Guerilla Clinic Foundations, new class for 2023

I have added a new class to the roster for 2023. I am really excited to offer this one.

The Guerilla Clinic Foundations will cover a different type of medicine from my other classes. This will cover more of the witch doctor and day-to-day types of medicine that most are likely to see in the event of a collapse, whether partial or complete.

There will be time spent on field sanitation from a group perspective, not just from an individual perspective. There is not much spoken about this type of field sanitation and it will be a much bigger deal than most expect.

Another big part of this class will be clinical considerations. Things like how to put one together, what kinds of equipment you should strive to get (and in what order), and how to work it. This includes taking vitals, some basic clinical triage, patient flow, patient history, and presenting a patient to a provider.

As always, there are no prerequisites for this course. Make no mistake, this will be a lot of info thrown at you in a small period of time. But it is the stuff that will be foundational for any group trying to survive when main medical care is shut off.

This course has been something I have wanted to offer for a long time.


By Published On: December 8, 2022Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on Guerilla Clinic Foundations, new class for 2023

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About the Author: mechmedic

MechMedic is the owner of Stuck Pig Medical and medical instructor for Brushbeater Training and Consulting. After 5 years in the beloved Corps, Mech joined the National Guard where he became a medic. Lifelong survivalist, and overall outdoorsman. When not being a family man, he enjoys good bourbon and good cigars.


