132. Chris Weatherman on Training, Geopolitics and America’s Looming Civil Conflict

Episode 132. I’m joined by Chris Weatherman, aka Angery American, author of the Going Home series, to talk training, Russia, Ukraine, and the bigger picture of America’s looming civil conflict as a result of the fallout of mismanagement abroad.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. sneakytails February 5, 2022 at 19:42

    Great podcast. I am not ready and most of my rural neighborhood is not ready. The economy has halted most progress here on that front. Heating, taxes and insurance alone have eaten up most spare funds. Not to mention food and fuel prices. Of course all by design. We are going to pay big time for globohomo running amok in the world and here the most.

  2. James Carpenter aka "Felix" February 5, 2022 at 21:45

    Great interview with Chris Weatherman.
    Taking seriously the warning that a civil war fight might not be so one sided, I started with Google Chrome, search words “John Brown Gun Club”. Then repeated same search/words on TOR (duckduck go). I wanted to see if I could find the guys and their kit mentioned in terms of being a dangerous foe to take seriously. Best I could do was several lame web sites for “Chapters” scattered around and not many at that. Could anyone point me to something besides a bunch of fat kids with faces blocked out?
    On a humorous note (at least I thought they were ridiculous) here is a link shot only a couple of hours drive from where I live. Again, for how young the average age appear, what poor physical specimens. Complete with 2 questions, 1) what could NC Scout possible do with them and 2) if they shortened the barrels on their rifles would this help them get any closer to their targets? Enjoy.
    Levity in serious matters… not of any desire to argue the serious nature of what we face)

    • James Carpenter aka "Felix" February 5, 2022 at 21:46

      John Brown Gun Club link/video, Phoenix Arizona Chapter:

    • mike February 6, 2022 at 19:01

      “….Best I could do was several lame web sites for “Chapters” scattered around and not many at that. Could anyone point me to something besides a bunch of fat kids with faces blocked out?”

      Depends upon where you live and the demographic makeup of your region. For @ntifa types look for colleges. These places have been is vanguard of the marxist revolution since forever. If you have one or more near you, you can go on campus without your phone and investigate some of the bulletin boards around campus for the photocopied and posted mass flyers put out as a call to action for various leftwing causes. Take a few of different types and from different organizations and analyze them. You will probably note that there are perhaps 7 or 10 student organizations, nonprofits, charities, lobbying groups, political groups, and so on that appear to have put out these flyers, while many of the mailing addresses or phone numbers will repeat . You might notice that the head of the college phycology department shares a post office box with 2 or 4 of these “groups”. BLM and “green” orientated groups often overlap on these campuses, but the BLM cadre are almost exclusively africans. Colleges also host many anti-American foreigners who are sympathetic to these causes, and very often that includes the religion of peace and believers who are inclined to engage on acts against this nation. Without a doubt, these places are the marshalling yards for the active and potential militants due to the age and susceptibility to indoctrination of typical students.
      Medium and large cities are also centers for enemy organizational activity with or without the presence of colleges. Obviously urban collages are usually ground zero, but don’t overlook union /green/DNC activity in smaller cites that happen to lack colleges.
      If you are rural and far from any colleges, large unionized labor pools, or refugee resettlement charities and the like, you are probably in a fairly safe red leaning region and that is why you cannot find any spoor suggesting a JBGC or similar in your area. If this is the case you might want to look for the enemy in farmer co-ops or any similar rural interest group where commies tend to congregate and watch their online and print communications for indications of marxist organizing. You can learn a lot about rural commies from picking up a free farmers newspaper at the localTractor Supply and reading the letters to the Editor section as well as the regular columns. For that matter you should be reviewing to regional newspapers for the same reasons.
      In my experience, the typical armed @ntifi type is a college radical and the typical BLM street soldier is just an urban criminal levied into action by those behind the megaphones. The BLM types probably don’t do any tactical training while the college punks probably do most of it on or around campus with an emphasis on riot related direct action. You will have to do your own research, draw your own link diagrams, and make your own conclusions. You may not find any armed enemy formations close enough to worry about, but I can assure you that there are probably many more operatives in your AO than you had suspected. It is up to you to find them and assess any potential threat.

  3. SOG February 6, 2022 at 14:17

    austin texas under a boil order for tainted water makes me think now?

    the NC fertilizer fire seems very suspect as well

  4. Chef February 6, 2022 at 16:23

    I thought at the end you had just cut the feed for a second! :) Great interview.

  5. FoolsErrand February 6, 2022 at 17:56

    Despite the poor physical conditioning on display in that video, these people are _training_ and they are _networking_. How many members of team conservative look at JBGC in this video and chortle to themselves; dismissing the group of pink hairs fumbling with a firearm for the first time? To them I ask, how many times have you been out training? Networked with like-minded individuals?
    JBGC and those like them have a goal and a plan, and they are deadly serious about it. Those who underestimate JBGC and their ilk do so at risk to themselves, their families and their communities.

  6. James Carpenter aka "Felix" February 6, 2022 at 20:26

    Good point, FoolsErrand.
    These chubby networkers continued to fire even after their volume of lead obscured the targets. Like the muskets of yore, sheer volume was bound to hit something.
    Selling any adversary short that could point a high velocity rifle at you is foolish.

    But my question does remain. Any photo links to even more lethal JBGC adversaries found?
    Thank you.

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