Captcha: A Machine Learning AI Training Tool.

Never a wasted moment.
From the Article
Congratulations are in order. You, yes you, dear reader, have been part of something incredible. Thanks to your hard work, millions of books containing pretty much the sum-total of human knowledge have been successfully digitised, saving their texts for future generations. All because of you.
No, seriously.

You know how occasionally you’ll be prompted with a “Captcha” when filling out a form on the internet, to prove that you’re fully human? Behind the scenes of one of the most popular Captcha systems – Google’s Recaptcha – your humanoid clicks have been helping figure out things that traditional computing just can’t manage, and in the process you’ve been helping to train Google’s AI to be even smarter.
And you thought you were merely logging into some website or other.


Recaptcha (or “reCATCHA” if you prefer) started out as a collaboration by a number of computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, first released in 2007 – and it was quickly snaffled up by Google in 2009. The premise was as described above: by marrying up users who need to prove they are human to data that needs transcribing, both sides get something out of it.
So instead of digitising books by having one person carry out the very boring task of typing or checking a whole book manually, instead millions of people can unknowingly collaborate to achieve the same goal. Remember how it always used to be two words you had to enter? Conceivably, only one was the “real” test, and the other was a new word that was yet to be transcribed – but as the user you wouldn’t know which was which, so you’d have to attempt to do both accurately.

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About the Author: Johnny Paratrooper

Born and Raised in Baltimore City, Maryland. History Degree. 8 Years Airborne Infantry and Scouts Platoon. Iraq Veteran. 4-5 Years as a doorman, bar back, and bouncer in Baltimore. Worked in Construction, Heavy Equipment Demolition, Corporate Security, Sales, Forest Service contractor, and the Hospitality Industry. Raised Catholic. Hobbies are race cars and sport bikes. Side projects are HAM radio credentials and long range shooting. MY EMAIL IS [email protected]. Founder of Green Dragon Academy


  1. BePrepared May 5, 2021 at 14:03

    Explains the questions I had over why the images changed. I figured when it came to stop lights and cross-walks it was the self driving AI.

  2. JK May 5, 2021 at 14:20

    You mean we have been active in our own downfall? There must be a mad evil genius cackling somewhere.

  3. RobotNixon May 5, 2021 at 16:45

    A buddy of mine got me woke to captcha being used for data mining back around 2012 or 2013. Fun thing you can do to throw a tiny monkey wrench in the system is intentionally give it wrong answers the first time or two that you have to enter one, including providing profane words or offensive names in text captchas. It won’t make any serious impact on what they’ve already done with the system, but it may make you feel a little better and give them some garbage data that makes the system slightly less efficient.

  4. Anonymous May 5, 2021 at 18:06


  5. George May 5, 2021 at 19:56

    And what does information does Clarifai secretly capture? Or DuckDuckGo? Or WordPress? Or the Brave browser? What is the alternative? Unplugging our electronics? The point being, we are damned if we do, damned if we don’t.

  6. Anonymous May 5, 2021 at 22:08


  7. SeldomSeen May 6, 2021 at 09:46

    I’ve thought on the tech end of things quite a bit. At war I saw how easy it was to compromise and leverage tech.
    My personal top secret, classified nearly fail proof plan is to dump it all at the first sign of sketchyness. Right now it’s a valuable tool. There probably wouldn’t be a patriot movement without it, nor the cross pollination of information that takes place.
    In my mind it will be similar to the bank robber documentary, when the gang meets up and dumps all their tech at the same time, effectively going dark.
    The corundum is deciding on that point :- ) Simply enough we don’t have any real clue just how deep the data collection and processing goes. We can make good assumptions and talk with great authority about it, but it’s all really in hindsight and hindsight is too fucking late to put the cork back.
    There’s a dude whose whole life is structured around being anonymous. With practices that started pre-tech, that has literally wrote the books on the subject. The ironic part is that his greyness flags him regularly as being sketchy. There may not be enough actionable to determine exactly what he’s up too, but it’s clear he’s up to something. Yet he was easily scooped up by the FBI and interrogated, then dumped right back out because they were hunting someone else. Have a nice day dude that has no history haha
    Use it and abuse it, and be planning on the moment to loose it. Just being on a forum such as Brushbeater puts you in a network tree, this blog response does. When you were on Frugal Squirrel in the 80’s does, Tea Party affiliation, military service, your entire culture is being demonized prepping the public mind.
    When you come onto their radar your data will be sorted out.

  8. Not So Free May 6, 2021 at 20:24

    I’ve read that they are choosey about what they will digitize. And some books that have been saved have since been deleted. ???

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