Escape the ranks of the insane

“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” -Marcus Aurelius

How appropriate this is when applied to the backdrop of today’s version of Western Civilization, if you can call it civilization at all.

I was reading Drudge the other day and found an article that I will not link here, since the readers do not need to add another few points to their blood pressure. It is there is a person with severe delusions regarding their gender. I believe it was a woman pretending to be a man and expecting the rest of us to join them in there delusion, or else be labeled with some variation of bigotry. The subject of the article was dismayed that despite their decision to masquerade as a man, she was still having a monthly menstruation and was forced to buy a $12 pink box of tampons that had a woman (by all evidence, an actual one) on the front of it. In the article the mentally ill woman complained about the price, complained about the look of the box itself, complained about the “dysphoria” her monthly event caused her, and there was even a tone of surprise that I sensed. Surprise at the fact that the menstruation didn’t cease the moment this individual decided that she was now a man. NBC News of course thought this was newsworthy and ran it like a serious piece. That’s our media, and they wonder, they legitimately wonder, why at least 40% of the US population don’t take them seriously anymore.

You and I are expected to full embrace these delusion, these literal delusions, and take part in them, encourage them. We are expected to alter our own language and behavior, our own perception of reality. We are expected to offer our minds and the minds of our children to the alter of this insanity. This is the new Western Civilization in the 21st century.

I’m currently taking an art history class in pursuit of my bachelor’s degree. My degree is totally unrelated to either art or history, but I chose art history over the other humanities because I love history, and the art of a society is conjoined with its history. The art that a people produces is a direct reflection of what they hold to be valuable, what they see to be important, what they want the world to remember them by. It reflects their society’s personality and what makes that society good, in their view. It tells us what those people respected and found to be beautiful.

This becomes instantly apparent looking at the art of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. It’s obvious in the art of the Middle Ages. The art of the Renaissance blatantly shows a civilization breaking through a wall into modernity, into the good of modernity. So then what does the art of today’s Western Civilization tell us that it values? What do the people of Western Civilization hold dear today? What beauty do we find in our people?

Nothing. Today, Western Civilization values nothing, holds nothing dear, respects nothing, takes what should be beautiful and either tears it down or ignores it.

The book “The Naked Communist” had 45 goals to destroy the US, in which “US” could really be seen as non-communist Western Civilization. Number 23 said “Our goal is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.” I was at the University of Florida earlier this year and saw a piece of “art” in an open area near some museums. The piece was simply three, long metal beams. Two of them formed an “x” and the other was propping them upright. That was it. That is art in our modern civilization. Recently I read that an art exhibit had a piece that sold for quite a lot of money. It was a banana duct taped to the wall. There have been several pieces of art made entirely, or mostly, from shit. Excuse my language here, but is that what our society, our civilization here in the West, values and holds dear? Shit?

There are not that many of us left today, those of us who find ourselves in a smaller and smaller minority of the sane. We must find each other, stay together, steel ourselves against the insane majority. They’ve taken so much, our academia, our government, our businesses and corporations, our sciences and our art. They’re attacking our religion and our churches, and have succeeded in corrupting much of the leaders in the Catholic, Methodist and Episcopalian churches. The Baptists are feeling that heat. They’re now trying to take our minds by pushing us to join them in their delusional reality and they surely are trying to take our children. But they’re going to hit a wall against those few of us who remain grounded, and make no mistake they will react violently.

Be ready, and give them no ground on your mind or the minds of your children.

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About the Author: admin


  1. E s c a p e the I n s a n e | norsedefense January 14, 2020 at 07:42

    […] Escape the ranks of the insane […]

  2. Steve Shapiro January 14, 2020 at 07:49

    I’ve been watching to gradual (now not so gradual) erosion of our culture and I’ve noticed a disturbing pattern that no one has at present commented upon. As our culture degrades numerous conservative personalities have found that there is a market for commenting upon the eradication of the West. I’ve also noticed that these self same conservative celebrities also constantly call for no other actions other than: voting for some politician; listening attentively to their radio, television, or podcasts; and “spreading the word”. Any suggestion of some kind of forceful push back is ALWAYS rejected because A) “That’s not who we are.” and B) “That’s just what the enemy wants us to do.”
    In other words our spokesmen and women are all telling us the future is bleak and we shouldn’t really do anything about it. Listening to their programs and buying their merch is ALL they ever advocate. Meanwhile the other side is taking to the streets with pitchforks and torches.
    The other side is winning.

