vic Smith May 2, 2021 at 16:59

    Failure to greatly increase security for forensic audit at Coliseum amid this “coincidental” Crazy Time Carnival reeks of an ambush being set up for the forensic audit exactly the same as Daly Plaza, 1963.

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