Taxes Are Next

With the country in lock-down mode for some of March all of April and going into the beginning of May, I am wondering how the states will get by post the lifting of sanctions. With empty state treasuries thanks to few taxes being collected and the money going out in the form state unemployment payments, SNAP programs, and paying state employees while private company workers are forced to stay at home. Where will the money come from to build up state’s coffers?

First and foremost, I pray that the Federal Government does not steal money from fiscally responsible states to feed poorly managed states such as New York, New Jersey, or Michigan. If they do will just print more fiat money or increase taxes to all citizens…Maybe both.

Next let us look at the states. How are they going to replenish their treasury? Well increased taxes of course. Remember that states for the most part do not generate revenue instead they take your money to pay for the services they have promised to us over the years. Many services are right out of the Progressive’s play book.

Let us look at the Cloward – Piven Strategy,

“The ultimate objective of this strategy—to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income—will be questioned by some. Because the ideal of individual social and economic mobility has deep roots, even activists seem reluctant to call for national programs to eliminate poverty by the outright redistribution of income.”

I can only surmise that many states – states that are not proactively reducing business restrictions – are purposely trying to bankrupt their state in order to execute on the Cloward-Piven Strategy.  That strategy requires the system to fail and with bankruptcy to follow with the excuse of additional taxation to rebuild the treasury is in store for all of us located in states with Progressive Governors.

Some of you will think, “my state assembly is made up of Republicans it will never happen.” Well whether you are a Republican or Democrat politician, you are a politician none the less. They will toe the line and vote these new taxes in to save their butt from being fired by you the voter.

My prediction is, as inflation starts to roll across the country additional taxes will be rolled out too.  Just think higher or new income taxes, higher property taxes, and higher school taxes. Then higher vice taxes like gas, liquor, tobacco, restaurant, tolls, et cetera. Last, a higher sales tax or VAT will become the norm across the county even in states that have neither one of these.

Get ready for the second wave of the Chinese Virus in the fall along with more liberty’s being taken away and higher taxes being imposed. I wonder when it ends. I wonder who when the people stand up and take charge.

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By Published On: May 13, 2020Categories: News and Links6 Comments on Taxes Are Next

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About the Author: johnyMac


  1. Green Mountain Shooter May 13, 2020 at 09:10

    This is all so true. The Donks have already written their next big giveaway in the House. Look at the lib states, I’ll use the Socialist Republic of Vermont as I spend thirty year their. The have driven out manufacturing with excessive taxation and environmental regulations. They are loosing population of working age people and are gaining retirees who pay no income tax. They are a freeloaders mecca with their social program giveaways and legal marijuana. They are going to raise taxes through the roof to cover their deep debt. They, and I am sure so many other blue states are hoping that ignoramus Joe will get elected and then the federal government will go back to pumping billings of dollars into their failing socialist economies. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen.

    • johnyMac May 13, 2020 at 11:30

      Thank you Green Mountain Shooter for taking the time to comment.
      Although I am a “baby boomer” and think that voting is still important, I wonder when the people will start to ignore the ballot box option and pick up their flintlock and literally say “no” then start to fight back. The 2A is the one thing that is slowing the Progressive take-over of this country; However, it is still rolling along.

      Take care Brother…

  2. Frank Pinelander May 13, 2020 at 10:05

    I would expect a significant “taxation” via the revenue generation known as traffic citations and similar.

    • johnyMac May 13, 2020 at 11:34

      Frank Pinelander
      I meet with a good friend who is a retired LEO from NY State for a cup of coffee or dinner weekly. He told MrsMac and I last week that the NY State Patrol was told to start writing traffic violation tickets again after a hiatus of a month or so. Why? Revenue. Your comment is right on sir!

      Thanks for reading and commenting Brother!

  3. BB May 15, 2020 at 10:34

    It has already started in missouri. No official notice, but a route i routinely travel has gone from seeing a state trooper maybe once a week to multiple locations daily. This on a 50 mile stretch of state now at.

  4. Anonymous May 21, 2020 at 14:23


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