And The Democrats Have Taken The Senate

“Democrats Close In on Senate Control With Warnock Win in Georgia”

And just like that, America, you lost your nation. You gave it away. Decades of kicking the can down the road have led to this point, here.
For those that decried, just one month ago “B-b-b-b-ut at least we still have the Senate!”, while hearing the words of Manchurian Mitch all but confirming what we know to be factual, don’t you look stupid today. Despite the overwhelming evidence of rampant fraud, absolutely nothing is done.
You no longer live in a free nation. And there are no politicians who represent your interests. None.
My suggestion to you is that you prepare for what’s going to come next. No matter what comes of today’s rally in DC, or outcomes that hinge on the actions of others, the power machine in DC is going to come for you and I. They re-asserted their control and they have made their aim explicitly clear.
And I can tell you this. Those same worms who resigned themselves to decades of opulence, selling the family farms for the suburban hellholes, buying timeshares and leasing cars, all the while giving lip service to ideals like ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’, may your children now reap the oats you’ve sewn.
But for mine, I fight so they may not.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Anonymous January 6, 2021 at 08:40


  2. Vagabond January 6, 2021 at 08:49

    Hard to swallow indeed. Not unexected, but still…..
    The trick will be how to communicate, who to trust; and the question is the timeline, and whether any individual states will stand and oppose what is coming, if any.
    There are no words strong enough to express my depth of disgust with the republican party; they truly set the gold standard for cowardice, trechary and sabotage.
    And crooked election or not we will see how the ‘orange man bad’ voters like critical race theory, mandatory worship of BLM, prohibition of self defense, mandatory gun buybaks. 22 million illegals granted citizenship, being fired for wrong think, and Section 8 housing popping up next to their McMansions.
    I truly hope their feelings of virture balance out the loss of everything else.

    • RatchetWrench January 6, 2021 at 09:26

      Totally agree. One party rule. We hardly recognize our country now. Wait until a year from now.

  3. Gray Man January 6, 2021 at 08:58


  4. Gray Man January 6, 2021 at 09:03

    Who didn’t see this coming? The Republican Party is the party of losers. Losing so that they can maintain their own comfortable jobs and retirements, without having to do the hard work of actually governing and leading.
    It almost seems like the Republican Party has to die away before we can attack the Democrat Party.
    If so, let it happen ASAP so we can get on with it.

    • Vagabond January 6, 2021 at 10:09

      Agreed the republican party ( no capitalization on purpose) is clearly part of the problem; it will not be forgotten their utter betrayal of their base. We shall see if they exist at all in a couple years; with the total exodus of their Base (capitalization intentional) and whatever persecution they get from the left. Good riddance.

  5. Freya Valentina January 6, 2021 at 09:18

    They stole it again. I watched them flip batches of 40,000 votes. Then 120,000. They did it in front of everyones face and don’t give a shit if we all know. This is now a banana republic. Hell is coming.

    • Johnny Paratrooper January 6, 2021 at 17:57

      Correct on all counts.
      They care more about $500 hookers and hotdogs than they do our country.

  6. Vagabond January 6, 2021 at 09:21

    I don’t for a minute expect gun confiscation except in heavy blue areas; I expect the ‘people’s justice police’ will be quite happy to ‘visit’ everyone on the data base of information taken from Google searches and credit card purchases as well as regulate ammo and everything else out of existence.
    And as a comment: of what use are buried fireams? Even the fear such measures will engender puts these firearms out of commision as effectively as confiscation.
    I expect a full-court press to the cashless economy, probably because ‘new research shows that the lastest strain of Godzilla-Covid spreads from cash much more than was previously thought.’ So with Google-Amazon-Fed Gov etc. fully in control all ‘wrong think;’ people who live in non-blue zones will simply be frozen out of the economy until such time as their guns are turned in, or something along these lines.
    The vaccine passport is surely on the way, and while it may not be legally mandated you just can’t go to school, shop, travel, work, or bank unless you get it. If it works for one thing, it can be applied to everything else. It’s also likely that every new strain will conveniently be more contagious than the one before, and the only way to stop it/s spred will be to take away whatever freedom that needs taken away at that time.
    And the sheep will baaaa ever so loudly in thanks for their safety.
    How do you resist or fight an electronic Leviathian when every big boss and corporation is part of it?
    God grant us wisdom,, and the Spirit to navigate through it.

