When the Fight Comes To You: Why the Pump Is Primed For a Rural Conflict, by NC Scout

There’s a common misconception in the Survivalist community. “I’ll retreat…get away from the major population centers…work to live off the grid…and let the urban hellholes rot.

Well…about that.

Rural living is, for all intents and purposes, a better way to live. We’re more in tune with the natural world by and large, not in spite of it, and for the most part the lifestyle lends itself well to harder people used to doing without. And for people like me, there’s nothing that replaces the generations-deep connections to your homeland. The people there are your people- and in spite of differences, there is a deeply ingrained love of place. It is home.

Sounds good until the problems begin to bubble up. The first issue is questioning exactly how many in those rural areas are actually self-sufficient. That answer is probably few. And the rates of addiction and substance abuse is in turn shockingly high, correlated with the inevitable poverty rate. This was not by accident. The trailer-hood is a thing. Opioids were dumped on our population by Big Pharma, just as with the rise of decentralized meth manufacturing two decades earlier, and the crack epidemic which made its way into rural America just the same as the well-publicized urban epidemics during the 1990s. Home invasions and thefts are the norm.

No, not quite the retreat paradise the suburbanites had envisioned…is it? 

Dusting off the old sociology coursework, I’d argue rather convincingly that this creates a populace primed for violent revolution. Decades of institutionalized poverty have created a primed pump. This in turn is a reality that one group on the Left whole-heartedly is attempting to exploit (albeit self defeated at times): Redneck Revolt.

Redneck Revolt is active in spaces in which white supremacist groups also often recruit, including country music concerts, flea markets, gun shows, NASCAR events, rodeos and state fairs. Chapters provide firearms and first aid training, food and clothing programs and community gardens and host needle exchanges, potlucks and educational events.

You may not think much of this crowd pictured, but the guy standing, centered, is a political science professor from UNC. He’s got an unlimited pool from which to recruit and influence. A strong place to be for a revolutionary leader.

Interesting bit there. While the Left is no stranger to infighting, at a possibly even worse level than their counterparts on the Right, Redneck Revolt admittedly is correct in focusing on rural areas as a  vanguard for fomenting revolution. This is reflective of the strategy employed by Che Guevara’s opinion on the same from his work Guerrilla Warfare. They are seeking to exploit the social and economic realities for their benefit. While the gun community snobs look down on guys with inexpensive gear, cheap weapons and optics, and a general lack of cool-guy bravado, they wholly embrace it. Its a more effective recruiting model than belittling a guy to whom $20 may mean the difference between if his kids eat why he can’t afford a NightForce and BCM AR-15.

This image is of a self-described Antifa Guerrilla while fighting in Syria, equipped with both day and night optics. Think they haven’t brought that training back to the US?

This creates a serious potential in the rural areas. For all those I’ve personally heard claiming ‘that can’t happen here’, I argue that not only can a rural area be overrun quickly, but, without training and networking small isolated homesteads are easy pickings for a small team of determined attackers. With only one or two real trigger pullers in a home and little to no warning against a force that likely is well equipped with enablers such as night vision and thermal, you’d be easy pickings in the event that big balloon goes up.

So this begs the question as to mitigating this threat.

  1. Take every opportunity to get to know your neighbors and bring something of value to the table. Understand that if you’re an outsider to a rural place, you’ll be exactly that for years. Rural folks are slow to warm up to new people. Be quick and receptive to taking advice and rare to give it yourself.
  2. Take every opportunity to embrace the tradition of a place. The Left abhors tradition and the authority inherent in it. They exist to destroy it, viewing it only as an oppressive force maintaining status and social domination. Celebrate traditions and be a fixture in Church.
  3. Stop saying ‘it can’t happen here.’ It absolutely can, and likely will, post-election. A normalcy bias exists, especially among rural areas and so-called retreatists, that they’re somehow exempted from all this. You’re not. The Left has been laying the groundwork for their revolution for well over 100 years and despite a few setbacks, plan to steamroll ahead.
  4. Build an off-grid communications network. This is invaluable for early warning and critical for rural defense. Reliance on phone networks is problematic for a lot of reasons but central to that is its inherent fragility. I’ve been re-running old American Partisan communications articles on Brushbeater to refresh that knowledge, but nothing replaces training. Get some.
  5. Get Training. This is the urgent one. Whether its from a course I’m running, or one of the many run by fellow American Partisan contributors and trainers such as Sam Culper or JC Dodge, you owe it to yourself to learn from those that have the real-world bona-fides in their specific areas of interest. In fact, JC Dodge has a course coming up just after the election- go train with him.

