The New Zealand COVID vaccine data shows that the shots make you more likely to die
Guest Post by Steve Kirsch
Have you seen any analysis of the NZ data posted by any prominent epidemiologist showing it is safe? I haven’t and it’s been almost 1 year since I set the data free.
Quick summary
This article goes into GREAT detail to explain the safety signals in the data leaked in New Zealand by Barry Young. It takes an hour to read. There are likely some typos…
So here’s the short story…
The NZ data, when analyzed using a gold-standard methodology used by the UK government, clearly shows that the vaccines are increasing all-cause mortality in those who were vaccinated. It’s no more complicated than this:
- when seasonal mortality is strongly declining, the mortality of the vaccinated is increasing.
- when seasonal mortality is strongly increasing, the mortality of the vaccinated is increasing even more.
In short, if you chose to get vaccinated, your mortality increased. The mortality increase happened every time you got a shot. It’s crystal clear.
I’ve looked at other time series data for other vaccines and you simply don’t see this effect so it isn’t an artifact of vaccination (the Healthy Vaccinee effect).
We see the same effect in other countries after a shot is given. Your risk of death increases. Every time. Every country. Every dose. Every season.
The world’s epidemiologists are silent.
None are calling for data transparency.
None have published any written work claiming the New Zealand data proves the vaccines are safe. Is that how science works nowadays? You ignore data you don’t like?
Before I disclosed the NZ data publicly, I offered it to the CDC because they have never seen patient record-level data for a vaccine ever before. They said they didn’t want to see the data.
Even worse is that at a time when data transparency is key to eliminating misinformation, every one of the world’s health authorities refuses to disclose even the bare minimum, a time-series cohort summary report of their own data with weekly buckets and 5 year age categories, that would show the public whether the vaccines are safe or not. Members of Parliament asked the UK ONS for this and were turned down.
The lack of transparency is stunning.
If you want to show whether the vaccine is safe or not, all you have to do is compare the time-series data from New Zealand to the time-series data from a safe vaccine published in a paper in the peer-reviewed literature.
Except for one small problem… no such paper exists because the health authorities refuse to release it.
Why would they do that if the vaccines are safe?
No doctor in the world should be recommending these shots until there is the minimum requisite data transparency of the public health data. There is no excuse for this. The only reason you wouldn’t do this is if you knew you were killing people.
I also showed that even going further than just a time-series dataset and releasing the anonymized underlying patient record level data like I did with the New Zealand data, did not violate anyone’s privacy, yet allows for even deeper analysis than the time-series cohort summary records. That analysis shows the same safety signals as the time-series analysis.
Executive summary
The tragic “died suddenly” deaths will keep happening until health authorities worldwide release the record level data so that everyone can see whether or not there is a link between the COVID vaccines and excess deaths.
Critical thinkers might wonder, “Why aren’t any prominent epidemiologist calling for data transparency of public health data? Don’t they want to know?”
Apparently the answer is “no.” Not a single mainstream epidemiologist in the world is calling for transparency of public health data. As far as I know, it has never happened.
Transparency is easy. The UK ONS did it by exposing the time-series cohort analysis of their data. But they just choose very wide “buckets” that completely obscured the damage. Using smaller buckets, one week in length, would reveal the truth. When I asked Sarah Caul of the UK ONS why they didn’t do this, she didn’t respond even though I cc’ed a member of Parliament on my e-mail. That member of Parliament is now escalating the issue with the ONS. We’ll see how well that works out for the ONS.
We finally have record-level patient data thanks to the efforts of Barry Young, the courageous whistleblower in New Zealand. It’s been publicly available since Nov 30, 2023. Have you noticed that not a single prominent epidemiologist in the world has come out and proclaimed that the NZ data proves the COVID vaccine is safe?
However, people have gone into over-drive to unfairly discredit this data.
In this post, I will show you:
- That there is excess mortality in New Zealand and how you can determine that from the official death numbers.
- That the COVID vaccine,, and not COVID, is the most likely cause of these deaths.
- That a variety of different methods, including a time-series cohort analysis, can be used to show the massive safety signal in the records that Barry released.
If you are looking for a safety signal for a vaccine, it’s really hard to beat a properly done cohort time-series analysis. This is the same method used by the UK Office of National Statistics for analyzing the UK vaccine safety data.
I published all the data and analysis tools for allowing people to prove to themselves that the COVID vaccines are deadly.
However, to date, not a single person in the world has looked at the data and published a proper analysis of what the cohort time-series analysis of the data reveals. They all chose to ignore the time series cohort analysis and do their own, ad hoc analysis. Wow.
More importantly though is this: To date, not a single respected epidemiologist in the entire world has looked at the data and published in written form, anything about it. There is complete silence from the community after this unprecedented release of patient record-level data. They’ve never had any data like this in the history of the world and they completely ignore it!?! That’s the stunning news. It’s objective. No comments. Just silence. With just one exception I’m aware of…
I just learned of a claim from an epidemiologist in New Zealand, Janine Paynter, that there will be two analyses of the data (likely the other being from Helen Petousis-Harris).
I hope they keep their word! But I seriously doubt it.