FBI begins ‘nuclear incident drill’ in New York amid fears of WWIII

Officials have begun a large-scale nuclear incident exercise in New York amid fears of WWIII.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said the exercise includes military aircraft, personnel who will carry out scenario threats to be ready ‘to respond in the event of a nuclear incident in the United States or overseas.’

The drills began Sunday, but the agency said the public may now see personnel practising out in the opening. The exercise ends on January 31.

‘The training exercise will not pose risks to area residents. Please do not be alarmed by the activity,’ the FBI shared in a statement.

The agency emphasized that such training exercises have been conducted twice a year across the nation since 2012.

The exercise is meant to simulate a radiological attack, enabling response personnel to practice protecting public health and safety, providing emergency relief to affected populations, and restoring essential services.

While the FBI emphasized that the exercise poses no threat to the public. It comes a month after Vladimir Putin warned that WWIII could erupt if the West continues ‘escalating the situation’ in his latest existential threat over the war in Ukraine.

Putin also accused the West of pushing Russia to its ‘red lines’ and threatened to lift all voluntary restrictions on the deployment of his short and medium-range missiles if the US went ahead and deployed similar weapons.

Nikolai Sokov, a former Soviet and Russian diplomat, said at the time the ‘red line’ was intended as a ‘very clear message’: ‘Don’t make a mistake – all these kind of things may mean nuclear war.’

However, FBI Albany Public Affairs Officer Sarah Ruane said: ‘I believe planning for this one began back in the spring.’

She added that these drills are not due to any recent or ongoing world events.

The exercise will primarily occur at and around the Stratton Air National Guard Base, Albany International Airport, and portions of northern Saratoga County.

‘This is an exercise of the National Technical Nuclear Forensics Ground Collection Task Force, which would support the investigation of a nuclear incident,’ said Ruane.

‘The Task Force mission is to collect nuclear debris samples for analysis at the national laboratories.’

While details about the exercises are unknown, previous events saw simulated scenarios to which personnel had to respond.

In March 2024, the New Jersey, Delaware and Idaho National Guard participated in interagency chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosives training with the FBI and state and local law enforcement.

In one training scenario, the FBI received intelligence that a domestic terrorist group had planted bombs — including one with cesium-137, a radioactive isotope — as more than 10,000 people are about to converge on the CURE Insurance Arena in Trenton to listen to the vice president.


By Published On: January 28, 2025Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on FBI begins ‘nuclear incident drill’ in New York amid fears of WWIII

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