The next seven days in America will tell us much about the shaping of our future as a nation, but the days after it will tell us much more. The Left sees an opportunity, and while many on the Right have completely written off the threat posed to rural areas by Redneck Revolt, I contend, with a substantial amount of history to back it up, that for rural areas the threat may very well be the highest.

Be a hard target.


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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. Anonymous October 28, 2020 at 14:12


  2. Matt October 28, 2020 at 14:16

    Wise words, thanks. We were hoping to put off moving to the country place until I retire a few years hence. The best laid plans eh?

    We’ll remember this advice and do our best to implement it.


  3. wwes October 28, 2020 at 14:45

    Another thing to add in, if you move to a more rural area (or any area for that matter) don’t go pissing off your neighbors by telling them what they can or cannot do on THEIR property just because you don’t like it. Personal examples:

    The renter that rents my uncle’s old house on the parcel of land next to mine stole several of my traps and raised a big ruckus over my LEGAL traps because he lets his dogs run loose and they were coming on my land and getting caught in my traps. His very aggressive dogs, who were a nuisance and shouldn’t have been on my property in the first place. He pretty well destroyed any chance of good relations, and also insured that when his dogs are threatening livestock they no longer get a second chance. I have also switched to conibear traps, and they now have cameras on them. Stealing traps is generally frowned upon. Photo evidence is nice.

    Another person moved in next to a pasture down the road with a male goat and proceeded to complain constantly about how the goat had to go because the smell was intolerable. The goat that was there long before they were. Guess who just burned any bridges they might have had with their new neighbors.

    Another neighbor (who also happens to be a relative) moved in next to one of the cornfields years ago, and constantly complained about the noise from the tractors and the noise from our rifle range during the day. Well, they don’t have much luck finding anyone to help them do anything. They are pretty much on their own, unless they pay for help.

    All three of those folks would have had a chance at integrating into the community, but now they have torched any ties they might have had, and are watched like a hawk. Not a good way to start life in a new area.

    • John October 28, 2020 at 16:18

      Great advice with so many urbanites moving to the country and bringing there bad attitudes with them. Be welcoming, be respectful, be a mature adult. I recently bought a farm in a southern state moving from the frozen north and have made great neighbors. Stay safe my friends

    • Jvw October 28, 2020 at 16:19

      Good article.
      Check your zeroes.

  4. JohnyMac October 28, 2020 at 14:51

    All valid points NC Scout!

    Know your neighbors. Listen more than you flap your gums. Help out when folks need help and will not ask for it. Dress like locals. Buy locally whether it be local farms or locally owned businesses, e.g. watering holes, stores, etc. Last, wave as you pass neighbors and smile.

    After MrsMac’s dog drama, I had six locals come to the cabin looking to see how she was doing and offering help. One lady brought us dinner-twice. That does not count the number of folks calling on the phone which is countless.

    Just this morning MrsMac received a phone call from the local 30-bed hospital checking up on her wounds and health. The nurse was genuinely concerned.

    I guess we are accepted. ?

    73 & God Bless

    • DVM October 28, 2020 at 21:40

      Glad she is better friend.

      • johnyMac October 29, 2020 at 09:56

        Thank you DVM.

        • James October 29, 2020 at 19:00

          Johnny,am also glad the Mrs. doing well,as for “foreigners,am lucky,not only where I live but where I reside at times for work have known the folks decades or at work area at least 5-7 years,will always trust me gut but so far feel good with the folks in area.

  5. boss21 October 28, 2020 at 16:23

    Good points NC. My semi-joking remarks over the years about bridges and choke points don’t elicit smirks any more.

  6. Shinmen Takezo October 28, 2020 at 17:39

    Good article… I just linked it to a fool who I know who lives a short drive outside of Saint Louis Missouri who thinks that his small farm is ‘safe’ and remote enough to be overlooked by the RevCom’s–and he had no connection to the neighbors, no radios, no organization, etc.

