COVID Link Roll-Up #12

Ventura County Nurses Blow the Whistle on Crisis in Local Health Care (10/21/21):

Some highlights:

“Most shocking, perhaps, is how doctors and administrators refuse to re­port the rising number of unexplained medical problems in otherwise healthy people as potential adverse reactions to COVID-19 experimental vaccine shots. “

‘Voodoo Statistics’

For that and other reasons, COVID-re­lated data amounts to what one nurse calls “voodoo statistics.” In her particular unit and others, they are no longer testing ev­erybody for COVID. Rather, they began testing only those who are symptomatic — with shortness of breath, for example — and those who say they are unvaccinated. Why? “They don’t want their numbers to skyrocket when all the vaccinated people come in,” says Jennifer.

“Or they don’t want to report that they’re seeing 80 percent of the people in the ER are vaccinated, but only 40 percent of the county is vaccinated,” adds another nurse. “That’s an odd statistic. … Is there an adverse effect occurring from these shots that’s not being reported? If they’re not screening people ubiquitously, there’s a slant to whatever numbers are coming in. That stuff is not going to be elucidated in the data.”

Comments added to the article by readers:

“I can attest the same thing is happening in san diego hospitals. 20 years I’ve been working in hospitals what has happened is more than criminal.”

“I’m an ICU nurse in Sacramento and everything said in this article is absolutely true of my experience in my hospital there. It’s very sad and depressing.”

CEO of St. John’s hospitals in Oxnard, Camarillo unexpectedly resigns (10/28/21):

Here is a list of the COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients:

I Said It Would Collapse: IT IS (MUST READ:  Denninger – hold the line – the vaxx narrative is collapsing):

Early Treatment, Not Vaccine Hubris, Will Protect Kids from COVID (MUST WATCH – with Dr. Peter McCullough):

Q&A with Dr. Peter McCullough (MUST WATCH):

Dr. Paul Cottrell: The covid vaccine is a government bioweapons “antidote” gone awry (MUST WATCH – Really good):

There Are No Arguments on the Other Side (MUST READ – Why the powers-that-be drumbeat for forced vaxxes is getting more aggressive despite total vaxx failure):

And Now, The Admission…. (Denninger comments on the above piece):

Playing God (badly):

Ivermectin + Alternative Treament Updates

Joe Rogan Confirms His Doctor Treated Over 200 Members of Congress With Ivermectin:

Blockbuster Buried by MSM: 100-200 Members of Congress Successfully Treated for Covid-19 with Ivermectin with ZERO Hospitalizations:

Double standards? Dr. Mobeen Syed reviews the hurdles faced by ivermectin and molnupiravir in the COVID pandemic:

COVID-19 Cases Plummeted in Indonesia After Government Authorized IVERMECTIN For Treatment – Big Pharma Vaccines Made Little Difference:

How private Telegram channel ‘IM Packs’ created a black market for Ivermectin in Australia (After their govt made life-saving Ivermectin illegal):

vitamin D deficiency associated with 630% increase in death risk in hospitalized patients with covid:

The antidepressant fluvoxamine can keep COVID-19 patients out of the hospital:

Inexpensive Antidepressant Slashes COVID-19 Hospitalizations By Over 30%: New Study Finds:

How the FDA Intentionally and Gleefully Destroyed Ivermectin:

Overcoming the Barriers to Access Ivermectin Prescriptions:

Yet Another Pharmacy Blocks Legitimate Physician Rx for Ivermectin:

Physicians/Facilities Offering Early Treatment:

There is some REAL Science being done:

On Vaccines and Side Effects

Clearing up misinformation about the spike protein and COVID vaccines (MUST READ):

Latest UK Health Security Agency report shows the Covid-19 Vaccines have NEGATIVE effectiveness as low as MINUS 132% (MUST READ):

22 Studies and Reports that Raise Profound Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy for the General Population:

2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Rollouts are Associated with Worldwide Increases in COVID-19 Death Rates above 2020 Levels:

Vaccinated People Easily Transmit COVID-19 Delta Variant in Households: UK Study:

Florida Tied for Lowest Daily Coronavirus Cases Per Capita in the U.S.:

Illinois Reports 77.7% of Its Covid Deaths Last Week Were ‘Vaccinated’:

National Swedish Study Finds COVID-19 Vaccines Not Effective After Six Months:

Swedish study shows covid vaccines drop below zero efficacy on spread by about 200 days (MUST READ):

‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERS, Analyst Says:

‘Doctors And Scientists’ With Brian Hooker, PHD. Episode 4 With Dr. Jessica Rose:

Covid Vaccines and Cancer:

Covid-19 Vaccines: A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease?

