Plato’s regimes, and my addendum.

The five regimes are written out in a progression from the first, called aristocracy, to what Plato lists last, which is tyranny. These progress from most desirable to least. Aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, tyranny is the order from top to bottom, first to last, most desirable to least. My personal addition, if I may make one, is anarchy.

By |2021-10-28T18:51:43-04:00October 27, 2021|Culture, Grey Man, History, Opinion, Philosophy|9 Comments

The intelligent man is the one who can re-calibrate his worldview.

A worldview developed during someone's high school years or early twenties is almost certainly based upon information the individual was too naive to know was flawed. Secondly, for a person to remain psycho-socially healthy and useful to the world on both a micro (in their own family and friend circle) and macro (in their community) level, they have be able to change and adapt as new, correct, reasonable, logical information comes in. This requires them to constantly retool their character and re-calibrate that worldview. The final problem is that they are actively working to avoid changing by intentionally disregarding information that goes against their presuppositions.

By |2020-11-22T06:00:14-05:00November 22, 2020|Culture, Grey Man|5 Comments
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