After Virginia: How to change course by Derek Collins

Many of you are going to either ignore or argue with what you are about to read. You will think that it is too simplistic, will take far to long to accomplish, things are too for gone for this to work or some sort of combination of the above along with a dozen other reasons you may think up along the way. I understand this because I hear them on a day to day basis. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below. They won’t hurt my feelings as I no longer have any and if I did I can always sooth myself to sleep knowing that I am right.

How can I say that I am right with such confidence? It is because the plan below works. I have seen it work. I have studied how and why it works. I have worked in various stages of this plan. I have undeniable proof that it works and as you read this it is unfolding right now before your very eyes in states like Virginia. Even though it is right in front of you, plain as the nose on your face, you will still deny that it is even possible and will not attempt to do it. You are wrong. You are in denial.

The reason is that though this plan appears to be simple it requires a lot of hard work. It requires a lot of time and effort. It is thankless, backbreaking and sometimes ugly. Those around you will not understand it and may mock you for wasting your time on it. You will receive no glory or recognition for your efforts. This is the plan that those who oppose all you hold dear used to get to where we are today. They put up with all that I outlined above because they understand in their bones that the goal is not to win, it is about making sure that their agenda is advanced farther today that it was yesterday. To you it is a short game to them it is about infinity.

I say all this because I want the few of you that will read below and grasp the implications of this plan to understand what you will be up against. Things have reached the point in this country that armed uprising to make up for the sheer neglect and apathy of our side seems like the sanest option. So, for the courageous among you, read below and take up the sacred duty our Founding Fathers gave us as free men and women.

1. Join a Party
For better or worse we have a two-party system in this country. As each party has drifted to where there does not seem to be a difference between them those that believe in freedom have taking their political ball and gone home. The main reason this has happened is because over the past few years those that have claimed No Party Affiliation has risen and they tend to be more freedom oriented than statist. We abandoned the fight. What must happen is that you need to plant a flag in one of the available parties so that there is still a voice for your ideas. If you cannot stomach being part of the main two then there are many third parties that need help as at some point one of the two are going to detonate and will be replaced. It has happened before in our history and it is on the verge of happening again. Unless you are part of a party you cannot participate in the next step.

2. Become involved in the workings of the Party
Every party has a county level Executive Committee and a State level organization. You need to become part of the leadership in your area. You start by being consistently at the monthly meetings. Volunteer to be part of the sub committees, voter registrations, calls to action and events. The more visible you are and the more effort you put in the more influential you become.

3. Work the primary
The primary is where the party chooses who will run in the general election. This is the most ignored aspect of the process and the most crucial. You need to pay attention who is running for nomination. Most likely your only chance to meet and speak directly to these people are during this time. You may even feel that one of these candidates would be worth spending your time and effort to help win the nomination. Often weak or downright bad candidates are nominated because most of the party members do nothing as they just wait to see who is nominated. However, in order to advance what we believe, this part of the process is very important.

4. Work the general
If your candidate wins the primary and is now the nominee, it is time to commit. The time between primary and general is very short and everyday counts. You can do steps 1-3 almost as a hobby. You cannot treat step 4 like a hobby. Any moment you can spare should be spent at party headquarters helping to make phone calls, knocking doors, hanging signs or whatever they need you to do. This effort is what helps win elections and it also doesn’t hurt that it helps you be noticed and increases your future influence. You will have to sacrifice during this time.

What if your candidate did not win the primary and the less desirable one won instead? You still do the work and you still vote for them. If the candidate supports three of the five things you think are important (please do not be stupid and be a single-issue voter) then you still vote for them. I guarantee that the opposing candidate supports zero out of five of the issues you think are important. Our side is very bad about insisting on ideological purity and often refuses to vote over a single issue. The other side understands this and consistently turns out and votes for a candidate that they do not like because they know that it about how far they can advance their ideas. They only care about advancing. If you have a problem doing this then step 5 and 6 is where we correct.

5. Watch the policy
Just because the election is over does not mean the work is done. The election is just a short-term game. Our side has looked at elections as win/loss propositions and if our guy wins then the other side must accept defeat and bow to our superior ideas. Also, if the other side wins, we need to stop acting like that the game is over. Remember it is about the advancement of ideas and sometimes you are ahead and sometimes you are behind. Elections are not a scoreboard they are a gauge. Regardless of if your candidate won or lost you need to watch the policies and legislation they write or support. In this day and age it is ridiculously easy to keep track of this as on Federal, State and Local levels you can see what bills are being submitted, track what committees they are going through and where the person that now represents you votes on them online. It is also very easy to contact them to let them know how you feel about certain things they will vote on. Read the bills and ordinances that are coming up. If you do not understand what they mean or what the implementations could be there are plenty of organizations that interpret public policy and the impacts of them. Also understand that the language of legislation does not always make sense. Certain words in a piece of legislation can have a different meaning than what is in common usage. Take the time to learn what it means and not what you think it means. That way when it is time to move to step 6 you have a big impact.

