Navy Nuclear Engineer Arrested on Espionage Charge

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. The Tactical Hermit October 12, 2021 at 16:46

    Looks like a couple of solid gold POS. Let’s hope the Death penalty sticks.

    • NC Scout October 12, 2021 at 17:01

      We can always hope.

      One thing is universal, however – EVERY liberal, no matter how much they attempt to hide it or downplay their true feelings – at heart despises their nation and its people, sparing no opportunity to undermine the efforts of the great Men who’ve made it what it is.

      • The Tactical Hermit October 12, 2021 at 18:50

        Yes we can Hope or as one meme suggested, take names and addresses and wait. :)
        Well Said Scout.

  2. James October 12, 2021 at 17:50

    They were just following the example of the false commander in chief and the sellout milley.

  3. Johnny Paratrooper October 12, 2021 at 18:13

    Their social media should have barred homeboy and homegirl from holding a clearance…
    Little late for all that…
    I wonder who “COUNTRY1” could be.
    I have 4 guesses.
    Probably only need one…

  4. rto-jerry October 13, 2021 at 06:17

    HANG EM HIGH!!! You nailed it NC Scout, that is fact!

    • Harvey Whinestine October 13, 2021 at 12:28

      So, you mean to say that the Navy Nuc community has been infiltrated by woke democrats? Are you sure the document is not a feebie protective order? Or are the feebs just covering 6, because the duo didn’t pay the 10% for the big guy?

  5. June J October 14, 2021 at 22:46

    As a former submariner I hope these two spend the rest of their lives doing hard time.

  6. xrMike October 17, 2021 at 21:03

    Been reading here for months, first time I have ever replied or commented… I work for a high-tech company in Silicon Valley that LOVES to hire ex-Navy guys (nuclear submarine reactor types, in particular) to service our company’s products around the world. The reason for this (I’ve been told) is that these kinds of guys are extremely intelligent and resourceful with very good troubleshooting and problem-solving skills. They are in all respects, very “squared away” dudes. They get the job done. The Navy is very good about finding, testing, and training these guys with skills that translate very well in our company.

    I’ve known at least 5 of these guys and work with them on a regular basis, eat lunch, had beers, even gone shooting with a couple of them. However, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, all of them are flaming liberal/progressive types who: 1) despise conservative/libertarian folks; 2) thought 0bummer was Jesus #2; 3) absolutely hated Donald Trump passionately; and 4) think they know what’s best for everybody else and don’t have any problems with .gov enforcing those (their) beliefs on the American public, contrary to natural and Constitutional rights.

    I seriously don’t get it. These guys are so smart, yet so retarded at the same time. Also, what is it about the Navy that produces flaming liberals like these guys? I seriously think it’s a “Navy thing”. I’ve known ex-Marine and Army guys also, and they are almost always conservative, Constitutional types (like me). What is it about the Navy that creates these globo-homos?

    Yes, I am in the “heart of the blue” so to speak, so maybe these kinds of people are drawn here (I am not here by preference, but for family and financial reasons).

    No offense intended for Navy guys who don’t fit my description. All I’m saying is what I’ve seen, my experience, my personal “data”.

    Great web site! Much respect to all contributors and commenters.

  7. Madman_Actual October 21, 2021 at 08:34

    COUNTRY1 is building nuclear power plants and is trying to steal our blueprints…definitely Greenland…sneaky bastards

  8. Gray Man October 21, 2021 at 17:15

    Is it really “espionage” if the country you’re betraying isn’t even a real country anymore? Can you commit espionage against a geographically co-located consumer pool? Is it espionage if the secrets you’re selling have already been sold by your leaders?

    I’m being facetious, and I hope these two (if proven guilty) are sentenced appropriately. But you get my point.

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