Investor who predicted dot-com crash issues chilling three-word warning as another market storm brews

A billionaire investor who predicted the dot-com crash 25 years ago warned that he is ‘on bubble watch’ as warning signs appear to have cropped up in the market.

Howard Marks, one of the most respected value investors, pointed out cautionary signs in the stock market that could mean poor returns over the long term or a large decline nearer term.

‘It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the return on an investment is significantly a function of the price paid for it. For that reason, investors clearly shouldn’t be indifferent to today’s market valuation,’ Marks wrote in his latest memo.

He said that, although he doesn’t believe a bubble poses an immediate threat, there are signs he’s noticing that may speed up the process.

These include the market optimism since late 2022, Artificial Intelligence enthusiasm, a reliance on tech giants, and index investing bias.

Marks said that the above average valuation on the S&P 500, and the fact that its stocks in most industrial groups sell at higher multiples than stocks in those industries in the rest of the world, was one of the ‘cautionary signs’ of a bubble.

He also mentioned Bitcoin, and said: ‘Regardless of its merit, that fact that its price rose 465% in the last two years doesn’t suggest an overabundance of caution.’

‘A bubble not only reflects a rapid rise in stock prices, but it is a temporary mania characterized by -or, perhaps better, resulting from – the following: highly irrational exuberance, outright adoration of the subject companies or assets and a belief that they can’t miss, massive fear of being left behind if one fails to participate, and a resulting conviction that, for these stocks, “there’s no price too high”,’ Marks wrote.


By Published On: January 17, 2025Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on Investor who predicted dot-com crash issues chilling three-word warning as another market storm brews

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