Where are the War Drums? by Publius

Patriotman Note: Publius brings up some uncomfortable truths in this post that many on the Right don’t want to face up to (coughcough picking up trash in Richmond coughcough)

Questioning the Unpreparedness of Patriots

Watch any video of from the “Summer of Riots” in America and you will hear, albeit sometimes faint, the pounding of the War Drums.  To my ears the percussive rhythms’ being played are of the drum-line tradition, and appear to not follow any traditional military song.  Actually the sounds emanating from the Rev/Comm riots sound like a cross between wanna-be Hip-Hop drumming crossed with street bucket drummers.  Yet as I watch and listen to the madness, I can’t help to wonder why the Rev/Comm’s have their War Drums pounding and Patriots do not?  Should Patriots taking to the streets in large groups also have coordinated War Drums?

To answer that question, we should begin with a brief history of the War Drum.  Drums have appeared alongside humans since pre-historic times.  We have used them as a musical instrument as well as communication tools. Dominant Military forces have historically played significant roles in advancing innovation by adopting the latest tools, strategies and weaponry.  War Drums were one of these tools.  Drums delivered important communication to large groups of trained fighters, kept formation properly in line marching, and provided moral boosts to soldiers.   On the contrary, drums were also employed to demoralize enemies.  Advancing armies often started the pounding of the War Drums miles before their approach to the battlefield.  The effect of hearing the opponent long before you see them was often noted as a technique that induced fear into the ranks.

Back to our current situation.  Do the drums being played during Rev/Comm riots have any tactical purpose?  Are they using drums as covert communications?  Of the video’s I have watched, the drums seem to stop and start playing in coordination with the movement of the mob.  It is my belief that by implementing drums to their marches through the suburbs, there is an effect of uncertainty and fear being induced in the psyche of the residents.

Do Patriots need our own War Drums?  It seems to me that the groups of Americans who counter protest the Rev/Comms are more inclined to use their “toys” to make noises.  Does a boat parade have any effect on the Rev/Comms psyche?  How about revving motorcycle and truck engines?  My favorite was the golf cart parade.  Nothing induces fear into your enemy like a bunch of tricked-out golf carts proudly displaying MAGA flags!

In closing, the Rev/Comm’s have showed their hand. There is little doubt that we are in a war, even if one side will not admit it.  They have openly showed many of their tactics.  Can we not use this intel to combat them?  Should we match them by employing proven tactics?  Do we need our own War Drums?

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


  1. Anonymous September 18, 2020 at 06:20


  2. DAN III September 18, 2020 at 07:09

    The author of this essay makes his “drum” suggestion an interesting thought. However, he puts the cart before the horse. How so ? Simply organization. The Patriots and Traditional American Citizens are not ORGANIZED !

    The domestic communists, i.e., Democrat politicians, their registered Democrat Party members, the Amerikan media both print and electronic, Republican RINOs, ANTIFA and BLM ARE ORGANIZED ! IMO, organized by those supported by SOROS and BLOOMBERG monies. The Patriots and Traditional Americans do not have the resources (money) to organize. Traditional Americans are trying to make a living, raise families, protect their loved ones, household chores, etc. We do not have the resources the seditious, communist millionaires and billionaires provide the domestic communists. Patriots and Traditional Americans do not have the time or finances needed to put together dedicated organized masses of organized Patriots opposing the domestic communists.

    Many organizations such as Gun Owners of America, Firearm Owners Against Crime (Pennsylvania), the multitude of many state firearms/Freedom organizations, even the mismanaged National Rifle Association are just that….they are already ORGANIZED. ORGANIZED with members ! These organizations have the ability to reach out to their millions of members and organize masses of Patriots in opposition to the physical presence and attacks perpetrated by the Left. However, the only opposition to the communist insurgency in the USA these organizations provide, are complaint letters to politicians, mailings to members to “call/contact your representatives”, display the USA flag, generally endorse the wringing of hands and most of all….they clamor for MORE of our money ! Can you imagine if Wayne LaPierre’s wardrobe budget and expenditures were used to ORGANIZE just one physical opposition to the insurgency(ies) occurring across the Fruited Plain ?

    If one beats a solitary drum at the insurgents does it make a sound ?

    Actions speak louder than words !


    • NC Scout September 18, 2020 at 08:55

      “Gun” organizations want to maintain the status quo. All of them, no matter how slick the presentation might be.

    • Johnny Paratrooper September 18, 2020 at 10:10

      The weaponry we have is better than military grade.
      The radios on our backs are 1/10th the weight.
      Our food is delicious and our water fresh.
      When the times comes, you’ll see our very best.

      My old friends are on their ATVs.
      Fit foot soldiers in ghillie dress you cannot see.
      We have no orders, no rank, no file.
      When the times comes, this will last only a little while.

      Internet? Electric? We have no need.
      This only exists in the cities and by the seas
      Rural America is the same as always before
      When the time comes, our motto is “War”

      We reject these notions of unprepared and unlearned
      Have you seen our basements? Our attics stored?
      Americans are rebels and cowboys still
      When the time comes, you’ll see “We will”

      Have no fear my partisan friend
      We will rally together in the end
      Guerrilla rebels will have their way
      When the time comes, We shout “Make our day”

      Do not despair and only take care
      Teach those you know, and please be fair
      Not all is lost, it only feels boring and slow
      When the time comes, you’ll know, and watch us grow

      • 71M September 18, 2020 at 15:22

        JP – Well done, very well done indeed. We are all preparing, checking gear, getting any Med/Dent squared away, working at 110% at our productive jobs/businesses. None of us are bankrolled by wealthy patrons. No matter. What our motivation arises from is that the Left cannot grasp….Love of the USA.

        73 & Godspeed to all.

