BlackPigeonSpeaks: 2022 – END of the AMERICAN EXPERIMENT?

Another video from BlackPigeonSpeaks.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. James Carpenter aka "Felix" October 11, 2021 at 10:00

    Black Pigeon and I will have to disagree here. He talks not of a “failed” state but of a changing one.
    At some point, the nature and scope of certain changes defines failure (in my book).
    Yes, get off ass and train.
    Train to defend home and community, the individual cells that together might describe an AO, a county, a region…
    And work to deepen the sea all guerillas need to swim and hide in. There will be a place for all, trigger-pullers their support peoples and the many, many others required to make that AO, county, region a viable “place of change” worth living in.

  2. Madman_Actual October 11, 2021 at 11:33

    The United States most definitely is on it’s way to becoming a failed state. For the same reasons listed in the video. A singular party government, corporate interests over the citizens in the general populace, the townships and areas that do not want to go with the federal vision will be starved out or just exterminated. Probably both in that order.

    I think we will become a bloated, totalitarian government that only lasts for a few years before it loses control and the US will break up into smaller nations. Multiple Confederacies will spring up in parallel with the current federal government. Which will probably cause conflict between citizens and maybe even the state armed authorities. That is hard to predict.

    At the end of the day, I see armed conflict on the continental United States wether it be the dreaded Red Dawn which would be morally easier for me, personally. I fear that it won’t be that easy since we clearly have a population that hates the very founding of our country. If I were to brief a General officer I’d tell them the most likely scenario is inter-citizen conflict along political, ethnic, and religious lines. Which could invite foreign uniformed soldiers inside our borders. Bottom Line Up Front: the dissolution of the United States of America in its current geographic and political form.

    Just one Madman’s opinion

  3. Mark. October 11, 2021 at 14:17

    I believe that the underlying problem of the ever increasing wealth inequality that Black Pigeon speaks of can be directly blamed upon the Federal Reserve System. Thomas Jefferson warned that if we were foolish enough to allow for central banking that we would become slaves on the continent that our forefathers conquered. Jefferson’s warning is coming to pass, and we are living the realization of it.

    I believe the answer is for the use of local currencies, probably best based on Gold, Silver and even Copper. A sort of economic secession.

  4. Johnny Paratrooper October 11, 2021 at 21:18

    Only 1,000 people need to die in a conflict to be officially declared a war zone by the U.N.
    Which, Is possibly one of the reasons why they constantly talk about the gun violence in the U.S.

  5. Rob157 October 11, 2021 at 21:34

    There is only one constant, and that constant is change. The changes we see today in America were set into motion a century ago, when communists stated openly that they would take America from within. The failure, was the failure of Americans to take that openly stated threat seriously, and deal with it accordingly. The America we knew is gone, not coming back. Right now, there are literally thousands of 3rd worlders moving towards our southern “border”, with every intention of invading, let’s call it what it is, and they will be aided and abetted by the very people who are supposed to defend the borders. One of the migrant “leaders” has openly stated that they are “ready for war”. This meshes with the “great replacement”, the “great reset”, etc, etc, ad nauseum. America is being taken over right now. Time is short.

    • Vagabond October 12, 2021 at 09:28

      Ready for War???! From a caravan activist. I actually saw him say that, that if the US border aims guns at – you guessed it; ‘ poor innocent women and children…” we are ready for war. Where else could you get a huge group, march to a border, demand entry as if you owned the place ( they believe they do….) and then makes threats for what might happen if they are denied entry. This stopped being fun 11,000,000 illegal entries ago.

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