Updated!!! Free Online Class #1: Red Dot Sights/Holographic Weapon Sights



I was asked not to record and post.

This should increase participation for those concerned with privacy.

Or for anyone who is camera shy.

For those who miss the class, there will be another soon enough.


I am doing my first FREE online class.

8PM EST Tonight.

This will continue when we are SOL because of no Radio Contra SOL.

When Scout and the others are out training, we will train also.

Because we are here to win.


This is a test of functionality for this method.

I have a lot of experience with Zoom from College.

It works very well, is free to participants, and as the host I purchased the Basic Pro Plan so our meetings can go beyond 40 minutes.

Link for Zoom


You can run Zoom from a browser or use the App.


This class is on the Red Dot Sight(RDS) and Holographic Weapon Sight(HWS)

I want to share what I learned in the U.S. Army about these optics with you!


All will benefit: New, Professional, and Unsure.

Considering a purchase of an RDS or HWS?

This is the Class for you!


The Course materials are:



Red Marker

Note Paper or Pad

Link For Printed M-4 Zero Target(s)

You should only need 2 or 3 targets in case you screw up some markings.

And, a Lamp or other light source in the room. This is not required, but will be helpful!

As well as, one unloaded and cleared AR, AK, or Pistol with a Red Dot or Holographic Weapon Sight.


You will, most likely, want to be seated at a kitchen table, not your lounge chair.

This is a class on the optics and their function and use.

Not a course on “How To Blow a Hole In your Ceiling 101

Please Practice Firearm’s Safety.


The primary tools used for demonstration will be an Eotech and an Aimpoint, But all participants are welcome, regardless of product choice.


Lecture followed by some tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your Red Dot Sight and Holographic Weapon Sight.

And a Q and A portion.

Then a repeat if necessary.

You will learn something.


Link for the Class Room and the Password, will be provided to anyone who emails my Tutanota account or is on the Forum.

As the host with a bought and paid for “Pro Account”: I can ban any losers, trolls, or loose cannons.


Please, try to test my skills with the Zoom user interface.

Thanks Guys!
It will be fun, I will see you there.

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