      • Coop Willis September 18, 2020 at 22:24

        Gave me “Goose Bumps” reading this one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruNrdmjcNTc

    • mikrat September 18, 2020 at 16:26

      “… The Patriots and Traditional Americans do not have the resources (money) to organize. Traditional Americans are trying to make a living, raise families, protect their loved ones, household chores, etc. We do not have the resources the seditious, communist millionaires and billionaires provide the domestic communists. Patriots and Traditional Americans do not have the time or finances needed to put together dedicated organized masses of organized Patriots opposing the domestic communists…”

      Umm, I disagree.

      Maybe the Patriots don’t need that 15th -20th $1000+ safe queen AR-15, or those fancy new 50 to 80K GMC/FORD/DODGE pick ups ( i see plenty of those driving around up here). Or Netflix, the latest 80″ LED brainwash box, Season tickets to some -yawn- sports team… Etc, Etc. The FRN’s are there – Just miss allocated. If they really want to do something.

      I don’t care what you buy or have, Its a Choice not to get involved somehow. Most want to sit around, pond their chest and WAIT for some criminal Government asshole to “Fix” it for them. Just 1 more “R” will save us. Been hearing that since 86 when I woke up to the shit. The President will save us, The NRA will save us, Marching holding a gay ass sign will save us.

      Hows that been working out?

      As far back as I can remember, the Patriots have been told by “leaders” on the patriot sites that WE should not organize. Leaderless Resistance, so they can’t cut off the head of the snake.

      Stop giving a shit about the NFL, NBA, and Baseball (they don’t give a shit about you) – Pull your kid out of those Covid Mask Wearing Sports and you’ll have all sorts of time and FRN’s.

  3. rus September 18, 2020 at 07:37

    bagpipes…we need bagpipes

    • Johnny Paratrooper September 18, 2020 at 11:07

      Bagpipes? Please… We are going to Boogaloo to one song, and one song only… We already have what we need right here.


      • Roave September 18, 2020 at 16:40

        Now that a blast from the past, ha ! Ok, so…middle ground here : this tune with bagpipes !?

        • Johnny Paratrooper September 18, 2020 at 18:22

          Like an Irish pub song version of “Party Hard”? I wish I had more music skills.

      • mike September 18, 2020 at 17:28
  4. Anonymous September 18, 2020 at 08:28


  5. PUBLIUS September 18, 2020 at 09:24

    re: DAN III

    Great Point!

    Let me clarify a bit. If Patriots can manage boat parades, vehicle parades, golf cart parades, flag waving events, etc. It seems to me that organization is not a weakness. What I question is the message all this “coordination” sends. That is where the weakness is. Rev/Comms riots and are hell bent on destruction. They have their war drums beating loud and proud. Patriots events more resemble a jamboree and look weak.

  6. Roave September 18, 2020 at 10:12

    Carnyx, I vote for carnyx… .

  7. Badger September 18, 2020 at 10:47

    War drums historically had an effect because of what they represented. They represented actions-to-come, horrible to contemplate by those being invaded. Such actions are, almost without exception, missing to this point from the counter-ABR community. Counter-ABR’s have spent much time in the past on things like thinking up a common acronym for the opposing force, but it did nothing to the OPFOR. Instead of playing one-upsmanship with the enemy & dwelling upon the musical instrument to be played (and does it need a support hand?, are there “tactical” mounting considerations?, who’s got a sale going?) how about simply negating the requirement?

    Take out THEIR drummer(s).

    • Roave September 18, 2020 at 16:52

      Place a couple of carnyx blowers way outside the perimeter of the OPFOR, and let the sound echo through the concrete jungle…they’ll have a hard time pinpointing the sound, and then pop the drummers. Repeat that with every riot, and they will probably send out squads to try and find the origin of the sound ( as it clearly sends the kill-sign ), and it’s ambush time… . See how they like being on the receiving end of one.

  8. PUBLIUS September 18, 2020 at 12:10
  9. Matt September 18, 2020 at 16:59

    I too believe that we are not organized. The time is short.

    One person trying to do something is former Army SF guy Mike Glover. He is setting up American Contingency to help organize our side. Local chapters are springing up all across the country. If you’re interested, check it out at https://www.americancontingency.com and https://americancontingency.locals.com


    • DAN III September 20, 2020 at 07:44


      I followed the links you provided. It appears there has been no activity there for six weeks. Same with their Fakebook page and their other contact mediums. When I looked at their join/contact page they wanted:

      a. Full name
      b. Complete home address
      c. Contact phone number
      d. Contact email address

      While the site seems to make all the correct comments the above required contact information is a clear violation of PERSEC. Unfortunately, I have to question the validity of American Contingency. I may be wrong, but it seems to me the “effort” to organize via this route is dead in the water.

  10. PDX Riot Vet September 18, 2020 at 21:48

    Thanks for supporting us.

    Oh, wait, you didn’t, don’t, and won’t. Because we’re not “tactical” enough or whatever excuses you’ve made for not getting out and doing something, anything, to proactively stand up against them.


    A Proud Boy who holds membership in the 4th Degree.

    • Matt September 19, 2020 at 06:50

      In what way were you wanting support? A miles long convoy of out of state patriots coming to save the day? Latte seeking missiles?

      Support starts locally. Find locals who believe as you do, work together, train together, make a difference.

      Can’t find any locals willing to stand with you? No one there wants to fight against the Soros’ boys? The populace generally okay with what’s going on? If so, then you may be living with sheep too far beyond the wire. Rectify that.


    • Matt September 19, 2020 at 06:54

      I read this once, it may be of help to you:

      1. Nobody is coming to save you.

      2. Everything is your responsibility.

      3. Save who needs to be saved.

      4. Stop those who needs to be stopped.

      5. Always be working.

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