6. Hold accountable
Most people think that the only time this happens is on election day. It is the day that we only think about every 2,4 or 6 years depending on the office, but it is a day that every elected official thinks and worries about every day of the year. You can remind them as well that it is a day that you are thinking about every time they write or vote for a piece of legislation. You can see what bills are in committee and if your direct legislator or one from your state sits on one of those committees you can call their office and let them know how you feel about it and how you think they should vote on it. Yes, you can tell them how you want them to vote no matter what party is after their name. Do not fall for that myth that they will not listen to you. They may ignore you, but they will listen to you. I know this because I have many times sat in their offices talking directly to them or a staff member and seen the look in their eyes when I tell them that I am the one calling voters and knocking on doors.

One thing that we neglect to do is thank them when they do vote on good policy. Simply put what is rewarded is repeated. My state representative and Congressman both are of the opposite party I support but I have on many occasions called their offices or spoke with them directly and thanked them for their vote on issues. Thanking them for when they do right sticks with them longer than yelling at them when they do wrong. They are more likely to be receptive to the things you care about in the future.

7. Repeat
Politics is an infinite game which means it never ends. Infinite games are unwinnable, they are just played until the players run out of will or resources to continue and they drop out and are replaced by others. The other side has figured this out a long time ago and that is why even though they may lose an election or two their ideas seem to keep advancing. Those of use that believe in freedom and liberty have treated politics like a finite game which explains why when we win elections we never seem to gain or slow anything down. You must keep involved and keep working. There will never be a moment where you can win enough elections or advance enough policy where you can say you are done. We understand this when it comes to prepping for survival. Survival is an infinite game that you cannot win you just keep going until you run out of will or resources to continue. All your preps do is give you a head start and keep you in the game longer. Therefore, if you really want to advance freedom, you can never stop working.

So, there it is. It is the exact same broad plan that those that hate individual freedom has executed for decades. If what you see happening in Virginia, and in other states, upsets you enough to want to pick up a gun then it should motivate you to do the hard work involved in this effort. People need to realize that if they get the government of Virginia to back down it is not a win. The other side will only see it as a temporary setback and apply the lessons learned to their next effort while our side will just go home thinking it is over. It is never over, and it is our fault that it has gotten this far. The question is will you do what is all that is necessary to turn the tide and start advancing, or will you just sit and wait to be dragged into a fight because it is just easier that way?
I guess we will ultimately find out by November.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Wes Rhinier January 8, 2020 at 08:21

    My connection keeps getting reset when trying to post my response. See if it can go this way. Posted response on NCRenegade. Thanks

    • NC Scout January 8, 2020 at 09:53

      I just read yours. If you’d like, email it to me and I can post it later today here.

      I neither agree nor disagree that politics are a solution. They’re an element, albeit one that is intensely frustrating. That said one can not negate the necessity of understanding their function and how to achieve results. The situation of today may not be the same situation of tomorrow.

  2. Insurance Agent January 8, 2020 at 08:59

    These ideas have to be the next steps.

    It’s easier to stock bullets, beans, and bandages, but reality is that working this political process and holding the elected accountable has to be the necessary next step in protecting our freedoms.

  3. glasscracker January 8, 2020 at 09:03

    Your plan has been tried and tried…to no avail. It is the definition of insanity. It’s time to move on and accomplish what needs to be addressed. We are down to the last box as the other boxes have not worked.

  4. June J January 8, 2020 at 13:22

    By the time “No Party Affiliation” patriots re-engage in a party and influence it to begin turning back down the progressive socialists “long road” the game will be over. The time to do that was 20 to 30 years ago. The socialists have won the education, media, entertainment, sports and political arenas already to the point that they no longer are hiding their true intents.

    That being said, if there’s 50-60 million Americans not voting out there who give a damn about what’s happening and will vote against the socialists in such numbers as to crush their advantage in all of the arenas they’ve won, perhaps there’s a chance.

  5. 15Fixer January 8, 2020 at 15:02

    Kind of funny in a way…… in Tom Clancy’s novel “The Hunt For Red October” the Soviet submarine commander, Marko Ramius, had his subordinates who were SOOOOO dissatisfied with The Party, join the Party, participate actively in the Party, work to change the Party from within, in short, TRY to be good New Soviet men. By trying to work within the Party, these young officers soon learned that the effort was futile. It turned disaffected but devoted naval officers into soviet-hating men who say there was no way in hell to reform the Party. So….. reject the Party, make it hurt, and find a new way for a new way of life. Kind of like where Americans (not american-globalists) are today.

