Was Trump In On The January 6 Setup? by John Alden

Three days after I posted my article on if Trump was Benedict Arnold or clueless, It didn’t take long for him to show his true colors again.

He’s both! Watching him gloating on stage with the ever grotesque Bill O’Reilly pandering for us to get his Clot Shot, is as clear of a signal to me as Whoopie Goldberg is ugly. The only thing Trump could have done worse would be to invite his little buddy Fauci along, Heck he may have been back stage, nothing surprises me now with Trump.

If you read my article you may have discovered I Think Trump is a Rat. My father warned me about Trump, He’s a New York Liberal son, never trust a Liberal he said with disgust. I should have listed to him.

Anyone that pays attention to body language, voice tone changes and other aspects of human behavior noticed Trump was cocky arrogant and belittling to the crowd, like their children, It was disgusting to watch and they cheered for him. Yes this is a cult now.

This is not the behavior of a man that has Americas best interests at heart, Trump is no friend of the American people he’s worse, he’s working against the American people just like the Democrats and most Republicans.

As I was writing this article Sleepy Joe Thanked the genius Trump for creating the vaccine, and of course gullible Trump was thankful for it. Biden stole the election from Trump and is now giving him credit for his Vaccine that’s killing everyone. There setting him up and he has no clue. I digress.

On January 6 one million people came to Washington to see Trump. Trump said get here! I need you! It’s going to be massive we have a Huge announcement to make. yada yada.

He called for Americans to get to DC for his pep rally to support him. And boy did they, from all over the country flying his flags calling his name, wearing his merch and stroking his Giant ego.

America was expecting some amazing speech in the country’s darkest hour, however Trump delivered the same whiney snooze fest he always did, It’s was a pathetically weak and boring speech filled with the same dribble as all the others, The shivering and disappointed crowd turned their backs on him and started leaving in disgust walking to the capital while he was still talking.

People were mad and frustrated, however were they being set up by Trump?

Did Trump ask the people to come so the operation could unfold? Did he do one of his lame boilerplate boohoo speeches on purpose to piss off the crowd? Maybe, because it worked, did he know what was going on and was he in on it? None of this would have happened if Trump never did any of this because it served no other purpose.

During his speech Trump told the crowd multiple times to go to the Capitol where Epps and company were waiting for them, leading the unsuspecting patriot’s right into the trap.

Why did it take hours for him to tell people to stop and go home after calls from many prominent people begging him to say something including his son?

Why no national guard on the Capitol?

Why did trump throw his supporters to the wolves? To this day he does nothing to help the Jan 6 political prisoners and he seems to care less.

I never thought this was possible until trump showed his disdain for is supporters on his Warp Speed Vax Tour with Bill O’Reilly.

Now I’m thinking anything is possible when it comes to Donald Trump.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


  1. rto-jerry December 30, 2021 at 07:50

    Patriotman, you nailed it on his Jan. 6th psyop! He’s worse than Xiden (as enemies go) an absolute globalist wolf in sheeps clothing, fleecing the populist movement to derail any credible future on national front. The “Trump train” needs to backfire and derail on the national level. Sadly i fear the trump cult will blindly follow the orange man no matter what nonsense he spews! People are fixated with the endorphin rush of cult of personality worship. This nation needs to get it’s ass back to local politics and STOP with the political theater that is national politics.
    Keep it up sir!! You can run another few articles on that snake Jared Kushner. He is 666 material!

  2. anonymous December 30, 2021 at 08:09

    For me, Trump has been far from perfect. But he has been steadily anti ILLEGAL immingration, pushed for American companies to provide services, and supported the troops far more than other recent past presidents. And rather than kowtow to those who accuse him of racism, he pushed back. Name me politicians who fight and call out the press and Congress more than Trump.

    As far as helping the January 6 arrested, would Trump get involved, the press would press in for the kill. The press is attempting to distract from the current administration. They still push for legal actions against Trump to try and dissuade him from running again. Hey – 4 years of Trump vs. 4 years of Biden. Who do you want at the helm ?

    • Truth in Tension December 30, 2021 at 10:14

      Picking the lesser of 2 evils is still picking evil.

