Tactics of Disinformation

Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone

An amazing self-own from the US Government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Background and Context

In this essay I provide an overview of disinformation tactics summarized on the US Government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) CISA.gov website, and have modified that document for use by individuals and organizations wishing to counter the mis- dis- mal- information (MDM) constantly emanating from governments, corporations – such as big pharma, non-governmental organizations (such as the Gates foundation), and astroturf organizations (such as the Center for Countering Digital Hate).

For more information on CISA, please see our prior Substack essay titled “HOW A “CYBERSECURITY” AGENCY COLLUDED WITH BIG TECH AND “DISINFORMATION” PARTNERS TO CENSOR AMERICANS”: THE WEAPONIZATION OF CISA – Interim staff report for the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee.

In addition to the various organizations, the information summarized below also applies to individuals spreading MDM, including those who are working for these agencies or as individuals, with their own, personal agendas.

All of the disinformation tactics described below are being used against the health sovereignty movement, the freedom (or liberty) movements, those pushing back against UN Agenda 2030 and the approved climate agenda, the WEF, the UN, and the resistance against globalization movement (NWO).

Tactics of Disinformation

Disinformation actors include governments, commercial and non-profit organizations as well as individuals. These actors use a variety of tactics to influence others, stir them to action, and cause harm. Understanding these tactics can increase preparedness and promote resilience when faced with disinformation.

Disinformation actors use a variety of tactics and techniques to execute information operations and spread disinformation narratives for a variety of reasons. Some may even be well intentioned but ultimately fail on ethical grounds. Using disinformation for beneficial purposes is still wrong.

Each of these tactics are designed to make disinformation actors’ messages more credible, or to manipulate their audience to a specific end. They often seek to polarize their target audience across contentious political or social divisions, making the audience more receptive to disinformation.

These methods can and have been weaponized by disinformation actors. By breaking down common tactics, sharing real-world examples, and providing concrete steps to counter these narratives with accurate information, the Tactics of Disinformation listed below are intended to help individuals and organizations understand and manage the risks posed by disinformation, Any organization or its staff can be targeted by disinformation campaigns, and all organizations and individuals have a role to play in building a resilient information environment.

All of this is yet another aspect of the Fifth Generation Warfare (or propaganda/PsyWar) technologies, strategy, and tactics which are being routinely deployed on all of us by our governments, corporations, and various non-state actors.

Disinformation Tactics Overview

Cultivate Fake or Misleading Personas and Websites: Disinformation actors create networks of fake personas and websites to increase the believability of their message with their target audience. Fake expert networks use inauthentic credentials (e.g., fake “experts”, journalists, think tanks, or academic institutions) to lend undue credibility to their influence content and make it more believable.

Create Deepfakes and Synthetic Media: Synthetic media content may include photos, videos, and audio clips that have been digitally manipulated or entirely fabricated to mislead the viewer. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools can make synthetic content nearly indistinguishable from real life. Synthetic media content may be deployed as part of disinformation campaigns to promote false information and manipulate audiences.

Devise or Amplify Conspiracy Theories: Conspiracy theories attempt to explain important events as secret plots by powerful actors. Conspiracy theories not only impact an individual’s understanding of a particular topic; they can shape and influence their entire worldview. Disinformation actors capitalize on conspiracy theories by generating disinformation narratives that align with the conspiracy worldview, increasing the likelihood that the narrative will resonate with the target audience.

Astroturfing and Flooding the Information Environment: Disinformation campaigns will often post overwhelming amounts of content with the same or similar messaging from several inauthentic accounts. This practice, known as astroturfing, creates the impression of widespread grassroots support or opposition to a message, while concealing its true origin. A similar tactic, flooding, involves spamming social media posts and comment sections with the intention of shaping a narrative or drowning out opposing viewpoints.

Abuse Alternative Platforms: Disinformation actors may abuse alternative social media platforms to intensify belief in a disinformation narrative among specific user groups. Disinformation actors may seek to take advantage of platforms with fewer user protections, less stringent content moderation policies, and fewer controls to detect and remove inauthentic content and accounts than other social media platforms.


By Published On: October 15, 2023Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on Tactics of Disinformation

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


