I’m A Twenty Year Truck Driver, I Will Tell You Why America’s “Shipping Crisis” Will Not End

Sent to me by a friend, and fellow reader, SOG.

Thank you for the street level intelligence.

I love SLI.

Makes sense…

Anyone who has been following China’s Belt and Road Initiative understands that they build state of the art 5G ports and logistics management facilities.

We do not.

Unlike what many of the lying, loud mouth internet celebrities and talk show hosts say, 5G is not a giant bug zapper that is going to turn us into mindless zombies.

And it doesn’t give you cancer.

It certainly doesn’t make oxygen particles spin backwards. (LOL)

5G is simply the Internet 2.0 with cloud based computing for AI driving, logistics, and the IOT aka Internet of Things.

Observe Below.

They can move MUCH more materials, people, products, and supplies than we can.

They also have 25 times the number of ocean cargo vessels.

And growing…

Read below.

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About the Author: Johnny Paratrooper

Born and Raised in Baltimore City, Maryland. History Degree. 8 Years Airborne Infantry and Scouts Platoon. Iraq Veteran. 4-5 Years as a doorman, bar back, and bouncer in Baltimore. Worked in Construction, Heavy Equipment Demolition, Corporate Security, Sales, Forest Service contractor, and the Hospitality Industry. Raised Catholic. Hobbies are race cars and sport bikes. Side projects are HAM radio credentials and long range shooting. MY EMAIL IS [email protected]. Founder of Green Dragon Academy


  1. Luke November 1, 2021 at 18:26

    Lol the wave of mindless zombies will be the result of the next strain, or two, of COVID-19. That’s a pretty cool video and I agree with you on 5G having been involved in Network for many years. Currently in the US we are trying to perfect technologies like LiDAR which makes the car itself smart in an autonomous sense. But imagine if a single network controlled all of the vehicles and how much more efficient that would be. That is kind of what is going on with 5G.

    • Johnny Paratrooper November 1, 2021 at 18:41

      The LIDAR systems will communicate with the 5G network. And 5G offers GPS accuracy to within 12 inches.

      • Luke November 1, 2021 at 22:31

        What do you know about this guy JP? Supposedly he’s a former spook that worked on some extraterrestrial projects with the CIA. He’s very interesting and his command of English + his videos confirm that he is indeed the person he claims to be. Of course that doesn’t mean he’s ever worked for our government in any capacity.

        I find him interesting to say the least. In some of his SHTF index he quoted NC & Bracken. I understand the Chinese propaganda arm is strong. I don’t know if he’s legitimately warning us or trying to demoralize. He has a flair for the 6th sense which I have heard that some agents were exposed to. Again that could be all bullshit. It’s interesting stuff tho if you get into it. It’s a hornets nest of info so take your time or don’t bother my man.

        Something about him I trust. I have seen in the comments he gets belligerent if you talk shit about China. I am wondering now at this point if the Chinese are not actually the good guys. Not much different than the Ruskies. Recently Vlad warned us about diving face first into the Stalin/Mao level insanity. Putin was certainly correct but it may have been for the wrong reasons.

        Was just wondering if you knew who this guy is or have read him. I have not in a while because even tho my instincts say to trust my mind tells me otherwise. If you do there’s his master index link. If you can’t like I said no worries.

        Best Luke

        (EDITED BY J.P.) I removed a link to some looney toon named “Metallicman”.

        • Johnny Paratrooper November 1, 2021 at 23:27

          The Chinese are Liars.

          Read “The 100 Year Marathon” by Michael Pillsbury.
          You get a crash course in Chinese Military History, Culture, and Language combined with 20th century American Politics and the major players.

          As well as a history lesson on why, and how, we got here.

          The Chinese are playing a game. And they are playing it beautifully.

        • Johnny Paratrooper November 1, 2021 at 23:28

          Also, if he lives in China and won’t allow them to be criticized…
          That should answer all your questions.

          • Luke November 2, 2021 at 00:21

            That’s kind of what I was concerned about too. China was pretty much the beta test for the Western Nations. I remember several times over last 10 years learning about how Google and FB would actually assist the CCP. Seemed big tech was helping them corral their own people. It was always a head scratcher at the time but now it makes a lot of sense.

