Condor Map Pouch Review: “The Team Leader Pouch” by Mike VonSteuben

In previous articles that I have written about my gear, I said that combat equipment is constantly evolving. If you ever are using your equipment and discover that it is not doing something that you need it to do, either get a better piece of gear or modify it so that it does.

A few months ago I decided that I needed to improve the way that I carried administrative supplies. My previous method of having my map and map tools in my cargo pocket just wasn’t that effective, and relied on my having cargo pockets. I wanted to get an admin pouch that would at a minimum hold my note-taking gear, map pens, protractor, compass, and at least a small strip map. After some searching, I discovered the Condor Map Pouch, which exceeded my requirements to the extent that I am dubbing it “The Team Leader Pouch”

Read the full article here.

By Published On: September 9, 2022Categories: Gear Reviews, MikeComments Off on Condor Map Pouch Review: “The Team Leader Pouch” by Mike VonSteuben

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