  7. Razorback Trapper January 6, 2021 at 09:31

    It is obvious what will happen now. I hate it, but just as well would rather get on with it while I’m still young enough to be useful.

    • Patriotman January 6, 2021 at 09:45

      You sound just like me, brother. I hate that I HAVE to think this way, but it is the only way I think now.

    • 71M January 6, 2021 at 10:37

      I fully agree. While not young at 71 and maybe not useful to most, I’m younger than I will ever be.
      Can’t give up. The Republic is too precious of a gem.
      Whatever happens I will do my best for all Patriots, fellow GI’s, and all that love the USA as founded
      Salute to all!

  8. Anonymous January 6, 2021 at 09:41


  9. Holy Serf January 6, 2021 at 09:42

    There will be no coming back from this. There will be no Trump 2024. The Socialists have obviously cheated and most in power turn a blind eye to corruption. They got by with it and continue to do it. Expect to see retaliation toward everyone who opposed the Socialists, including followers of the God of Abraham.
    I suggest you write a letter to yourself about what you have seen and experienced at this election. Store it away until the next Election Day, whether it next year for local elections or federal elections later. When your politicians tell you, “I’m fighting for you” or “I need your help to defeat my opponent”, pull out the letter you wrote to yourself and read it then read it again. Go vote according to how no one in power acknowledged the pure corruption in this election.
    Republicans are COWARDS and Democrats are SOCIALISTS. No one is coming to help you, I can promise you that. Your politicians are spending your money for lizard treadmills, gender studies overseas and that’s with a Republican President, Republican Senate and a Conservative majority in the Supreme Court! Just wait until the Socialist are in charge of all 3 branches of government. They have won control of the Senate and Chuck Schumer will be in charge there. Socialists have held on to the House with Nancy Pelosi in charge. The Socialists have promised to pack the Supreme Court too. There will be a Liberal SCOTUS within months. Joe Biden will be your next President, at least for 2021. Kamala Harris will then take over.
    If you read end of Genesis and into Exodus, Israel considered themselves as slaves by only 2 points… 20% tax to the government of Egypt and no personal ownership of land. Compare that to your present situation.
    Holy Serf Out

    • Vagabond January 6, 2021 at 10:04

      What a great idea about the letter. I’ll write it, and read it to my family and even encourage them to do the same.

    • tony baloney January 6, 2021 at 10:47

      I used to think the Republicans are cowards, but the truth is that they are compromised and corrupt.

  10. rto-jerry January 6, 2021 at 09:54

    We knew this day was coming.

  11. Cavguy January 6, 2021 at 10:00

    Conservatives have conserved nothing, ever. The left and the right are just different sides of the same coin. What we need it a new coin.

    • rto-jerry January 6, 2021 at 11:04

      10-4 brother!!

  12. Razorback Trapper January 6, 2021 at 10:55

    This might be wishful thinking, but everyone knew they were going to cheat again. If I was Trump or pissed off Georgia conservatives, why not sit back and document everything they did for a second time to give you more evidence as justification for the insurrection act??

  13. Madman_Actual January 6, 2021 at 10:55


  14. StormN January 6, 2021 at 10:55

    I like the posts about God and gun confiscation. God is beyond all politics and constitutions. We need not be discouraged because we do have Our Father in Heaven. As for the mention of gun confiscation keep in mind that in Lebanon and the Balkans gun possession is illegal and the punishment very stiff. Still, just about everyone there owns a (hidden close at hand) ‘Kalash’ (not my term!). They learnt their lessons the hard way; prison be damned. They have a defacto second amendment; possibly stronger than ours:)
    Darn it! PSA needs to hurry the f up in producing more AK’s.

    • NC Scout January 6, 2021 at 11:41

      Yeah they do.

  15. Trail Blazer January 6, 2021 at 11:02

    N.C. Scout. Our county was lost a long time ago, this has been planned for decades. Infiltrating governments, judges, all branches through out the states. The politicians are not going to help anyone but themselves and the rich donors that buy them. This is happening all over the world, people with money and power want to control everything. Many people sold their souls years ago.Trump opened up the corruption for all to see, sadly most just don’t care. May Americans are living large and believe nothing can touch them, I’m almost looking forward to seeing that smile wiped off their faces.To me the future is looking dark and ugly, with bad times ahead. I really hope that I’m wrong.