      Who is John Galt?

    • conan December 30, 2021 at 11:08

      Anonymous, I find that when it comes to Trump, he did far more to help protected minorities than he did to help…his own supporters! It would have been nice if he’d put some of his clout on the line to do more for his boring old white American supporters than he avidly did for other groups, with all that pandering so he could come out and say, “nobody has done more for [insert protected minority category here] than Trump!”… he loves to refer to himself in the third person, it seems. But if anything, it’s white Americans that are under siege from every direction as a culture and ethnic group! Yet his cult member supporters don’t even recognize how they’re being taken political advantage of, and then screwed. Hey TRUMP, howsabout putting some clout on the line to help the REAL victims of January 6th?? Ah, crickets. That would take a REAL potential sacrifice, and Trump wasn’t and isn’t about to make any. That’s despicable, and no different than leaving your wounded on the battlefield. In fact, this fact leads me to wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Alden – this was likely a setup, leading the lambs to the slaughter.

      That’s just ONE of Trump’s failures/betrayals out of MANY. And yeah… steadily anti-illegal immigration? Where’s the motherfucking “Wall”???? That was THE main reason I voted for him at all in 2016 since I couldn’t stand him otherwise, but after a bunch of hemming and hawing and excuse making over 4 freakin’ years, to add to the incredible offense of describing his love of DACA illegals multiple times, there was no Wall. What the fuck? His so-called anti-illegal immigration rhetoric was mostly hot air, flavor-of-the-moment bait for his idiot cult followers. He could have done far more, but didn’t. I don’t buy the whole “hands tied” BS on the immigration policies. He didn’t have the true will, and was just playing politics and being the showman.

      You say the press would move in for the kill? Is Trump trying to protect his reputation while good patriots rot away? Fuck him then – he’s worthless or worse… he’s a traitor! Sorry, I disagree with your points.

  3. El Jakeo December 30, 2021 at 08:35

    I travel quite a bit in the South and hit the backroad, federal highways as much as possible, avoiding the interstates. The little towns go from being a delapidated squalor to those that are trying their best to hang on. Of course there are an abundance of Trump Flags and banners but what is telling are the ones that are shredded and faded if still intact versus the ones that are new and well maintained.
    For both of these sets of folks, Trumpism is a symbol of strong Southern defiance. Sure some love the symbol more than the man and it’s a middle finger to the establishment but all have the same thing in common… generations of letting things get worse while wearing a mask (literally and figuratively) and whispering discontent under their breath…
    Evil’s marketing department is doing a great job at keeping the man alive and earasing the message.

    The Rebel Flag replaced the Gadson Flag, replaced by the Appeal to Heaven Flag, replaced by American Flag, replaced by the Trump Flag… which Flag is next?
    We few here are sticking together, sharing encouragement and skills, and are not shutting up.
    Oh and my American Flag is always new, crisp, properly displayed and illuminated @ the RV, I give new ones away (Mr. Scout: did you ever replace yours?) and preach patriotic values.
    It’s my birthday so I’m ranty and focused while bored @ work…
    God Bless America, Mr. Scout and his family and Crew, and us few!!!

    • Truth in Tension December 30, 2021 at 10:52

      My Texas flag is always new crisp. I also fly the Texas Nationalist Movement Flag. I used to fly the America flag but the America I knew no longer exists. What exists now in America is the world’s largest centralized federal leviathan and it has grown to the point that it no longer can be restrained by the constitution or by any moral premise. The blue communist occupied states are now 3rd world cesspools that despised all rights given by God to man. The invasion at the southern border coordinated by the communist Council of Foreign Relations, as well as, the Convention of States will ensure the destruction of what remains of America’s free-market economy. What remains of property rights are being systematically destroyed by the Supreme Court. Most of the people in the communist blue states are completely alien to the independent productive people in the red states. Assume you live in a red state (country) that is not part of the US and your state is still mostly Christian conservative productive people ask yourself this question: Knowing what you know now about the federal leviathan’s clot shot mandates, corruption, election fraud, corrupt justice system, woke military, endless wars, death by the medical complex, destruction of all constitutional God given rights would you vote to join the federal leviathan?