  7. JB October 28, 2020 at 18:28

    Got DOPE? Is it Trued? To what DA?
    How do you range at night? Can you even see?
    Exfil? Infil? Security? HUMINT? Patterns? HVT?
    Interrorgation? Holding?
    And so much more…

    Whats your weakness, we all have’em.

  8. mike October 28, 2020 at 18:31

    Isn’t that the professor who claims he stampeded the Challenger guy in Charlottesville into the human roadblock?

    • NC Scout October 28, 2020 at 18:32


  9. Jose. October 28, 2020 at 19:36

    Great points. So true. I sent you an email at Brushbeater, FYI.

  10. Daddy Rabbit October 28, 2020 at 19:40

    You touched on something that I hadn’t thought of. Maybe an intentional by product of the Covid madness is to reduce the level of community involvement. Shutting down churches, schools, Christmas parades, HS football, etc. puts a strain on the cohesiveness of local communities and their ability to network. Add to that a practically religious devotion to the ‘rona and a visible talisman to identify true believers and heretics and it can drive quite a wedge into a community.

    As to people that move from the blue hives to the country remind them that they are refugees not missionaries.

    • NC Scout October 28, 2020 at 19:48

      Couldn’t agree more. It’s absolutely intentional and they’re blatant about it.

      • mikrat October 29, 2020 at 08:12

        And yet 95% don’t or Wont see it as intentional. This includes the Conservatives and Libs in my area. (NW Wisconsin). All masked up and nowhere to go. Happy to follow the leaders to the camps.

        • NC Scout October 29, 2020 at 08:13


  11. Daniel Morgan October 29, 2020 at 06:55

    The pervasive drug abuse in the rural areas is a huge problem. Don’t expect any help from the drug-addicted/drug-dealing when the country goes haywire. In fact, in addition to dealing with the hostile forces, you will have to deal with the drug people who see chaos as an open door to take advantage of whomever and whatever they can. I grew up hiking and exploring in a vast, fairly remote wilderness area of rural PA. I can’t go near there now because it has been taken over by the drug people for using, dealing, and manufacturing. The rural area of PA where my family is from, a different region from where I grew up hiking, is mostly poor people, pervasive drug abuse, out of shape people, the kind of people who would have trouble just getting a car registered or keeping their electricity paid for (not because of money; because they can’t get it together to mail in the payment), etc. They are not exactly going to be helping with any resistance to totalitarianism! I’ve come to conclude that small cities are probably the best place to live, survive in, and I guess fight in/fight from. Maybe the south is different from PA, but I don’t think so. I lived for 3 1/2 years in Arkansas and if anything the poverty due to poor-motivation and unwillingness to manage the affairs of one’s life, and the rural drug scene is worse than anything I’ve seen in PA which is one major reason I moved back to PA.

    • Reltney McFee October 31, 2020 at 15:48

      “I’ve come to conclude that small cities are probably the best place to live, survive in, and I guess fight in/fight from. ”

      Mel Tappan suggested something similar decades and decades ago.

  12. Pineslayer October 29, 2020 at 10:00

    I have been telling my like minded friends and neighbors that our biggest problems, at least initially, will probably be from within the neighborhood.
    Most agree.

  13. Matt Bracken October 29, 2020 at 10:00

    All great points. I’ll add one more thing: it’s incredibly easy for these Redneck Revolt/JBGC guys to pass themselves off as patriotic “threepers.”

    They just rip off their velcro Commie patches and slap on subdued Gadsden patches etc, and they know exactly what to say because we are open books on our side. We write their infiltration scripts for them with our openness.

    Beware of new “volunteers” and others who want to join your circle. Vet them VERY carefully.

    • RonaldB October 29, 2020 at 13:05

      “Redneck Revolt admittedly is correct in focusing on rural areas as a vanguard for fomenting revolution”

      Your post makes me reflect on what the differences are between Redneck Revolt (RR) and the alternatives. Both RR and the “white supremacist” groups are revolutionary. Both find the current national government, and often the state and local governments, oppressive and intolerable. With welfare-heavy urban electorates, affirmative action and oppressive regulations interfering with the running of farms and businesses and keeping the costs of legitimate drugs high, I would think that almost any group with real appeal would be anti-establishment.

