The Arab Spring in Light of The Syrian Surprise, by Scipio

The Empire’s 2010 power iteration sought to expand its control over the entire Middle East.  A grand plan was laid out in the 1990’s following Zbigniew Brezinski’s world domination road map which he spelled out in his book, “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives”.   It could have easily been titled, “America’s Strategy to Take Over the World”.  BTW Mika Brezinski on MSNBC is Zeigniew’s daughter.  The nut doesn’t fall far from the tree.

The overthrow of world governments is nothing new to America.  The CIA was involved in the overthrow of seven governments from 1953 to 1973.  Apparently the number seven was lucky for the USA so they planned another seven according to General Wesley Clark.

Syria has been the last domino to fall in that grand scheme of Mid- East destabilization known as the Arab Spring.  In the near term in Syria, expect to see sectarian violence, domestic power struggles, summary executions, a flood of refugees out creating a humanitarian crisis, and foreign powers jockeying for influence.

Expect to see a Libya and Iraq 2.0.  As a point of remembrance, the infamous Benghazi attack took place during this time.  Hillary Clinton’s famous line from her Congressional appearance was, “What difference does it make?”  Of course, she knew exactly what she meant.  In the big scheme of things Benghazi was a minor revelation that all was not going as well in Libya as the Western media was leading everyone to believe.

These events are not separate and unrelated events, just as the fighting in Ukraine, political uprisings in Romania and the Caucasus region are part of the same grand scheme of the hegemon’s struggle to extend its power. Syria is a just suburb of the Great Game for which Western powers have struggled to gain control of for over hundred years.

Unfortunately, the American public is unaware that the US is among the biggest supporters of terrorism around the world, although journalists Glen Greenwald and Matt Taibbi among others uncovered the connections.  ISIS (to counter Iran) and Al Queda (to counter the USSR in Afghanistan) are creations of American intelligence agencies. HTS is an offshoot of Al Nusra Front, a Sunni extremist terrorist group once part of Al Queda and avowed enemy of the Assad Regime and Hezbollah.

HTS’ leader is Al Jolani, disciple of Ayman Al Zawahiri; who was co-conspirator in Anwar Sadat’s 1981 assassination, one of the master minds of 911 and the attack on the USS Cole, and Osama Bladen’s right-hand man. Al Jolani has been designated a terrorist with a $10 million dollar bounty on his head by the US State Department. Now that Al Jolani is in control in Damascus, the US is “considering withdrawing the $10 bounty and terrorist designation” because now Al Jolani is seen as an asset against Iran and to a lessor degree Russia.

After shocking the world and coming to power after a ten-day blitzkrieg takeover of Syria, Al Jolani’s first global interview to explain his political vision was given to CNN.  CNN?

The interview was not done in a studio but in the venerated Umayyad Mosque. The message of the setting of the interview was quite clear.  However, the entire interview was a terrorist infomercial portraying the newly named organization, HTS, as a gentler, accommodating, version of moderate jihadism.

Why not have your first interview with Al Jazeera?  Al Jolani said he has changed from his radical days of beheadings.  He has “moderated”. Where have we heard that before?  Now, he says he a Jihadist in a business suit.  The West is lapping it up. Beware of this faux peace initiative. Christians are already being murdered for their faith in Syria.

Just what audience is Al Jolani trying to reach?  Like transformers, there’s more than meets the eye going on in Syria now.

By Published On: December 13, 2024Categories: ScipioComments Off on The Arab Spring in Light of The Syrian Surprise, by Scipio

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