ENCOURAGING ANGELS: Revealing the Coming American Hyperinflation Via Recollection of an American in Zimbabwe During Mugabe’s Manic Money Printing-The $1,243,255,000 Lunch For Three
Paying for bananas in Harare circa 2008 Photo Credit: Alexander Joe/AFP/Getty images
By Stan Szymanski and Jack Lawson
Everyone is on edge over the coming Presidential Election… so we thought we’d try to focus your attention on an issue that, regardless of who becomes President, that every person will have to deal with.
What is HyperInflation?
…Hyperinflation is a term that describes and measures rapid, excessive, and out-of-control general price increases that result in extreme inflation. Inflation measures the pace of rising prices for goods and services in an economy. Hyperinflation indicates uncontrollable price increases over a defined period, typically measuring more than 50% per month.’…(Investopedia)
There are many who do not believe that hyperinflation as defined above could ever happen here in America. No one expected it to happen in Weimar Germany (1920’s), Hungary (1945-1946), Yugoslavia (1990’s under Milosevic) or in Zimbabwe (2000’s). But happen it did.
…’Hyperinflation doesn’t occur often, however, and it usually has a definitive cause such as war, natural disasters, or political corruption.’…(What Is Hyperinflation? Causes, Effects, Examples, and How to Prepare)
Does America ‘check the boxes’ as mentioned above (war, natural disasters and political corruption) as a ‘definitive cause’ for hyperinflation? Let us examine each:
America has been fighting a proxy war with Russia since 2014. Yes-I said 2014. The war actually started with the ‘Maidan (Color) Revolution’ where the US overthrew a duly elected government in the Ukraine with much of the effort apparently spearheaded by Victoria Nuland. The Russian ‘Special Military Operation’ that began February 22, 2022 into Ukraine was Mr. Putin repelling the NATO/American armaments and troops from his country’s border.
–America has now spent in the hundreds of billions of dollars of aid just to the Ukraine and there is no indication this aid will stop. In fact, this aid will probably increase as will American and NATO direct involvement.
–In 2022 America literally left behind (gave away) $85 Billion Dollars of American military hardware in Afghanistan.
–Right now nearly 1/3 of entire U.S. Navy deployed to Middle East. If this isn’t a harbinger for war-I don’t know what is.
–Don’t forget about China’s constant reminder that they want to take Taiwan back into the Chinese fold (even though Taiwan was -never- part of China)…and America has said that it will defend Taiwan…just one more mark in the checkboxes for -war-…
–And we would be remiss if we did not talk about the possibility for Civil War in America as Elon Musk and General Flynn remind us:
…’Musk has received encouragement on X for sharing the idea of a civil war, including from prominent figures. “Not inevitable…it’s underway,” wrote Michael Flynn, a former national security adviser in the Trump administration, in response to a tweet from Musk about civil war earlier this month. Flynn was pardoned by Trump after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about his communications with a Russian diplomat. Flynn did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday about his civi