Dozens of Chinese migrants spotted entering US illegally in California border town of Jacumba and say they’re here to ‘take the money’ along with others from Syria and Turkey

Shocking images and video taken in California this weekend show Chinese migrants lined up at the border town of Jacumba and telling reporters shamelessly how they’re here to ‘take the money’.

Dozens and dozens, possibly up to hundreds of migrants, crossed the international boundary, according to Griff Jenkins of Fox News, who recorded the footage.

‘This is one of the largest groups of Chinese I have ever come across and there were […] two groups at the same time crossing in Jacumba, CA,’ the correspondent tweeted last week.

Two large groups of migrants, a new phenomenon seen at the border, arrived in Jacumba, California on Feb. 15, as witnessed by Fox News

Two large groups of migrants, a new phenomenon seen at the border, arrived in Jacumba, California on Feb. 15, as witnessed by Fox News

Dozens of Chinese migrants showed up at one time, as a there has been a recent surge in migrants from China arriving at the US-Mexico border

Dozens of Chinese migrants showed up at one time, as a there has been a recent surge in migrants from China arriving at the US-Mexico border

More than 150 Chinese nationals a day are sneaking into the US illegally since October, according to startling new US Customs and Border Protection statistics

More than 150 Chinese nationals a day are sneaking into the US illegally since October, according to startling new US Customs and Border Protection statistics

When asked why he'd come to America, one young man from Guangzhou replied: 'To take the money'

When asked why he’d come to America, one young man from Guangzhou replied: ‘To take the money’

Others arriving in Jacumba had come from Turkey and Syria. Border Patrol Agents previously warned Washington lawmakers that it is impossible for them to vet everyone who enters the country because the numbers are so out of control

Others arriving in Jacumba had come from Turkey and Syria. Border Patrol Agents previously warned Washington lawmakers that it is impossible for them to vet everyone who enters the country because the numbers are so out of control

More than 150 Chinese nationals a day have been sneaking into the US illegally since October, according to startling US Customs and Border Protection statistics.


By Published On: February 20, 2024Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on Dozens of Chinese migrants spotted entering US illegally in California border town of Jacumba and say they’re here to ‘take the money’ along with others from Syria and Turkey