You should have these in every pack…

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About the Author: Hawkeye

John is the co-owner of UW Gear, Inc, premier maker of tactical gear and equipment for those armed citizens working in rural environments. With the input of current serving and former Law Enforcement, Combat Infantry and Special Operations troops, his designs are geared towards working armed in unsupported environments. A former Florida National Guardsman, avid outdoorsman, Patriot and prepper, John tailors his gear to those who know preparedness doesn’t mean emulating the cover of tacticool magazines.


  1. Anonymous August 12, 2021 at 07:11


  2. KOBK August 12, 2021 at 10:51

    I think a lot of people forget how important the advice in this video is.
    I always check out rigs when guys post em, pick up and idea here and there as I’m sure we all do.
    But I’ve noticed in this minimalist keep it light as possible approach (which is something we all need to learn of course) very often there’s things missing in order to stay light that really shouldn’t be missing.
    For example … why am I seeing so many guys rigs with zero way to fend off mosquitoes ? No simple bandaids or iodine pads at all ? Really ?
    Embrace the suck doesn’t always mirror reality of the seemingly little things.
    Funnily enough John’s video reminded me of watching my sons movie Rango when he’s in the bar being questioned about killing 7 guys with “one bullet”. Wait a minute, that’s only 6, what happened to the 7th ? …. “well, he died of infection”. That cracks me up every time I think about that scene. But in reality it ain’t funny at all.
    Thanks for the video reminder John. Good stuff.