            Welcome to WW3 the Conservative Treehouse has a piece out tonight which all but confirms the plan. I already knew it deep down. Still I have been reading Sundance for a while and he doesn’t go too far down the rabbit holes. But tonight he did and it all ties together.

            I don’t know when the kill off will happen. I suspect the plan was for a modest 5-10 year period give or take as to keep the alarm to a minimum. I have been suggesting for some time the goal is really to remove the control group (unvax’d) so it wouldn’t be so obvious. But who knows, TPTB rushed the hell out of this so anything is possible I suppose.

            Be safe and God Bless

          • Johnny Paratrooper November 2, 2021 at 01:02

            I don’t think there will be a “Kill Off”.
            Unless we resist.
            The Smart Cities are designed to corral us and make money.
            The elite still need us.

        • Rosalie Stafford November 2, 2021 at 15:00

          the author of the article promoting 5G is phony as hell

  2. Smith November 2, 2021 at 07:58

    I totally agree with the article on the trucks. A nationalized transportation infrastructure not miss-handled by inept people would solve a lot of problems. The shortages will be manipulated to profiteer as long as possible, there will be changes as people adapt, or step up to the plate with efficiencies. Business will evolve to become more efficient, which will cut out some of the profiteering eventually-except where politics interfere. Short term this is going to suck, and we will likely be blessed with new regulations and changes by people that have no clue, or by the interests of specific groups-it is just how the system works.

    The 5G cities based off of functionality, and efficiency will be impressive. The elite do need thinkers, doers, or anyone who will just do more than the status quo. They will all ways allow people and interests to progress, as long as there is a gain. China has a lot to gain by letting everyone else develop, new ideas that they can just take, same goes for our own elites- they need people who develop, and create-someone they can steal and take from. China is playing a game of GO, and we are playing Monopoly. Nothing in society advances with everyone just doing enough, there will always be people working to improve their position, not everyone gravitates to this mindset, but some people always adapt, always do more. Everything evolves to an efficiency eventually. Covid-however it was caused is just another means for manipulation, by any an everyone who has the means to gain something. Interesting times for sure.

  3. Anonymous November 2, 2021 at 08:15


  4. Romeo Foxtrot November 2, 2021 at 08:55

    Excellent post from a front line operator. I have always said, my biggest fear when asked about why i plan and prepare, is that if the trucks stop rolling, for any reason, martians, lack of fuel, or this planned scamdemic, we are truly fucked, period.

    Here’s an article that splains it nicely…

    We are already experiencing many of these consequences…

    More to come….

    • Johnny Paratrooper November 2, 2021 at 09:09

      Curiously, there is no real solution unless every single one of the problems is fixed immediately.
      Like I said, we need to nationalize our logistics and communications infrastructure.
      Because the corporations flooding our streets with Cheap Chi-Com crap don’t care if we get it next week or next month.
      They will always make money. It’s the local retailers who are suffering, not the big box stores.

      Curious how the pandemic closed down main street and now main street can’t find what they need?

  5. Gryphon November 2, 2021 at 15:11

    The Bandwidth (Data Volume) of a 5G System does offer vastly Increased ability to handle “Logistics” such as Container Port Operations…
    However, without that same level of Automation and Data Processing throughout the Transportation Network, all that happens is the Bottleneck effect gets magnified, and/or relocated to different parts of the Supply Chain. Automated Trucks and Roads with sufficient Data Handling capabilities to control Traffic would be needed, as well as every Warehouse and Distribution Center would have to be Integrated.

    Sounds Good, right? All this would do is Increase the Fragility of the ‘system’, making even smaller Breakdowns of any part of it have a greater Impact on the whole thing. “Central Planning” never works, and in fact is why things are so F-d Up now. “Improving” it will only have a even greater negative impact. I believe that we are Right Now, on the Precipice of a Supply Chain/Infrastructure Collapse that could go “Full Retard” at any moment, the Trigger being some innocuous, almost invisible ‘Failure’ in the network. The ATA (Trucking Industry Association) spells it out in Detail, how Fast and Hard things Fail ‘when the Trucks Stop’. Read it and Plan Ahead, or Starve.

    IMO, the Bandwidth of 5G, and the “Internet of Things” is Only designed to Increase the amount of Data that the ‘corporatocracy’ can gather and use to Control the People. If you have ANY of that crap in your home, OR CARRY A SPY PHONE, You are Enabling your own Slavery (whether you wear a sheep muzzle or not).

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