EYEWITNESS REPORT ON NEW JERSEY DRONES: Round Valley Reservoir Drone / Helicopter interception event
Round Valley Reservoir Drone / Helicopter interception event
12/7/24 6:40 pm.Videos and photos in thread
Here is the account of our sighting beginning at 6:40pm on interstate 78 highway NJ passing the reservoir. We notice a helicopter hovering with a drone in its spotlight
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
In the first few seconds you can see the small light that is hovering in the spotlight of the helicopter, it quickly becomes obscured by the landscape. The drone started much higher and was descending over the water. The clear view didn’t last long enough for us to start to film pic.twitter.com/t9v9f4ROPd
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
turned around to get closer and try to see a better view. I saw the light still hovering over the water very quickly but the helicopter was also searching in the trees on the hill top. pic.twitter.com/rH5pETmazJ
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
It enabled the second spotlight. I believe it was looking for multiple drones that it lost track of. later we would see many when we get to the lake after the helicopter leaves. More in thread below. pic.twitter.com/gnPvJoDbrt
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
More of the helicopter while on the way back to the lake pic.twitter.com/v4JcHnu5C8
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
Got to the boat launch lot on the NW corner of the lake as the heli left. Drove past 4/5 police SUVs And parked police. There were other locals showing up in the parking lot as well. After the heli was gone for a few minutes the drones started showing up. Always checking radar to… pic.twitter.com/zfXLG9HDdw
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
They consistently approached from the same direction: south east, flew straight over the lake. Some hovered for a bit and turn north at different angles going off into the distance. Some just went into the treetops into the forest. Usually it was a one white light and as it… pic.twitter.com/MsOFdPS2d1
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
They consistently approached from the same direction: south east, flew straight over the lake. Some hovered for a bit and turn north at different angles going off into the distance. Some just went into the treetops into the forest. Usually it was a one white light and as it… pic.twitter.com/MsOFdPS2d1
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
They just kept coming over the lake. BTW there is a temporary flight restriction NOTAM in the area. pic.twitter.com/jlB3utlVr6
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
Here is where it started getting interesting. One of the drones hovers over a wooded area across the lake. It changes colors and blinking patterns. This could be due to rotations. Looking back I also see a faint spot light that it casts sometimes which also it shines directly at… pic.twitter.com/0jCAvliqw9
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
I started to see lights appear in the sky that didn’t look like planes. And my brother was on the phone confirming there were no planes above at the time. This is also while we are seeing up to 2 drones hovering, one that is still over the wooded area and one a bit farther over… pic.twitter.com/4pgrZyxnqY
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
More People start showing up, it’s almost a party at this point. One dude has a nice camera and is trying to go up close to get a good shot. Others are just here for a walk and stay because of what we are all witnessing. A few hover over the town area and change blinking patterns… pic.twitter.com/i04xt6Hmru
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
The new coming drones stopped and We were left with one in particular that stayed close by right over the tree tops pic.twitter.com/9BSRPcLSnn
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
The dude with the camera says he’s going to go over to get a picture, this is a second time he would try after it disappeared on us the first time he went over to take the shot pic.twitter.com/KcPujKLVz3
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
Here is the final video, as the camera dude is going over there it disappeared so he comes back. As soon as he gets back the drone comes out of the woods again and gets extremely bright and I believe it casts a beam at us. We feel the intense light and looking back at the video… pic.twitter.com/ZEvmMMlym2
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
He showed me his phone with the picture of one hovering over his house and yes I should have gotten his number or airdrop to get the picture obviously but he was urgent to run over back to their house to see what was going on. so I took a picture of his phone quick before he ran… pic.twitter.com/FXF45q4CB8
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024
After he ran off the activity died down and then we left. This all happened between 6:47 PM and 8:50 PM
I don’t know how much x will compress the footage so anyone that wants the high res here is the link https://t.co/1nqjM4PTyh pic.twitter.com/MzdvIRALgT
— . (@xJ_bell) December 8, 2024