An Examination of the New Violent Left in America, by The Tactical Hermit

Normalcy bias is a common theme when you think you’re the only ones in the room. And because of that bias coupled with the election in 2016, many went to sleep. But you are not alone- not by a long shot. The Left has that same momentum and drive that you had between 2008-2015, but they differ in the facts that their mass base skewers far younger, they have a legal system and media providing overhead cover for their actions, and from our observation, their level and speed of organization have far surpassed what the Right was able to accomplish in twice the time. Tactical Hermit lays out many facts about their levels of organization with a large number of embedded links detailing their own resources and training programs. 

You don’t have to like it, but you do have to face it. And they’ll continue to seize the initiative while you flounder, failing to understand the reality of the situation. -NCS


Since Donald Trump was elected President in 2016 and the left-tards started throwing public temper tantrums akin to five year-old’s who do not get their way, the general consensus in the Conservative Patriot Community was “What do we really have to fear from a group of people with purple hair who don’t even know which bathroom to use?” but recent tragic events at the ICE Detention Center in Washington State requires all of us to prudently re-evaluate the REALISTIC THREAT LEVEL these people and their organizations really pose.

Sun Tzu tells us in The Art of War that in order to be victorious against an enemy, we must “Know the enemy as we know ourselves.” So in keeping with that wisdom, let us briefly outline the birth of radical left-wing militancy in the United States.

In the book Days of Rage: America’s Radical Underground, The FBI and the Forgotten Age of Revolutionary Violence, by Bryan Burrough, several militant left-wing so-called “revolutionary” or urban-guerilla groups were discussed including: The Weather Underground, The Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) (Who kidnapped heriess Patty Hearst) Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional or Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN), The United Freedom Front, The Black Liberation Army (BLA) and The Mutulu Shakur Group or “The Family.”

Although it is beyond the scope of this article to go into any real analytical depth on any one particular group regarding their history, tactics and strategies, I do want to briefly discuss The Weather Underground simply because they share many characteristics with ANTIFA and their affiliates. The most obvious being their willingness to attack U.S. Government installations but the most notable is the name of the group ICE Detention Center terrorist and really bad songwriter, Willem Van Spronsen (pictured above) was a member: The Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. A name influenced from the latter history of The Weather Underground.

When the Weather Underground split up in 1976, several members (including Barrack Hussein Obama mentor Bill Ayers) decided to start a “publishing arm” called the Prairie Fire Organizing Committee, also called “The John Brown Book Club” by core members. It is no coincidence then that the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club shares the same name as this notorious organization of domestic terrorist and criminals. The difference being the word “Book” has been replaced with “Gun.” Read into that what you will dear readers.

In the following three paragraphs I have listed three common-core traits that all of these groups share so we can better understand their motivations and beliefs and how those influenced modern day groups like The John Brown Gun Clubs, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the Democratic Socialist of America.

Social Justice Warriors 

We have all heard this term time and time again in the main stream media, but the real genesis of the word comes from counter-culture peaceful protest groups that began in the 1960’s and who eventually morphed into the urban-guerilla/domestic terrorist groups of the 1970’s. These groups are characterized mainly by Marxist/Socialist utopian fantasies rooted in anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist sentiment. Currently third and fourth wave feminist organizations like One Billion Rising and Reclaim the Night along with movements such as #METOO have joined in with the SJW movement and phrases such as “Toxic Masculinity”, “Evils of a Patriarchal System” and “Misogynistic Mentality”are now common place in their rhetoric.

Revolutionary Violence Justified

To see the origins of left-wing violence in America one has to go further back to the 1920’s and 30’s when the Communist Party was beginning to gain traction in America via the Labor movement. Violence and subversion were seen as necessary evils to advance the cause of communism, with the Russian Revolution of 1917 as a shining example of what could be accomplished when comrades banded together for a common goal. During the Depression era we saw humanity at it’s most vulnerable and weakest, and it was at this time that the Communist Party bolstered it’s membership ranks into the tens of thousands by exploiting peoples hardships by blaming all of society’s ills on the “Capitalist” Industrialist system. Sound familiar? Fast forward to the 1970’s where groups like The Weather Underground, the FALN and the BLA claimed responsibility for over 2,500 bombings in an eighteen month period between 1971 and 1972. These bombings (in which less than 1% accounted for any fatalities) were always followed by some type of public statement that denounced the “evils of the capitalist system” of Democratic government. Again, sound familiar? Yes, nothing really ever changes with these folks.

Use of Propaganda via Main Stream Media (MSM)

These groups were very adept at using various forms of propaganda to further their cause. In the 1960’s, with the advent of television news at it’s zenith, public protest became a very popular way for these groups to get publicity and notoriety. In the 1970’s it was standard operating procedure for groups like The Weather Underground and the FALN to issue “communiques” after their bombings which more often than not acted as “exploding press releases” always denouncing some form of the “American capitalist condition.” Fast forward to modern day and with the heavily biased leftist media enclaves like CNN and MSNBC giving these groups both validity and publicity along with the silicon valley marxist club social media giants like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, it can be said without exaggeration that the left has the upper hand when it comes to “controlling the narrative” with their propaganda and silencing the opposition’s viewpoint via censorship and false labels like “hate speech” and “racist.”

So after seeing the common traits these organizations have always had regardless of the time period in which they operate, what is the bottom line as far as violence goes with today’s left-wing groups? Well it can be said with some certainty after perusing the websites of some of the leftist groups in operation today, that VIOLENCE is certainly on the menu and is being prepared for.

