South Africa Is Burning: Twitter OSInt

Zuma was arrested and convicted.

I believe his sentencing was delayed.

They want to free Zuma and free up some liquor and clothes.

A compilation of the best videos I could find.

Will update as the situation progresses.

This may be from Brazil, But is reportedly new and related to the South Africa Riots

Regardless, watch how homegirl responds to these two threats.

And returns to double tap homie on the ground.

That’s called “Properly Trained“.

They did not survive.

Of Course, another major factory is completely destroyed.

Which happens A LOT lately.

This appears to be a highway that was stopped, and the trucks were burned.

That’s not cover or concealment.

They likely have overwatch.

Don’t do this…

How do you say “Posse” and “OK Corral” in Afrikaans?

Asking for a one Mr. Doc Holiday.

Also, that’s not cover or concealment.

That’s 7 targets standing and no range or wind estimation required.

Don’t do this.

That’s a damn shame.

Many such cases I’m sure…

Completely looted.

There are no “Extra” emergency vehicles in an emergency.

Tires. For making necklaces.

I hear only Capetown and one other major city have escaped total chaos in the comments on other videos and tweets.