BlackPigeonSpeaks: The GOD EMPEROR on Manufactured 1st World Problems

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:

One Comment

  1. Machine Trooper October 25, 2021 at 23:43

    He kind of sums up how I’ve been thinking (though I never read the Dune books): We are about to exchange our bullshit artificial controversies for some real, deadly serious problems.

    Five years from now, how many “conservatives” (whatever that means) will still be crying about how gender-confused sexual deviants are ruining female sports for their butch macho daughters?

    For example.

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