FDA Buries Data on Seriously Injured Child in Pfizer’s Covid-19 Clinical Trial:

On Tyranny and Fraud

Humanity Is Sleepwalking Towards Medical Apartheid…:

Congress made crucial change to vaccine definition weeks before COVID-19:

FDA Approves Emergency Use For 5-11 Y/O Kids, Panel PAID by Pfizer:

FDA Authorizes Pfizer Jabs For Children Between Ages 5 And 11:

BREAKING: FDA approves Pfizer’s COVID shot for children as young as five:

FDA Committee Members Reviewing Pfizer Vaccine For Children Have Worked For Pfizer, Have Big Pfizer Connections:

FDA Adviser Explains Why He Abstained From Vote On Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids:

CDC Quietly Gives Go Ahead for Immunocompromised to Get 4th COVID Shot:

COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle (MUST READ – Damning deep dive into Moderna):

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy to Impose Statewide COVID Vax Mandate AFTER Re-Election, Senior Adviser Reveals (H/T to friend):

Gov Murphy Campaign Senior Advisor Wendy Martinez REFUSES to answer on post-election Vax Mandates:

The WEF and the Pandemic (How the Davos group is behind the “plandemic”):

WaPo Op-ed Admits We Will ‘Never’ Be ‘Fully Vaccinated’ (Moving target of non-stop boosters):

Biden under pressure to drop vaccine mandates for federal defense contractors over national security concerns:

New Lawsuit: Biden Task Force Schemes to Deny Religious Exemptions, Falsifies Medical Records:

Congress Didn’t Give OSHA Authority to Impose Vaccine Mandates:

The Unconstitutional Federal Vaccine Mandate:

By Published On: November 6, 2021Categories: Uncategorized7 Comments on COVID Link Roll-Up #12

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. Luke November 6, 2021 at 18:36

    As always thanks for your work PMan. Going thru it now will drinking a cold one. I should be out looking for women but I caught a nasty bug. Think I might grabbed a hold of Hepatitis A (food borne). For 3 weeks I have been going to the bathroom like back when I was stuck in W Africa for 2 weeks. Yea, I know alcohol is no good for a live disease. Luckily I have a super liver!! If I missed this apologies but here is a link of Mike Adams interviewing one of my favorite Docs Richard Fleming. Doc Fleming has all the goods on everything that is going on. Have a great weekend sir!!

    • Patriotman November 6, 2021 at 23:03

      Thanks brother! Another one coming up soon!

      I know it is a lot of info and I never expect anyone to see it all. I just feel it is my duty to get the links out there to the readership.

  2. Nov. 7, 2021 – Arnold Ziffel's Pig Pen November 7, 2021 at 16:39

    […] across the country are reporting an inordinate number of very sick people in the nation’s hospitals. Over 80% of these individuals have been fully […]

  3. Luke November 7, 2021 at 19:30

    Just watched the MUST WATCH video of Dr Paul Cottrell and Mike Adams. I haven’t heard of Dr Cottrell before. I got a sinking feeling he knows what he’s talking about. Idk some of these hardcore Covidians I would not mind if they’re not around, but sometimes I am very scared for them. There’s a lot of decent people that took that shit out of coercion and because it was to them their Patriotic duty. It’s downright ironic that I find myself feeling remorseful for them when they themselves have no idea what’s most likely in store for them. It reminds of something I saw when I was a young man, an associate of mine was feeding some very large pythons rabbits. They just hopped around in the cage not having a clue that they would soon be crushed.

    To Arnold’s comment the other night the conservative treehouse had a story about hospitals being over run in W Australia and it’s not Covid. Turns out Covid (Delta) has not arrived there yet and they have been seriously locked down getting the jabbed up in preparation. I am doubtful could be adverse vaccine events unless they got a really bad batch. I am convinced there’s probably some other bug going around and since their immune systems have been shot to hell like Dr Cottrell explains this is the outcome.

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