  3. ammom88 January 14, 2020 at 12:33

    I recently started homeschooling my 6 year old. She’s never partaken in any “social” programs other than the medicaid I exploited when I was pregnant and the first year postpartum. I do regret it a bit….

    Anyway… I’ve since been more privy to what is really important in raising a child and am so grateful I can homeschool (really anyone can do it if you have at least a little familial or friendly support). In researching how to homeschool and what style I wanted to pursue, I have joined several homeschool facebook groups to find advice, suggestions and resources.

    I live in Florida, so I follow only florida based facebook groups when it comes to homeschooling and I see daily more than one mother or parent saying “We plan to withdraw our child from public school to start homeschooling. what are the first steps..” etc. Every. Day. For the past two and a half years. I can’t attest to people in other states, but in Florida, people are withdrawing their children from public school in droves, or are starting there from the get-go. I thought I might have been a stranger in a strange land of homeschooling, but the community is thriving.

    Despite some people being secular, this seems like a huge movement away from the modern “Progressive” movement that we may fear will kill western art and culture. And I don’t mean just wy ppo. Being that I see this in Florida, its people of all colors and cultures, people moving from another state to down south or even people from other countries. We have decent “freedoms” when it comes to homeschooling here.

    I don’t follow any other Florida groups that may have alternative views, but it is important to remember that ANYONE posting to a homeschool group is doing it because they actually have children. Having children can greatly change you, especially if you are “progressive.” I certainly had some socialist sympathies when I was younger and without a child, but it definitely changed when I did birth my first (and only) and was forced with responsibility. I know there are some pretty bad horror stories out of “Florida Man/Woman” when it comes to them being parents, and drugs usually take the front stage with that, but there is still hope.

    I really hope that this next generation can make much better moral decisions because more people are removing their children from government indoctrination centers, while also still maintaining an appropriate amount of altruism. Hospitality is also a basis of western culture and fortitude to building meaningful and lasting relationships with strangers, and even within our own families.

    Thank you to the AP team of authors for sharing their thoughts, information and encouragement (even if it’s in the form of doomsday prepping). I quite enjoy reading here.

  4. Bill January 14, 2020 at 16:35

    Steve Shapiro, I’ve noticed the very same and have been removed from most so called “conservative” web sites for pushing hard action against the problems… It would seem the so called conservative/republicans would rather throw their own under the bus than become a defensive force… Oh well, I’m sure they would have no problem stuffing us in the ovens and gas chambers as some in the past did.

    • NC Scout January 14, 2020 at 17:52

      ‘Conservative’ sites are interested in conserving themselves. There is no political solution.

  5. Capt. D January 14, 2020 at 18:44

    Well-said sir!

  6. stormsailor1981 January 14, 2020 at 19:41

    I feel like I’m losing my mind, but reality has become like a free range asylum, you have to be a lunatic to participate and I refuse to acknowledge the insanity therefore I am more and more isolated. I see no common sense, no reason, no justice, no character, and no honor in anything our reality has become.

  7. Gray Man January 14, 2020 at 21:35


  8. […] Today, Western Civilization values nothing, holds nothing dear, respects nothing, takes what should … […]

  9. Anonymous January 20, 2020 at 21:51


  10. Srsly January 21, 2020 at 07:16

    Been saying this since this mass delusion masquerading as compassion begun. I really hope the majority doesn’t believe in this transgender nonsense, I think it’s more “smile and nod” to keep the lunatics and (more likely) their cheerleaders in media looking to drum up controversy and readership. That more people don’t speak out about this in media tells me the media cherry picks their interview subjects for proper mindset.

  11. Zeke January 21, 2020 at 07:22

    True story – had an opportunity to pick up a client in one of the ally organizations, didn’t know it was such an org off the bat. Anyway, I emailed asking for some basic info, and the reply, a week or so later was fine, but the signature block had a section listing preferred pronouns. I don’t even know how to address this person now, because, well, I’m not part of the insane pc posse, so I decided to just call this one a lost opportunity. Life is entirely too short to engage with the insane voluntarily.

  12. […] Avoid the ugliness, avoid the delusions, avoid the craziness. […]

  13. Doug February 1, 2020 at 08:42

    So your intro says; “We must find each other, stay together, steel ourselves against the insane majority.” and yet you use a nom de plume to hide your identity? Email me: [email protected] and you can find me.

  14. Anonymous April 2, 2020 at 18:58


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