For the DIY type of 21st century leftist revolutionary, there is the aptly named “Warrior Up” website which by it’s own description has “Techniques for sabotaging capitalist infrastructure and extractive industries.”  For those of us old enough to remember when you could buy a copy of the Poor Man’s James Bond via mail order for $5.00, in comparison, websites like these are pitiful substitutes to be honest.

To get a sense of where the average leftist is at regarding violence, there is this overly biased article from the Guardian, in which members of the the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club stated that they were willing to be armed and get violent if need be to “Provide Security and Protect themselves from Right Wing Aggression.” This is classic deflection (blame) rhetoric since in most every video I can find of ANTIFA it is THESE morons that start the fights, not the Trump Supporters or “Right Wing” groups.

The PSJBGC go on to clearly state on their website that they believe in “ACTIVE RESISTANCE” and that they train in Defense which includes the right to own, carry, and train with tactically useful rifles, pistols, and body armor. Not sure what “tactically useful” means here, but it is clear, at least to me, that they are trying to be better organized and sound more martially active or “warlike” if you will than other groups you typically find in this ilk which look and sound downright effeminate and weak.

In closing, it would behoove all of us in the Conservative and Patriot communities to keep an eye on these folks. While most of the rhetoric I found was mostly defensive in nature, there is no doubt these groups are attempting to take a harder edge, get better organized and talk and train more like their Conservative enemies. There is no doubt, at least in my mind, there will be more attacks like the one on the ICE Detention Center and as the 2020 Presidential debates and election approaches, more attacks on Conservatives and Trump supporters as well.

Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!



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About the Author: admin


  1. johnyMac July 29, 2019 at 12:42

    Great info Tacticalhermit. It is because of patriots like you that strive to get the word out that will save us in the end. After all, vampires hate the sun.

    To add to your comments and observations we need to understand that although we have larger and more visible organizations like the JBGC out there carrying the water for the leftist’s, they are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many groups that I would like to call “decentralized cancer cells” that have minimal contact between each cell hence no head to cut off when found

    This tried and true guerrilla structure makes it difficult to infiltrate the cell (s) by the powers to be. Which brings us back to your article TacticalHermit. One of the belt-way alphabet suits is not going to save you. They can only be reactive post a drama – Never proactive. It’s up to us to stay vigilant.

    The American Partisan readers are the eyes and ears across these United States for potential brush fires caused by one or more of these cells. Let’s keep communicating among ourselves and be proactive if possible.

    Stay vigilant!

  2. SemperFido July 29, 2019 at 20:38

    Interesting that the guys open carrying look alot like contractors in the sandbox. I wonder if the CIA is hiring?

  3. Bryce Sharper July 30, 2019 at 00:41

    Van Spronsen was a skulker. I can spot one a mile away. He also appears to have had no wife and family. He was the Left wing version of that old guy who shot that black Capitol security guard half a decade ago: nothing to show for his life and wanted to go out meaningfully.

    The screen-capped article is interesting; many of the people getting involved are young women. THis was true in the ’70s also. Many women like fighters, perhaps JBGC is a place for them to meet men willing to act like men but who don’t have right wing beliefs? In the olde days, young women got married and had families and didn’t have time for revolutionary activities.

    I just finished H. John Poole’s “Homeland Siege.” All revolutionaries have to sow discontent and chaos then point out that the government can’t do anything about it but they can. Revolutionaries are not picky about who they tap for support or how they get money. The ChiComs/PLA could support a group like this. There are a lot of ChiComs in WA. It’s also on a big interstate fwy used for drug trafficking. This group could secure many sources of funding.

    • NC Scout July 30, 2019 at 07:56

      On the topic of Van Spronsen, the issue is a lack of social capital. When someone either has too little *or* has it removed for whatever reason, their propensity for violent action greatly increases. Social Capital and Social Bonds theory are parallels of the same concept, originally studied by Hirschi to explain juvenile crime. Its an effective theory for studying potential insurgents and it transcends age when viewed in that manner, explaining older violent actors (like James Hodgkinson) when their contemporaries should have aged out of most criminality. Their militant ideals have finally outgrown their limited social attachments and thus, they do what they did. I expect there’s quite a few more.

      The involvement of women is a result of second wave feminism. Many Communist publications have advocated for the role of women in the guerrilla band, much of it framed around liberation from traditional gender roles. Marxists view the family as a bourgeois institution that serves only to ‘replicate’ exploitable labor for the capitalists. The feminist theory is especially present in most of the documentaries on Rojava. They’re worth a watch.

  4. Bryce Sharper July 31, 2019 at 21:02

    I like that theory.

    I don’t think these Antifa revolutionaries can create enough discontent to spark a revolution without the federal government driving the economy into a ditch.

  5. Gryphon October 29, 2019 at 15:17

    Good Article, and I believe a valid analysis of the subject.. However, the larger issue here is how “Antifa” is being Protected, by Federal, State and Local “law enforcement” at every Event they attend. ANY Defensive actions by people attacked by the communists groups are immediately Persecuted (the correct term, in fact) to the greatest extent of the “law”. Witness the individual Framed for ‘murder’ in Charlottseville, on the basis that some (land-whale) commie in the crowd suffered a Fatal Heat Attack, despite the Fact that the Accused NEVER touched that person. This is the level of communist Influence/Control we are confronted with in ‘government’. Government is Enemy #1, Never forget that Fact.

    • NC Scout October 29, 2019 at 19:33

      Absolutely correct. They have allies in the infrastructure, which was one of the implicit points being made in the article on the Kurds in Rojava. When a State no longer acts in your interest, the answer is not individualism.

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