Shortwave Monitoring Frequencies Of Interest

On my way home from a training event last night I was having a brief conversation with a retired Air Force Officer who had helped coordinate the airlift for Katrina. To say he’s well-versed in disaster management is an understatement, along with quite a few other topics. One of the things we talked about was the logistics needed in the event of a larger-scale disaster. Best case scenario, the whole thing dies down and the virus mutates on into something harmless. But we neither plan nor train for best case scenarios, we prepare for the worst. And the we agreed that worst case scenario will start to unfold when people start to get hungry- and Americans ain’t hungry yet.  Sourced from, the following is a list of frequencies that will likely have traffic in the event of a longer-term disaster and might be important to have written down somewhere.

These are receivable on any HF-capable radio, whether its a single-sideband shortwave radio or amateur (ham) rig. While I don’t recommend one as a starter or primary transmitting radio, the Xiegu G1M is a good receiver for this purpose due to it being inexpensive for what it is, up-to-date receiving electronics and power efficiency when running off-grid. Coupled with a hasty wire dipole you’re good to go.


Shared Resources (SHARES) Coordination Net (SCN)

Federal, State & Local government agencies nationwide.

5236.0       Channel 1  SCN Voice Net
14396.5      Channel 2  SCN Voice Net
4490.0       Channel 3  SCN ALE Net
5711.0       Channel 4  SCN ALE Net  
9106.0       Channel 5  SCN ALE Net  
11217.0      Channel 6  SCN ALE Net  
15094.0      Channel 7  SCN ALE Net 
17487.0      Channel 8  SCN ALE STI Net
6800.0       Channel 9  SCN BBS Net
13242.0      Channel 10 SCN BBS Net
10586.5      Channel XF

Operation Secure (USB)

2326 2411 2414 2419 2422 2439 2463 2466 2471 2474 2487 2511 2535
2569 2587 2801 2804 2812 5135 5140 5167 5192 5195 7477 7480 7802 
7805 7932 kHz

American Red Cross (USB)

2081 3170 5135 5140 6858 7549 7697 kHz

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

All frequencies in kHz (mode USB and LSB)

Frequency 1         2320
Frequency 2         2360
Frequency 3         2377 
Frequency 4         2445
Frequency 5/ALE     2658
Frequency 6/ALE     3341 
Frequency 7         3379
Frequency 8         3388
Frequency 9         4603 
Frequency 10        4780
Frequency 11        5211 
Frequency 12        5378 
Frequency 13        5402
Frequency 14        5821
Frequency 15        5961
Frequency 16/ALE    6049
Frequency 17        6106
Frequency 18        6108
Frequency 19        6151
Frequency 20        6176
Frequency 21/ALE    6809
Frequency 22/ALE    7348
Frequency 23        7428
Frequency 24/ALE    9462 
Frequency 24/ALE    10194
Frequency 26        11108
Frequency 28        11721
Frequency 29        11801
Frequency 30        11957 
Frequency 33        12129
Frequency 34        12216
Frequency 36/ALE    13446
Frequency 37/ALE    13935
Frequency 38        13894
Frequency 39        14567
Frequency 40        13783
Frequency 41        14450 
Frequency 42        14776
Frequency 43        14836
Frequency 44/ALE    14885
Frequency 45        14899
Frequency 46        14908
Frequency 47        14872
Frequency 48        13956
Frequency 49        15840
Frequency 50        15708
Frequency 51/ALE    16201
Frequency 52        16238
Frequency 53/ALE    17519
Frequency 54        18483
Frequency 55        18744
Frequency 56        20361
Frequency 57/ALE    19969
Frequency 58        20027
Frequency 59        20063
Frequency 60/ALE    21866
Frequency 61        21919
Frequency 62/ALE    22983
Frequency 63        23028 
Frequency 64        23390
Frequency 65        23451
Frequency 66        23550
Frequency 67        23814
Frequency 68        24008
Frequency 69        24282 
Frequency 70        24526
Frequency 70/ALE    24819

Air Force Global HF System (GHFS)

4724, 6712, 6739, 8992, 11175, 13200, 15016

Andersen AB, Guam (Voice call Guam) 
Andrews AFB, MD (Voice call Andrews Global) Discrete Frequency: 18015 
Ascension Island (Voice call Ascension) Discrete Frequency: 11226 
Croughton AB, UK (Voice call Croughton) Discrete Frequencies: 8032, 11226, 11271 
Hickam AFB, HI (Voice call Hickam) Discrete Frequencies: 11181, 13242 
Lajes AB, Azores (Voice call Lajes): 4724, 6712, 9025, 11181, 13212, 15016, 
Discrete Frequency: 11271 
Sigonella Naval Station. Italy (Voice call Sigonella): 4709 6724 9007, 11271 15038 

U.S. Army Mars Emergency Network

7403.5 kHz USB 13997.5 kHz USB 13510.0 kHz USB

U.S. Navy

FACSFAC Jacksonville, FL 3166.0, 11252.0 kHz (USB) (Sealord)
FACSFAC Virginia Capes, VA 4372.0, 6712.0, 8967.0 kHz (USB) (Giant Killer)
Link 11 Voice Coordination Net /Southeast Coast 4070, 7653, 9005.4, 9023, 11114.5 kHz (USB)

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