Will the Internet as We Know It Disappear in the Next Year?

Story at-a-glance

  • Choosing between Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces is a false choice. The side we should be on is the side of innocent civilians, regardless of where they live. Only by being against war will we stand against the correct enemy because, ultimately, most if not all wars are fought for the benefit of central bankers and their globalist allies
  • Those who side with warmongers choose enslavement and the destruction of mankind, as the sabre rattling in the Middle East is a tool to further centralize power and control over the global population
  • The next action item in the globalist takeover includes a cyberattack on the banks before the end of next year. The cyberattack will destroy the current banking system and usher in programmable central bank digital currencies and eliminate privacy online, requiring everyone to have a digital identification tied to their ISP
  • All online activity will be surveilled and analyzed by artificial intelligence, and the data used to prevent crime before it happens. Thought-crimes will also have ramifications, potentially resulting in the seizure of private property and/or removal of “privileges” previously understood as human rights
  • Everyone must now choose between enslavement or freedom. Not making a conscious choice is itself a choice. If you choose freedom, you need to make plans for how to exist outside the slave system being put into place and support Big Tech alternatives that offer complete privacy

In my mind Whitney Webb is one of the best investigative journalists on the web and does meticulous research on the topics she focuses on. In the video above, Marty Bent of the TFTC Bitcoin podcast interviews her about how the central bankers plan to use artificial intelligence (AI) to control the lives of everyone on earth.

This is one of the most shocking and concerning interviews I have heard in a long time as it has a dismal prediction as to how it is likely we may have only a year at best and maybe half a year to enjoy the internet as we know it now. Even though it is heavily censored it is still usable. This basic functionality may disappear if her predictions are accurate.

If that is the case, you will not have access to this site or the daily newsletters we provide and all the updates we will issue if this scenario happens. So, to guard against this scenario, I would suggest making sure you sign up to receive messages by texts on your cell phone.

You Need to Connect With Us on Mobile in Case Internet Is Gone

As Whitney explains in her interview above, it is likely that in the next year there will be a false flag cyberattack on the banks similar to 9/11. They will then use this attack to shut down the internet and implement a draconian Cyber Patriot Act.

We have no idea of how long the internet will be down, but it could be weeks or longer. We will be unable to provide you with important updates if this happens as we only have your email. That is why I am urging you to please sign up in the form below so we can connect with you by messaging your phone.

Divide and Conquer

As noted by Webb, the string-pullers always seek to divide people using emotional appeals, and this situation is a classic case of that. Are you with Hamas, or with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)? It’s a false choice. The side we should be on is the side of innocent civilians, regardless of where they live. “We should just step off the chessboard and stop playing their game,” she says.

Indeed, only by being against war will we stand against the correct enemy because, ultimately, most if not all wars are fought for the benefit of central bankers and their globalist allies, not for the benefit of nations, humanitarian or democratic causes. As noted by Webb:

“Half the population of Gaza are children under the age of 18 [i.e., below voting age and did not vote Hamas into power], so promoting the carpet bombing of that [area] and the refusal to let humanitarian aid in … there’s no celebrating that.”

Webb also points out there’s virtually no chance the Israeli forces did not see the October 7, 2023, attack coming. “It’s just absurd that they wouldn’t have been able to know that was going to happen in advance,” Webb says, “and there are IDF veterans and Israelis that definitely are no friends of Palestine or Hamas that are saying that’s the case.”


By Published On: November 4, 2023Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on Will the Internet as We Know It Disappear in the Next Year?

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


