Data and Dehumanization in the Modern Era

Guest Post by A Midwestern Doctor

Story at-a-glance

  • Data has the potential to make the world a better place by showing us which ideas work and which should be avoided. However, data often fails to live up to its promise because data that threatens a prevailing interest is prevented from seeing the light of day — something we have seen throughout COVID-19
  • Recently, a brave whistleblower in New Zealand (who is now facing years in prison) leaked millions of anonymized health records showing the COVID vaccine was causing a large number of deaths
  • When interviewed, he stated his reason for leaking was because he was continually haunted by the human suffering he could feel within the numbers he stared at each day. This lies in contrast to the sadly frequent human tendency to see those large datasets as abstract concepts where the observer is separated from the human consequences of those numbers
  • Many of the worst regimes in history (aided by newfound technologies) treated their citizens as simply being abstract data points and cogs in the regime’s totalitarian vision. This led to a variety of horrific atrocities which mirror much of what we are now seeing within the modern technocratic age

Over the last two weeks, I put together a series to highlight how time and time again the government has rushed an unsafe and experimental vaccine to market despite its own scientists warning it not to, and then as the injuries piled up, done nothing until the media exposed what was happening and forced the government to pull it.

This was done to illustrate that there is in fact a longstanding precedent for the “health authorities” to do whatever they can to cover up the evidence those injuries are happening, even when doing so becomes a direct violation of their charter (to protect the public good and save lives).

Since this has repeatedly happened (often with disastrous consequences), one would think that it might cause the government to reconsider the wisdom of rushing “emergency” vaccines to market. However, instead, the “lesson” they learned was how critical it was to ensure the media would not expose what was happening. In turn, over the last 25 years, we’ve seen a variety of changes occur to prevent the public from becoming aware of a bad vaccine such as:

Allowing the pharmaceutical industry to become the primary advertiser for the mass media and then financially blackmail the networks into not airing any coverage critical of the pharmaceutical industry or its products.

Note: This has also come to apply to the other media platforms.

Coming up with reason after reason to restrict the public’s access to the data used to claim a product is “safe and effective,” and instead have us be expected to take that pronouncement on faith. This goes hand in hand with data being viewed as our salvation, but no one ever questioning why we only see the data that supports the existing narrative.

Gradually removing the protections afforded to whistleblowers who tried to expose these misdeeds.

Note: This tactic was pioneered by the military. For example, the Vietnam War was largely ended by analyst Daniel Ellsberg leaking the Pentagon Papers (for which Ellsberg was criminally charged but ultimately faced no consequences).

When Wikileaks did the same a few decades later, both the leaker (Manning) and the journalist who published the information (Assange) were sent to prison — with Assange still serving his sentence. Likewise, another prominent leaker, Edward Snowden, had to flee to Russia to protect himself from being imprisoned after he revealed information he believed to be critical for the public good.

However, despite it being quite challenging to be a whistleblower (e.g., most lose their livelihoods and families), people still do it. The following brief video provides one of the best explanations for why a minority of the population always exists to take on that immense risk to do the right thing:

Note: I chose to include Peter Gøtzche’s talk in this article because it provides important context for Barry Young’s actions.

Barry Young

Barry Young found himself in a challenging situation. Because of a job he was contracted for, he had gained access to a database which clearly proved the COVID vaccines were killing people. In turn, he had to wrestle with the decision of whether he wanted to stay silent and be directly complicit in those deaths or publicize the data and be severely punished for doing so.

He eventually chose to leak it and gave an interview to accompany that leak. After watching that interview, I realized it touched on quite a few critical points so I edited and trimmed it down to an 8 minute version which highlighted those points.

This interview aired on November 28, and on November 30, Steve Kirsch released his data. Two days later (December 2nd) police surrounded Barry’s house and arrested him. The next day, he was formally arraigned in court and charged with accessing a computer system for dishonest purposes, which carries a maximum penalty of seven years in prison.


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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


