This is Why the 2024 Election Will Never Be Accepted

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The Democrats have not only schemed to try to prevent Trump from being on any ballot, but they have effectively forced RFK out of the Democratic Party. They have even been trying to block any other Democrat from being on any ballot. This is in-you-face anti-Democracy. The Neocons have the Democrats as their puppet, the same as the silver miners who held the grip on the Democrats that led our nation into bankruptcy by 1896, known as the Silver Democrats.

Bryan CrossOfGoldThe United States is now in the Decline & Fall phase. The 2024 election will be the turning point, and we are going to witness the rise of civil unrest, for NOBODY will now believe in winning. The Democrats are keeping the border open, handing illegal aliens over $2,000 per month and sneaking them voter registrations. They intend to slip an executive order under Biden’s nose who will sign whatever is there this time granting all the millions of illegal aliens citizenship so they can keep the Democrats in power while they then extract taxes from the rest of the people who work to keep fund the corruption in Ukraine and the majority of these illegal aliens who have no skills to even work.

2009 Ginsberg EugenicsThis is not about what is good for the people or the country – this is about retaining power. Even the support for the climate crazies in Germany has collapsed to just 7% for the Green Party. This entire climate change agenda is really about reducing the population. They are deliberately attacking farmers to reduce the food supply. In Canada, their euthanasia program has been expanding rapidly as they are now killing hundreds per week, and this is now approaching 5%  of all deaths – up 31.2% over 2021. This is the WEF agenda and Gates’ father’s entire scheme behind Planned Parenthood. Even Justice Ginsberg said that Row v Wade had nothing to do with women’s rights – it was about eugenics.


We are viewed as the stupid vermin and they have decided there are too many of us and we should not even have a right to vote.

Schwab WEF End of Democracy

By Published On: December 10, 2023Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on This is Why the 2024 Election Will Never Be Accepted

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