  16. CalitoWisco3% January 6, 2021 at 11:34

    Today, is a day we the true patriots will remember for a very long time when we officially lost the country & it will be made official once Pence signs & approves the electoral fradulent votes betraying America. From this day forward, there is nothing ‘United’ about our ‘States’.
    Indeed, I agree we saw this day coming along time ago, & now its here. The ‘blue feral’ cities will be the first ones to feel the full force of the new communist/socialism regime. They will use the police departments in the blue feral cities to enforce their tyrannical new laws against free thinkers, gun owners, & requirements of the new ‘show me your papers’ which will be the covid vax card to travel.
    Its going to come down to red counties, with constitutional Sheriffs, second amendment sanctuary counties to establish the rule of law for the people. Perhaps, if enough Sheriffs in red counties in states who tend to be pro American or whats left of it, can come together & begin ‘new counties’ or ‘cantons’ to start the process of succession from the federales.
    Finally, If anything good has come from all of this, at least we now know without any fog just clarity of who has betrayed their Oath to the Republic.
    War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is strength. is what they new socialist/communist regime & its followers believe.

  17. Tallbawls January 6, 2021 at 11:42

    All that is left is for Biden to take the oval office and that will be happening shortly. So let the fun and games begin!

  18. Johnny Paratrooper January 6, 2021 at 12:34

    Nobody could have predicted this would happen.

  19. James Carpenter aka "Felix" January 6, 2021 at 12:56

    Calendars are marked today. This, a starting point, that identifiable time, when the experiment in Constitutional Republicanism was dealt a blow from which recovery was impossible via altogether peaceful means.
    Bear with me…
    My first trip overseas began on the day Waco burned. I will never, ever forget the CNN monitors at airport showing the building going up in flames as I followed in line to board the aircraft. And it was only days after when in London, fresh out of “the tube” and onto the street when a great, echoing BOOM was heard. A “tipper truck” filled with explosives, courtesy of the IRA. I was three blocks away.
    When I got home, I bought and read “The Longest War” – Kevin J. Kelley 1982. (It begins with overview/history starting as far back as the Anglo-Norman conquest.
    Today I’ve fed on “Guerilla Days” and “The Dirty War”. Why? An effort to see the future by looking into the past.
    Guys (and gals if any are here) we’ve been there, done that. All that is old is starting to be new again. Like Berra said, “It’s deja vu all over again.
    Please, all of you veterans, consider the sea that Patriots might have to swim and hide in. I am “old” (is 69 really all that old? I can still drink and fall off of my horse with the best of them) but I can also feed, house, hide, nurse, relay info, maintain caches with the best of them too. And like a piece on the chess board that doesn’t exhibit a lot of mobility, I can also project power with strength of arms. I’m no sniper but do take elk, deer with rifle, killed my last six deer and a bear with my Ruger .44 gate loader.
    My is point is, keep the info and brotherhood going here. And don’t sell the geezers short. Include people like me where you can. Include the geezers. Their WOD might be laughable but beliefs formed over a lifetime can be strong and the waters can run deep. And what’s coming will need deep waters for Patriots if my treating the Anglo/Irish “Troubles” as an analog of today is anywhere in the ballpark. Deep waters if resistors are to survive and make the fight effective.
    Thank you

    • rto-jerry January 6, 2021 at 14:01

      Amen to that!!
      Lookin’ Back Bob Seger 1972
      “You hit the street, you feel them staring
      You know they hate you, you can feel their eyes a glarin’
      Because you’re different because you’re FREE
      Because you’re everything deep down they wish they could be”

      • StormN January 6, 2021 at 22:42


  20. CalitoWisco3% January 6, 2021 at 13:10

    And just like that. Pence has just approved Biden’s votes!

