China Warns “There Will Surely Be Conflict And Confrontation” With The US If Nothing Changes

“After tiptoeing toward a rapprochement, any fence-mending now has been postponed,” is the byeline of the latest report from The Wall Street Journal that warns US and China are plunging further into a “spiral of hostility.”

​Harsh new verbal attacks on the US by Beijing’s top leadership (following Washington’s actions against Chinese spy balloons and tech companies) demonstrate just how unsteady relations have become between the world’s two major powers.

“Everything the other side does is seen as negative and done with evil intention,” said Suisheng Zhao, a China foreign-policy specialist at the University of Denver.

“That is the Cold War mentality.”

Last week, hearings in the House took administration officials to task for a range of issues – from stiffening controls on transfers of semiconductors to Chinese companies and banning the Chinese social-media app TikTok to punishing Beijing for its export of chemicals to Mexico where they are being used to make fentanyl. Next, Congress is gearing up to put pressure on U.S. corporations with investments in China.

This is an existential struggle over what life will look like in the 21st century – and the most fundamental freedoms are at stake,” said Wisconsin Republican Michael Gallagher in opening the first hearing of a new House committee focused on U.S. competition with the Communist Party.

A former State Department official, Daniel Russel, who is now vice president for international security and diplomacy at the Asia Society Policy Institute, a New York-based think tank, warned during a panel discussion this week, that, “If they wait too long, events are likely to intercede.”

In fact, as Michael Snyder details below via, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang just warned the entire world that “there surely will be conflict and confrontation” with the United States unless there is a dramatic change in U.S. behavior, and you would think that such a direct threat would be front page news all over the nation today.  Unfortunately, most of our politicians don’t seem to understand how serious this is.  We are accustomed to politicians that just blurt out whatever stupid things come into their heads at the moment, and then later on their aides come along and explain that they really didn’t mean to make such inflammatory statements.  But Chinese politicians are not like that at all.  Chinese politicians choose their words with great care, and making a direct threat against another nation is considered to be a very serious matter.

With that in mind, I would like for you to carefully read what Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang just said about the current state of his country’s relationship with the United States…

“If the United States does not hit the brake, but continues to speed down the wrong path, no amount of guardrails can prevent derailing and there surely will be conflict and confrontation,” said Qin, whose new position is junior to the Communist Party’s senior foreign policy official, Wang Yi.

“Such competition is a reckless gamble, with the stakes being the fundamental interests of the two peoples and even the future of humanity.”

I was absolutely floored when I first read that.

And he is not the only Chinese politician speaking this way.

On Monday, Xi Jinping made it exceedingly clear that he is losing patience with the United States…

China’s leader Xi Jinping hit out at the United States with unusually direct comments as he called on the country’s private companies to “fight” alongside the Communist Party at a time of mounting challenges at home and abroad.

“[In the past five years,] Western countries led by the United States have contained and suppressed us in an all-round way, which has brought unprecedented severe challenges to our development,” Xi told a group of government advisers representing private businesses during an annual legislative meeting in Beijing on Monday.

Without a doubt, the Chinese have done many things that are completely unacceptable.

But hopefully our differences with China can be resolved peacefully, because a full-blown war with China would be absolutely catastrophic.

Unfortunately, anti-China hysteria in Washington is increasing with each passing day, and the Biden administration seems to relish any opportunities that they get to provoke the Chinese.

If the warmongers in D.C. really want a war with China, can we at least wait until the current conflict that we are involved in is over?

For a moment, think about this from a strategic standpoint.

Western politicians are now publicly acknowledging that we are “at war” with Russia, and it appears that this conflict in Ukraine is not going to end any time soon.

At this point the Ukrainians are using ammunition faster than we can provide it, and our own stockpiles are running really low because of how much we have already shipped out.

So why in the world would we even consider getting into another conflict right now?

Sadly, we may not have a choice.

The moment that China invades Taiwan, the U.S. and China will be at war.

Recently, CIA Director William Burns publicly stated that Xi Jinping has ordered the Chinese military to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027

The US has entered into this dispute, providing weapons and intelligence, with Director William Burns warning that the US knew “as a matter of intelligence” that Xi had ordered his military forces to be ready to conduct an invasion of Taiwan by 2027.

Personally, I don’t think that Xi Jinping will wait that long.

I think that he realizes that he has a unique window of opportunity right now.  The war in Ukraine is severely draining U.S. military resources, and Joe Biden is a dazed and confused old man.

If the Chinese wait until after the next U.S. presidential election, the Chinese may have to invade while a Republican is in the White House, and that is a scenario that I think Xi Jinping would prefer to avoid.

So I believe that it will happen sooner rather than later, and both sides just continue to flex their muscles in the Taiwan Strait.


By Published On: March 9, 2023Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on China Warns “There Will Surely Be Conflict And Confrontation” With The US If Nothing Changes

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


