Is a New World War About to Begin?

Via Mercola

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Story at-a-glance

  • The globalist cabal behind The Great Reset plan desperately wants war — the bigger the better — as this will facilitate the transition into their “new world order”
  • War destroys supply chains, the energy sector, food supply and the workforce, which creates dependency on government, which in turn will be taken over by private interests and central banks through the collapse of the global economy
  • Putting an end to the Ukraine war could go a long way toward thwarting that plan, but instead, American leaders are adding fuel to yet another war
  • October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israeli civilians. American war hawks are calling for retaliatory strikes not only against Palestinian civilians in Gaza but also Iran, suspected of funding Hamas forces
  • October 8, 2023, a top Hezbollah official, Hashem Safi al-Din, warned that Lebanon will join the Palestinian resistance unless the U.S. and Israel cease to “violate” Muslim holy sites. Evidence suggests Hezbollah has been using Mexican cartels to smuggle terrorists into the U.S. for well over a decade, raising the possibility of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, should we enter the war in the Middle East

As detailed in “Phase 2 of The Great Reset: War,” published a year-and-a-half ago, in March 2022, the globalist cabal behind The Great Reset plan desperately wants war — the bigger the better — as this will facilitate the transition into their “new world order.”


The more areas leveled, the easier it will be to rebuild smart cities in their stead. The more people killed, the more malleable survivors will be, and likely to accept slavery in return for some semblance of peace and security.

War destroys supply chains, the energy sector, food supply and the workforce, which creates dependency on government, which in turn will be taken over by private interests and central banks through the collapse of the global economy. Putting an end to the Ukraine war could go a long way toward thwarting that plan.

At bare minimum, it would drastically delay the final implementation of The Great Reset, giving us time to work out other solutions. But instead, American leaders are adding fuel to yet another war.

As predicted, ever since Russia’s incursion into Ukraine, the U.S. has done nothing but push for the escalation of conflict, and now, with the October 7, 2023, Hamas-led attack on Israel, American war hawks are squawking again, calling for retaliatory strikes not only against Palestinian civilians in Gaza but also Iran, suspected of funding Hamas forces.1

Understanding the Context of Current Wars

Peace requires being able to see both sides of a conflict, and that is something mainstream media do not facilitate. For example, we’ve been repeatedly told that Russia’s attack on Ukraine was “unprovoked,” yet Russia’s patience has been strained to the limit for well over a decade.

From Russia’s perspective, it’s fighting an existential threat. Meanwhile, evidence suggests the basis for the United States’ defense of Ukraine is related to it being a valuable money laundering hub and, potentially, a secret biological weapons manufacturing ally.

Now, Israel is said to be fighting an existential threat as well, and American leadership is doing nothing to further peace in this situation either. Blame is laid on one side or the other, rather than viewing events within a historical context and trying to come to a resolution.

A Long History of Conflict

The video above is a History Hit Network documentary that reviews the long-standing conflict between Israel and Palestine, which began with the declaration of Israel as an independent nation state in 1948.

As explained in the video, thousands of Jews emigrated to Palestine in the 1920s and ‘30s, resulting in violent clashes with the local Arab population. At the time, the British empire occupied Palestine, and its attempts to limit Jewish immigration enraged the Jews. At the same time, the British stated support for a Jewish homeland enraged the Arabs.

Then World War II broke out, and an estimated 6 million Jews were murdered in Nazi concentration camps. After the war, Jews again began to flood into Palestine, which they viewed as their homeland and, by 1947, the British realized the situation had become unsustainable.

The solution, devised by the newly formed United Nations, was to split the contested land of Palestine into two sections. Jews celebrated and Arabs rebelled. May 14, 1948, the day British troops withdrew from Palestine and the state of Israel was declared, violence broke out between the two communities.

The Muslim countries of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt attacked the newly formed state and secured Arab territory within it. In the remaining Israeli territory, thousands of Palestinians were driven out by Israeli forces.

This forms the basis of a conflict that is still brewing today. Palestinians forcefully removed from their homes never forgot it. The situation further escalated in 1967, when Israel seized additional territory from Jordan and Syria. According to the documentary:

“That was a war in which the Arab Nations clearly were about to attack Israel. Israel had, as it were, both a legal and moral right to strike first, and they did strike first.”

As a result of Israel’s preemptive strike, the Gaza Strip, initially part of Egypt, came under the control of Israel. In 1973, Israel’s hostile neighbors struck back with a surprise attack during the religious holiday of Yom Kippur. After years of ongoing aggressions, Egypt and Israel finally met to negotiate peace in 1978.

The Camp David Accords of 1978 returned the Sinai peninsula to Egypt, while Israel kept East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Golan Heights in Syria, and the Gaza strip. Israel also acquired more than 1 million Palestinian Arabs who lived in the Israeli-occupied territories.

The Rise of Hamas

The Accords did nothing to soothe old differences, however, and for decades afterward, Israeli forces and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) carried on hostilities. Peace talks were renewed in the early 1990s in Oslo, Norway, resulting in a two-state solution.

The Oslo Accords guaranteed Israel’s right to exist as an independent state, and that Arab neighbors would cease calling for the annihilation of Israel and instead guarantee its security.

In return, Palestinians would also be guaranteed an independent state. As a result, Palestinians were able to elect their own government within the territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Jerusalem, meanwhile, was to be a “free city.”

Things did not work out as planned, however. In 2000, violent clashes between the two communities resumed, and in 2006, Palestinians elected members of the hard-line Islamist group Hamas into office. The reigning party, Fatah, ended up with just 45 seats of the 132-seat government, while Hamas got 74 seats.

The problem? Hamas’ founding charter included a commitment to the total destruction of the Israeli state — a direct violation of the Oslo Accords. Tahani Mustafa, a political scientist, describes Hamas as “the armed wing of the Palestinian strand of the Muslim Brotherhood, as they were created specifically for that reason in 1987.”2

According to Mustafa, the election of Hamas was a “protest vote” against Fatah’s corruption and government failures, and against the ongoing Israeli occupation of what they saw as Palestinian land.

Violence intensified over the next four years, resulting in the deaths of thousands on both sides. As noted in the documentary, “This is a conflict driven by old disputes and unresolved grievances, where each side blames the other.” Both view themselves as the rightful owners of Palestine and neither is willing to go along with the compromise of dividing up the land.

Palestine’s Government Divided

Adding another layer of complexity, Hamas and Fatah also fought internally for control over the security forces. Hamas sought to create a united government, but Fatah refused and negotiations ultimately broke down.

U.S. intelligence armed Fatah to carry out a military coup against Hamas, but Hamas intelligence intercepted the plan and preemptively seized control of the Gaza Strip. So, in June 2007, the Palestinian government was split in two, with Fatah controlling the Palestinian area of the West Bank and Hamas controlling Gaza, which is one of the most densely populated areas on the planet.


By Published On: October 19, 2023Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on Is a New World War About to Begin?

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


