Field Day 2021
Starting tomorrow at 2 PM, the oldest amateur radio contest will once again be filling the bands. Field Day, which started in June of 1933, starts at 1800 UTC tomorrow (Saturday) and runs until 2100 UTC Sunday. Over 30,000 amateurs will take to the field and set up a portable emergency communication station and operate it over a 24 hour period, making as many contacts as they can, to test both their equipment and their skills at setting up and operating under field conditions. I will be running solo this year, using digital and CW modes only, with solar panels keeping my batteries and my computer charged.
Most amateur radio operators know about Field Day, not only the oldest contest for amateur radio operators, but also often a major social event. If you are an amateur operator who has not yet experienced the fun and the challenges of Field Day, check it out at one of your local clubs. Those American Partisan readers who don’t yet have a license and would like to see amateur radio in action are encouraged to check out a local operation; anyone interested can look on the American Radio Relay League website where they have a Field Day locator and where you can learn more about it:
Check and see whether there is a GOTA or Get On The Air station nearby; if you are a Technician and want some experience operating on HF, you can get it if there is a GOTA station. Even if you are not licensed at all, you can get some experience operating, too; every GOTA station has an experienced control operator to coach you and make sure that you don’t break the rules or the equipment. If you are interested in amateur radio, I’d encourage you to go and check out Field Day.
Hope to hear you on the air!
With regard to all who seek the Light,
I will be on a SOTA summit for most of both days, W7I/CU-091, over 10,000’ of elevation. Taking a 80-10 meter OCF and my KX2. Look for me on the SOTA spot