Another mass killing, are you prepared?

If you haven’t heard by now, late Sunday afternoon a man drove an SUV through a parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. So far there are 6 deaths and over 40 injured. These attacks are becoming more common, so what can YOU, the everyday person, do to be prepared for it? Well, training is a great place to start. Blindly shooting into the car wouldn’t have solved much but probably would have caused a lot more injuries. So we’ll rule that out for now. But you can do something to improve the outcome of those injured. Medical training is becoming ever more relevant in our increasingly dangerous world. From an unconfirmed report I saw, a nurse was anonymously saying that if it weren’t for fast-acting law enforcement and a few good samaritans a lot more people would be dead. One bystander reportedly applied a CAT to one victim while a cop applied a SOFF-TT-W to another victim. There were a large number of broken legs in this attack. Do you at least carry a TQ on your person when you go out? What about when you go to a large community event with the chance of violence? A bag in your car isn’t going to help any, there won’t be time to go run and grab it. Now I’m not saying walk around with a fully stocked Aid bag like it’s Fallujah. But, you’d be surprised what you can fit in a diaper bag (if you have a kid still in diapers) or even just a non-descript backpack. We can no longer sit idly by and wait for first responders to take care of us, we must take it upon ourselves to be our own first responders. How much medical training do you have? How recently did you attend it? This stuff has a shelf life.

We’ve got classes coming up in the schedule. Sign up now.

I’ve still got IFAK’s in stock,

Hope is not a good plan. What’s yours?

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About the Author: mechmedic

MechMedic is the owner of Stuck Pig Medical and medical instructor for Brushbeater Training and Consulting. After 5 years in the beloved Corps, Mech joined the National Guard where he became a medic. Lifelong survivalist, and overall outdoorsman. When not being a family man, he enjoys good bourbon and good cigars.


  1. Commissar Obama November 25, 2021 at 14:31

    Yeah why shot into the car of someone who ran over 60 odd people. Much better to write an angry letter to the Times, or do the Monty Python routine-“run away, run away.” Pathetic.

    • mechmedic November 25, 2021 at 16:25

      Because you will probably miss, and the chance of sending a round into the crowd is too high to risk that.
      Or are you actually advocating people to just blindly shoot into moving vehicles during situations like this?

    • RP November 26, 2021 at 08:49

      Reportedly a Police Officer actually did shoot into the vehicle a number of times in an attempt to stop the murderous bastard. Law enforcement was present throughout the route. You draw your weapon, pretty likely they would draw down on you. You would be better off pulling the Tourniquet and applying medical aid with that heavy of LEO presence and not distracting them.

    • Ghostmann November 26, 2021 at 08:55

      FWIW, handguns more or less suck. They are a compromise. Inertia being what it is, the best defense against a terrorist vehicle attack is to get out of the way. Even if the driver gets capped that several thousand pound piece of machinery is still on the move.

  2. Whitespace November 25, 2021 at 14:51

    Keep your eyes on the swivel in crowds. Situational awareness is difficult when you’re having fun and there’s a lot going around in the environment. But it certainly doesn’t hurt to enjoy the sights and sounds by being alert.

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