Ebola Updates via Someone In The Know

The following was sent to me via a person who’s got decades of professional experience working with the American Red Cross and gets regular updates on the evolving (or devolving) situation in a variety of areas from qualified persons. While it may have left the headlines for the time being, keep in mind a bio attack via a human carrier could easily be pulled off through a non-existent border and an overwhelmed response system. 

Links worth a read-






Bottom line:

  • The known efficacious vaccine supply is running out, and WHO is stretching the supply by reducing the dose;
  • WHO is now planning to use other untested vaccines;
  • One or more Islamist organizations previously driven out of Uganda are actively attacking Ebola response activities in Eastern Congo, and are having a notable effect, disrupting the response effort;
  • This clade of the Ebola filovirus is infectious in individuals not showing any prompt signs of infection. IOW, they test positive without fever;
  • All WHO and CDC screening protocol assumes infected and infectious persons show a fever Most of the new cases recorded in the last month are either already dead or near death, with no known links to prior cases;
  • CDC has stationed 19 personnel in population centers near the Eastern Congo;
  • WHO continues to recommend against travel restrictions in or out of the Congo;
  • The known geographic location of new cases in Eastern Congo continues to expand.


  • Ebola in the DRC is now out of control, and will cross the border into Uganda in Q3-Q4 2019, if it has not already done so, and possibly to Rwanda and/or South Sudan. The international response is implicitly already acknowledging this.
  • It is likely that cases will expand outside the DRC in East Africa through late 2019 into 2020, and possible that locations outside East Africa but with strong trade links to this area may also see cases.
  • As this outbreak spreads, it is also possible that persons who are exposed and have the means to travel will seek refuge in first-world countries, as was the case with the West African outbreak in 2014-2016.
  • Finally, it is possible that Islamist organizations will use this outbreak as a source of BW pathogens to be directed against the West.


  1. The US should institute travel restrictions affecting all persons who have traveled from Congo, Uganda, South Sudan and Rwanda within the last 21 days, requiring a quarantine of all such individuals in secured locations, for a minimum of 21 days, with testing to ensure that asymptomatic infections are identified. Although presently legal, this is not likely, given the present political climate.
  2. Absent such a quarantine, it is possible that persons traveling into the US may carry Ebola in with them, and given the characteristics of this clade of the Ebola filovirus, transmit it to other persons who have not traveled outside the US. “Patient Zero” in these united States may not have any of the markers presently used as screening tools, and may not be identified as Ebola patients until the disease has advanced to the terminal stages, as was the case in Texas several years ago.

The implications of the above are obvious.

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About the Author: admin


  1. Patriotman May 23, 2019 at 06:11

    Excellent news update, though I wish the content was more cheerful.

    To put this in perspective, there are 12 beds in the United States for ebola patients. You get to 13 patients, and we run out. I recommend checking out Raconteur Report for some excellent posts on ebola and its threats.

    Plan accordingly. This is a wake up call.

  2. Matt Bracken May 23, 2019 at 08:16

    Ebola is a WMD waiting to be delivered by suicide jihadis, and the open border DemocRats are going to be responsible for it reaching the USA.

  3. Johny Mac May 23, 2019 at 08:53

    With the current Progressive climate here in the USofA, I wonder if quarantining would be allowed.

    I remember when I was seven or so, our house was quarantined when i had – I forget which – Measles or Chicken Pox. Actually over a two year period I had both, so maybe our house was quarantined twice. I do remember the red notice stapled to our front door and my father stayed with a friend until I received the A-OK from the Doctor.

    Today, I could imagine it being a violation of human rights or some such BS, to quarantine someone.

    NC Scout, thanks for the update Brother!

    • Bryce Sharper May 24, 2019 at 00:16

      Totally agree about quarantine these days. We’re doomed. During the last outbreak, a guy came to our factory from Dallas and he said the plane he flew on had just come from Nigeria. The Left, at the time, was propagandizing that “QUARANTINES DON’T WORK IN THE AGE OF AIR TRAVEL!” Especially if they’re not tried.

  4. Anonymous May 23, 2019 at 09:38


  5. mobius May 23, 2019 at 10:02

    Swell…. Thanks.

  6. Bryce Sharper May 23, 2019 at 11:40


  7. Bryce Sharper May 24, 2019 at 00:14

    Do not go to the Congo. Ever. At All.

    Our church supports a Ugandan missionary (a Ugandan) and he said that they’re subject to constant surprise attacks by Congolese youths armed with a variety of weapons including AKs. He has 11 kids – biological and adopted – and they all have to run off into the forest to hide when Congolese come. He said their way of handling this problem is going back to talk to the village elders about their rowdy youth after the dust settles. He called the place a breeding ground for insurgents. It sounds like Uganda needs a wall.

    These doctors and aid workers have a god complex. Why try to save someone who’s trying to attack you?

  8. Matt in Oklahoma May 24, 2019 at 07:20

    Ebola will always be an issue for those because of their lifestyle. The lack of hygiene, the ignoring of warnings and some of the tribal habits will always lead to more outbreaks. Just the difference in the way we handle the dead makes all the difference.
    My first Africa mission we were ramping up for in 85 got shut down due to an outbreak. It’s nothing new. We’ve had Ebola here but have kept a handle on it because it’s taken seriously.
    It is an area I’m working on as unfortunately the supplies of things like rubber gloves etc don’t lend to long term storage very well. Just trying to size everyone in the group up for tyvex suits is a task especially for long term cause folks grow up and/or outward.

  9. Anonymous May 25, 2019 at 08:56


  10. Anonymous June 9, 2019 at 20:07


  11. The Gray Man June 9, 2019 at 20:12

    Five days ago USA Today reported that Congolese migrants are stacking up in Nuevo Laredo awaiting entrance to the US.


  12. Historian June 12, 2019 at 20:48

    It appears that the boy who died has as many as a dozen other family members who are now showing signs of infection.

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