      The Communists have a general answer for the rural problems (and all other problems). This answer would enslave us and impoverish us for the foreseeable future, but for the person caught in lonely despair, the price may not be important. As the article and comments pointed out, the Redneck Revolt outreaches to alienated people with gun classes, medical assistance, and comradeship. Rural communities, as is pointed out, can be difficult to break into, and someone tripping over the wrong roadblocks can permanently disqualify himself. In many cases, RR would have the most powerful appeal by far.

      What is the objective of a rural community and network? Is it simply to live without interference? To provide comradery and services? To implement a more general change where a political realignment will allow a more satisfactory community life? Again, the widespread drug abuse and anomie of rural life does indicate a need for change and possibly revolution, although revolution need not take the form of communism or other forms of totalitarianism

      • NC Scout October 29, 2020 at 13:59

        Someone get this man a beer.

        • RonaldB November 2, 2020 at 13:30

          Off to order the Civil Defense Manual.

    • Sanders October 29, 2020 at 17:17

      It was a real eye-opener for me when I first infiltrated a BLM / Antifa protest. It was quite by accident, as my buddy and I parked in a shady spot before the protest began and sat there waiting for the other guys on our team. Well, they wound up meeting up across the street and the “other side” were meeting up where I was. They must have figured we were part of them, so we just decided to go with it. Anyway, it is a rural community and there were more than one character showing up on the BLM side wearing cowboy hats and American flags on their pickups. The mayor even showed up wearing a cowboy hat and bib overalls so he could go kneel in his submission – a thoroughly disgusting display.

      Even the BLM leader showed up wearing his “hood” outfit, but then went over to a gas station and went in and came back out wearing a red polo shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots. Remember the red shirt. Those are pretty common with the leaders – or orange vests.

      I was more comfortable around the hippies than I was the faux “cowboys”. At least the lesbian hippies brought us pizza and cold drinks. As for my buddy and I? We were dressed in everyday work clothes. I reckon we probably looked like some kid’s fathers. Ultimate gray-man uniform. We never interact except to say “Hi”, or “Good morning/afternoon/evening”. After attending a few of these, they get used to seeing you there and will even vouch for you with their komrades.

      I did text our buddies across the street to tell them to make sure that the other folks knew we weren’t commies if anything went sideways.

      But it isn’t just country folk who can go to the dark side, so to speak. Every one of you Veterans knew the duds in your outfit – the ones who would do about anything if they thought they might get laid, or get some drugs. Those guys went through the same training you did. They may have even gotten BCD’s or GD’s, but they didn’t forget all their training. You can bet they have no problem hooking up with the commies.

  14. Whydah October 29, 2020 at 11:49

    We live isolated as opposed to remote. Just the two of us and getting up in years. I hold no illusions about fighting off any determined group. I hope we have enough warning to slip out the side with some gear and disappear safely to return later to see what remains. I’ve tried to work within three groups of what seemed to be like-minded people with limited success and mostly disappointment. Something as simple yet extremely critical as setting up a communications network went in one ear and out the other even though all agreed how important comms are and will be later. A mutual aide response from neighbors and/or acquaintances is impossible if no one knows whats going on. I learned many years ago that for any endeavor to be successful requires organization. No way around it. Too many “keyboard commandos” around spreading their bravado while they sit on their asses and do nothing to organize. Easy pickings for the BGs.

    • NC Scout October 29, 2020 at 12:08

      Go cry in your beer somewhere else.

      • Whydah October 30, 2020 at 13:05

        That was a shitty reply I didn’t expect from you. No crying, just reality. Unlike those of you who run training facilities and hobnob among your own daily, most people are not orientated in that direction and cognitive dissidence runs deep. It is what it is. Crying doesn’t enter into it.

        • NC Scout October 30, 2020 at 13:08

          Since you asked, my “training facility” is in the place where I grew up. Got many generations deep there, also.

          And with that said I’ve seen more than my share of outsiders coming in and telling us how we should live. I’m guessing you’re one. If you had kept your mouth shut and actually worked with your neighbors, instead of being a prepper evangelist, you’d have got further. Now you’re just a weirdo to them and a guy nobody likes.

          Now take your bitchy little comeback and take your ass out the door.

          “My own” is the same rednecks I grew up around, not the tacticool bullshit wannabe crowd.

          • ohengineer November 4, 2020 at 16:29

            The message he sent is an important one. I’ve seen the same thing he has about organizing people. It’s simply a statement of fact. It wasn’t a “bitchy comeback.”