      Who is John Galt?

  4. Chris December 30, 2021 at 09:57

    It aint just Trump.

    Something happens down there(DC).
    What? I got no clue. If i did…well….

    The Fantasy of the Campaign Trail…..vs…
    The Reality of the Political win…
    are night and day different.

    Many if not ALL Abandon themselves.


    Were They lying to begin with all the time?
    Is it Political Naivety?

    One thing is for sure, Wall Street pays off for all of them after the win. Right Pos pelosi?

  5. plankmember December 30, 2021 at 10:45

    Asbsofuckinglutely, The don was a gay op from the get go. He Will go down in history as the new Benedict Arnold by orders of magnitude…..clueless No..Deliberately indifferent. especially to Christians. For further supporting , nay Damning evidence one could go to the Ultimate Finkelthink Deep Dive over at dissident-mag.com and a whole lot more. IMHO he “turned” out to be the greater of two evils simply because he was a consumate Liar and furthered False hope in National politics. Cant listen to the 5 plus hours of that deep dive and not come away with this view in the totality….and thats just a baby spoonful. The GOP must be utterly destroyed and erased from history

  6. Robert Heyden BettsRB in GA December 30, 2021 at 12:21

    “Hey – 4 years of Trump vs. 4 years of Biden. Who do you want at the helm ?”

    Can we please say neither?

    • Mountain Chef December 30, 2021 at 19:23

      How disappointed in Trump I am.

  7. Privateer December 30, 2021 at 18:57

    I’m still waiting for “lock her up” to happen

    • rto-jerry December 30, 2021 at 22:43

      I totally agree Privateer,ended abruptly at his Victory speech. 2 sides of the same coin.

  8. Minoan Goddess December 31, 2021 at 03:34

    Trump is an enigma wrapped in a riddle. At best he a self aggrandizing blowhard, who craves love and admiration. At worst he is a remarkable Machiavellian character, and a controlled opposition. While a young man, his Pastor was Norman Vincent Peale, who was a virulent anti-communist, much on the same order as Robert Welch. So I have often thought of Trump as anti-communist which is a plus IMO. But his actions in the 4th year were inexplicable. Maybe the pressure of decision making became too much for him. After all, by that time he had to realize that the entire security state apparatus was working against him, including the Pentagon, and a large number of his own GOP. At the end, he was a man alone, and I think he just caved into the pressure of insurmountable odds. You give him too much credit for being Machiavellian. IMO he is not that brilliant. He was born on third base and he leveraged that advantage to the hilt. But he was in way over his head, swimming with the sharks in DC. It wasn’t a Swamp, it was an Ocean. I’m still willing to give Trump an A for effort, but he failed to execute his plan. The issue at hand, as I see it, is what are the alternatives? i don’t see anyone on the horizon with the gravitas and the guts to turn the ship around. God Bless

    • rto-jerry January 1, 2022 at 10:23

      The alternative is to NOT give one shit of concern to national politics and collectively refocus our efforts to local school boards, city and county level politics. Lord knows they needs fixxin!!

      • None January 3, 2022 at 06:30

        Hi RJ I don’t disagree with your premise that all politics is local. This is of course is the case in a normal political environment.. IMO we are not in such an environment. Mao stated correctly that political power comes from the barrel of a gun. That is the situation we find ourselves in. Our federal govt is in the control of a Maoist insurgency. ,They control it all, the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. They control the security state apparatus, including the military..They control the media and Hollywood. They control the Academy. They own it all, with very few exceptions. To use a military metaphor, we the people are bracketed. We have been taking incoming but we can’t move and we can’t/won’t fire back to neutralize the long range fire that is killing us. What we have on our side are sheer numbers of Men with guns. There are many more of us than there are of them. The communists killed over 100,000,000 people in their revolutions. The people they killed were like you and me. People who just wanted to live a normal life. They were slaughtered because they didn’t want to get with the program. I can guarantee that the communists in power are not going to let the Kulaks defy their edicts. This is not going to end peacefully, The only question is, who is more willing to die for their Country. God Bless

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