  6. Bad_Brad January 8, 2020 at 17:45

    We should probably leave fictional books out of any consideration for a bloodless fix. Great article by the way, and right on the money. However I need to side with the people that are saying it’s to late. It’s sure as hell is to late for 2020. We’ve let the left destroy this country and stack the deck against us. To many conservatives that don’t have a “Perfect” candidate just decide not to participate. Nice going. Conservatives seem to want a magic bullet candidate that going to fix everything instantaneously. The left wins by pushing their agenda forward in incremental steps. It’s taken them thirty years to finally feel comfortable enough to run on a socialist platform. Or to just come right out and say, yea, we’re taking your guns. Our best chance in 2020 in anybody on “Our Sides” gotta vote. For ANYTHING with an R behind it. Good things have happened to our party. Suddenly the Republicans figured out Nationalism is better for the residents of the country than Globalism. That’s huge. We need to get past 2020 and then implement what the author has written about. One other thing we can do in this upcoming election. Get involved in your county or state election board. Fraud will be OFF the charts this time around. So go get your buddies that don’t participate and tune them, and get them to the polls.

  7. […] Let me just start off by saying I read everything that NC Scout publishes at American Partisan. Thank you for publishing this article. You may read it here… […]

  8. 15Fixer January 9, 2020 at 17:49

    Hey Bad Brad……” We should probably leave fictional books out of any consideration …..” Does Life imitate Art, or does Art imitate Life???? I have seen, read, and heard many real-life stories about the FUTILITY of working with a system that is so corrupt as ours is now. Claire Wolfe-“We’re at that awkward stage where it’s too late to change and too soon to start shooting.” ((paraphrase)) Soo…. I’ll use my fictitious BUT WELL-KNOWN example to illustrate my point. To avoid confusion, yanno????

  9. doug1943 February 22, 2020 at 10:31

    This is so correct. It is 1000% correct.

    We’re not living in Afghanistan, or Russia. We still have a functioning democratic system. It’s NOT perfect. It never will be — see ‘Original Sin, Human Beings, possessed by.’ But it works. It was designed by some very smart people to work for a long long time. It’s worked for 250 years. That time may be running out. But we’re not at the end yet.

    Some people sense that difficult times may be ahead. No one knows, or can know, the future.

    The default method of thinking for most of us is to assume that, since today was not very different from yesterday, that tomorrow will not be very different from today. And we’re usually right. Until we’re not. Some of us are concerned about the exception, when we’re not right.

    That one day in every ten or twenty thousand days when things are NOT like they were yesterday. The SHTF day.

    Some of us choose an individualist, or very-small-group-of-friends method of preparing for that day. Others look to do what the Founders started doing over 250 years ago … preparing for larger-scale, organized responses aiming at gaining or defending political power, not letting our enemies have it and then hiding from it … thus the militia movement.

    Neither is necessarily right or wrong, and these responses are not necessarily counterposed to each other. I think the attempt to build a broad-collective response is right — and I notice that this is the response that our enemies don’t like. They just smile at individual ‘preppers’ and ‘survivalists’, but they actively hate the militia movement. The Southern Poverty Law Center has no pages denouncing survivalists, but spends plenty of energy warning against the militia.

    But … the militia movement itself is too focussed on the platoon level at the moment, in my opinion.

    In the first place, it must grow by two orders of magnitude if it is even to reach being 3% of the number of potentially-sympathetic males in America. It’s probably about ten thousand people at most, and it needs to be nearer a million.

    In the second place, whatever happens in the future and however it finds itself responding — whether as George Washington or as Che Guevara — it needs to be embedded in large concentric circles of, first of all, close supporters who are almost members but can’t be for this or that reason, then of strong sympathyzers, then of middling sympathyzers, then of vaguely friendly people, then of not-supporters but not hostiile people and on out to the broad middle who are not sure, but not eager to oppose it actively. This is exactly the situation the original American revolutionists found themselves in … as one end of a spectrum of attitudes towards independence, from militant supporters at one end, to actively hostile Loyalists at the other. Most people were neither.

    This requires active work, and skilled work. It means knowing how to deal with the different kinds of media, of responding to potentially unfavorable news (“Militia sympathyer runs amok”), of taking advantage of events to build community support an generate favorable news.

    And this means every militia member, and every individual survivalist and prepper, MUST be active in politics. It’s where the power is, even if the pure democratic model we were taught in high school is warped and distorted by powerful and non-benign forces.

    Right now, and until November, 90% of our activity should be in the political arena. Postpone that weekend bivouac and find out how to register people to vote. Half the American population don’t vote. Many of them WOULD vote for the patriotic chioice, with a little encouragement and education. There are no doubt local political types who know how to reach these people.

    They may be suspicious of the militia or of you — Leftist propaganda has had its effect even on large parts of the conservative movement, who are not sure if the militia movement is not some sort of group of crazies plotting to seize the courthouse next month. Believe it or not, there are still conservatives who take the SPLC as a genuine non-partisan source of information.

    So volunteering to help these people get out the vote will be doubly effective: it will get more patriotic voters out, AND it will start to overcome the unnecessary barriers that exist between armed and organized patriots, and those patriots who have not seen the prudence of being prepared by having effective, organized, access to the ultimate source of political power.

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