          • NC Scout November 4, 2020 at 16:32

            That’s because you’re going about it wrong.

            His is a bitchy comeback because he literally ignored what was written and gave a shitty opinion that literally no one cares about. Especially not this man, who just so happens to own the place and cares not what he or generally anyone who peruses the place for free and offers an opinion thinks.

            If he spent more time learning what motivates his community and the learning the ties that bond, there would be a higher degree of success.

            Instead, outsiders move to a place, ignore the social realities and dive into fantasy land. It doesn’t end well.

  15. Sean October 29, 2020 at 12:11

    What does 73 mean?

    • NC Scout October 29, 2020 at 12:42

      It’s a ham radio term for wishing one well.

    • johnyMac October 29, 2020 at 13:24

      Sean, NC Scout is 100% correct however here is the back ground.

      Back before voice all hams worked CW. CW means, carrier Wave, or Continuous Wave that is interrupted way of communication you probably know as Morse Code.

      When a ham uses CW to communicate it is done with a straight key and is made up of dots and dashes. ’73’ was used since the 1850’s (telegraph wire) to end a conversation and it looks like this, – – -… (7) and …- – -(3). The tradition has extended out to today whether you are using CW, phone, digital, etc. you end your transmission with ’73’.

      Now if you say or ‘key’ – – -… (8) – – -… (8) you are saying “love and kisses”. I know…I know, way to much information. MrsMac keeps telling me that “I am a cesspool of worthless information.

      73, 88 & God Bless

      • James October 29, 2020 at 17:24

        “I am a cesspool of worthless information.”Hmmmm…..,perhaps,but every now and then a particle of ingenuity floats to the top and is very useful,plus,you do have that great table lamp!

  16. Karl Dahl October 29, 2020 at 13:11

    Excellent article. I’ll expand a touch:

    In the current paradigm, the likelihood of successfully defending urban neighborhoods is poor, both tactically/strategically and legally. Acting in the open, one might win an engagement, and may even be in the clear from a legal perspective, but the law will still take you down and drag you. See: everywhere in 2020. In 2021, even/especially under a Trump administration, I’d wager that a white person arrested for lawful self defense in a riot situation in pretty much any American city is likely to be lynched.

    Folks in suburban jurisdictions within shitlib counties (King County, WA; Multnomah County, OR; etc.) won’t be better off, long-term, outside of a classic they’re-in-the-house scenario that doesn’t escalate. Blocking off your street in a riot and shooting looters and arsonists? Forget it – you’ll be crushed, utterly. The Bolshevik DA will get you eventually if the street Bolsheviks don’t get you first.

    Mr. Bracken published an excellent essay ten years ago, still up on the old, old WRSA place, that touched on this briefly – “The CW2 Cube.”

    In sum, covert, mobile, highly skilled, hit and run, no static defense garbage. In other words, not on your street, but around your highway exit – several away is better. Think interstitial spaces that magnify your strengths and minimize your weaknesses – political and physical borders combined are optimal. Possibly-successful E&E requires anonymity. This requires speed, vehicular sanitization, MAESKS, no identifiable clothing or gear, going device-free, secure comms, awareness of state, county, municipal camera systems, etc.

    In other words, successful defense is contingent upon force projection.

    Rural conflict sounds more appealing, with all your caveats. I’ll be sharing this article far and wide.

  17. James October 29, 2020 at 19:22

    WWES,me dad bought 600 acres in southern Vt. and build a big old home,land hunted for centuries by the same families to a degree.All me dad asked was do not hunt 4 acres around home,that leaves folks with 596 acres to hunt,he said same with snow mobiles,again,plenty of room to play.His wife did not like but understood hunting not only fed family’s by food but also by guide and the business to region it brought.

    That said,as a favor to him me dad asked to not personally hunt there as would upset his wife,but strangers can hunt the 596,WTF?

    Locals some how heard about this(?) and from then on when I visited in the fall was given a few pieces of back strap yearly from locals,felt a tiny bit guilty till cooked!

  18. ensitue October 29, 2020 at 23:15

    It’s all true; Socialism and easy drugs has destroyed the rural life style. I have just installed my 6th motion detector light, my 5th camera and I’m working on a barbed wire fence, around the house!

  19. Anonymous November 16, 2020 at 10:05


  20. Revolting Rednecks June 6, 2021 at 21:01

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