  21. Machine Trooper January 6, 2021 at 15:00

    If the President doesn’t invoke the Insurrection Act, or bring smoke through some other means, it’s only a matter of time before this site is shut down and the Gestapo comes for all the AP contributors. I’m pretty confident that most of the men who congregate here will not be caught with their pants down. But the point is: the days of peaceful assembly (whether IRW or online) are numbered.
    There will also be no more source for accurate information. OAN and every outlet that doesn’t regurgitate The Narrative will be wiped out.
    If Beijing Joe and the Ho are sworn in, don’t be seduced by a month or two of calm, with nobody kicking in your doors.
    It’s coming, sure as hell.

  22. J January 6, 2021 at 17:50

    I thought this would be appropriate to post considering recent events.
    Below are some excerpts from a book entitled ‘ ‘The Last President’ published by Ingersoll Lockwood in 1896. It describes the results of a future US president elect Bryan establishing a dictatorship which rioting socialist/anarchist mobs had cleared the way for. The same author had written the “Barron Trump’ series of children’s novels earlier that same decade. (See links below.)
    Note the Masonic ‘single human eye’ reference of the book’s last paragraph.
    ‘It was like a thunder bolt out of an azure sky: “Altgeld holds Illinois hard and fast in the Democratic line.’
    This elects Bryan President of the United States!”
    Strange to say, the people in the upper portion of
    the city made no movement to rush out of their
    houses and collect in the public squares,
    although the night was clear and beautiful. They sat as if paralyzed with a nameless dread, and when they conversed it was with bated breath and throbbing hearts.
    In less than half an hour, mounted policemen
    dashed through the streets calling out: “Keep
    within your houses; close your doors and barricade them. The entire East side is in a state of uproar.
    Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of Anarchists and Socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years. Keep within doors. Extinguish all lights.”
    Happily, Governor Morton was in town, and al-
    though a deeper palor overcame the ashen hue of age as he spoke, yet there was no tremor in his voice:
    “Let the Seventh, Twenty-second, and Seventy-first regiments be ordered under arms.” In a few moments hundreds of messengers could be heard racing through the silent streets, summoning the members of these regiments to their Armories.
    Slowly, but with astonishing nerve and steadiness, the mobs pushed the police northward, and although the force stood the onslaught with magnificent courage, yet beaten back, the dark masses of infuriated beings surged up again with renewed fury and strength. Will the troops be in time to save the city? was the whispered inquiry among the knots of police officials who were directing the movements of their men.
    About nine o’clock, with deafening outcries, the
    mob, like a four-headed monster breathing fire and flame, raced, tore, burst, raged into Union Square.
    The police force was exhausted, but their front was still like a wall of stone, save that it was movable. The mob crowded it steadily to the north, while the air quivered and was rent with mad vociferations of the victors :
    “ Bryan is elected! Bryan is elected! Our day has come at last. Down with our oppressors ! Death to the rich man ! Death to the gold bugs ! Death to the capitalists ! Give us back the money you have ground out of us. Give us back the marrow of our bones which you have used to grease the wheels of your chariots.”
    The police force was now almost helpless. The
    men still used their sticks, but the blows were ineffectual, and only served to increase the rage of the vast hordes now advancing upon Madison Square…
    ..The dome of the Capitol had been destroyed by dynamite.
    In a few moments, when it was seen that the
    Chamber had suffered no harm, the leader of the House moved the final passage of the Act. The President was led away, and the Republican Senators and Representatives passed slowly out of the disfigured Capitol, while the tellers prepared to take the vote of the House.
    ‘The bells were ringing a glad welcome to the New Century, but a solemn tolling would have been a fitter thing, for the Republic of Washington was no more. It had died so peacefully, that the world could not believe the tidings of ts passing away. As the dawn broke cold and gray, and its first dim light fell upon that shattered dome, glorious even in its ruins, a single human eye, filled with a gleam of devilish joy, looked up at it long and steadily, and then its owner was caught up and lost in the surging mass of humanity that held the Capitol girt round and round.’

  23. Old South January 6, 2021 at 19:59

    Damn straight, amen to that! For everyone that still has a set, be the OUTLAW they think you are.

  24. LoL No January 6, 2021 at 22:12

    Frightened? No. Resigned? Yup. Remember the sacrifices of them men and women before you and try not to dishonor their efforts to secure your liberty via inaction. It’s all we can do at this point. We didn’t ask for any of this but we damn sure can’t ignore it. They wont allow us to live our lives as we see fit in peace. Godspeed, gentlemen.

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