China, Britain, and Cognitive Warfare

Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone

I am constantly amazed by how many social media warriors and alternative media “journalists” are completely unaware of how effectively they are being manipulated by the on-line tactics and strategies of cognitive warfare. Having spent a couple of years now investigating, learning, and teaching about PsyWar, Fifth Generation Warfare, and Cognitive Warfare, I have become acutely aware of these methods – in part because they have been quite effectively deployed on me for three straight years.

For example, the words “controlled opposition” have been linked in the minds of many using social media cognitive warfare methods (including neurolinguistic programming) to my name without ever defining the term or how it applies to me, just as others have been convinced by corporate media that I am just an “anti-vaxxer”. Rather than being a conscientious objector to the failure to comply with bioethical, global regulatory and clinical research norms developed over decades, as well as a truth teller and educator concerning the gene therapy technologies which have been deployed and their associated toxicities. Which is what I am actually guilty of.

I have become convinced that these psychological manipulation methods pose an even greater threat to freedom, sovereignty and humanity in general than the threat posed by the widespread plans to deploy the modified-mRNA technology in every way possible. As an article of faith, I have decided that the most important contribution that I can provide at this point in time is to do everything I can to educate people about the methods, tactics and strategies being actively deployed to manipulate our thoughts and emotions. Rather than to continue with hundreds more podcasts and essays concerning the modified-mRNA tech in which I repeat the obvious as well as cover things I have repeatedly covered for three years now.

I cling to shreds of hope that, by learning about how and what is being done to each of us by a wide variety of state, non-state and corporate actors, we can collectively become more immune to this type of propaganda campaign. Judging by what I see and read on a daily basis, this may be a fools errand, but it is what I have decided to commit myself to. And it works for me – I am first and foremost an educator/teacher, and a son of a conservative teacher who left the public school system in the early 60s due to the teacher union movement. It is in my blood. But, to be honest, my general faith in humanity has been shaken by what I have observed and experienced over the last few years.

The Chinese government, the Chinese Central Communist Party (CCP), and the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) have practiced and refined cognitive warfare strategies and tactics over decades, and are relatively transparent in their (Mandarin language) publications concerning this technology. Therefore, CCP and PLA publications provide some of the best summaries of the current state of Cognitive Warfare technology – methods designed to directly influence and program your subconscious mind. But in no way should you conclude that the Chinese government is the only actor that is deploying these methods.

In a preceding published substack essay focusing on Cognitive Warfare (“Cognitive Warfare; Targeting your subconscious”, NATO documents were cited and referenced as source material for the analysis. My sense is that these same advanced propaganda methods are also being routinely used by corporations and non-state actors to advance their interests via social media actions. The UK Army 77th Brigade appears to also act based in part on this playbook. In the case of at least one corporate entity active in the COVIDcrisis “resistance”, I have personally observed and experienced multiple examples of the same strategies and tactics described in CCP and PLA publications.

What most of these passionate keyboard warriors (and their sponsors) seem completely oblivious to is that these methods and the falsehoods that they promote using this technology are destroying the fabric of western society- political and otherwise. In the case of the CCP/PLA, this is clearly intentional. But in the case of NATO, 77th Brigade, corporate and NGO non-state actors, my sense is that there is such a focus on “winning”, suppressing opposition, and advancing various agendas (including fragmentation of the COVID “opposition”), that many or most of these groups are oblivious to the deeper destruction of social cohesion and fundamental concepts of truth and ethics which these strategies and tactics are rapidly eroding.

And yet the transparently false accusations, virtue signaling, moral outbidding, and truth spirals continue unabated, egged on by hidden fifth generation warfare troops and trolls actively deploying the same cognitive warfare strategies and tactics so well developed by the CCP/PLA.

UK 77th Brigade: Example of A NATO PsyWar/Cognitive Warfare Battle Unit

<Summarized from the official UK