124. Clay Martin on the Left’s Color Revolution, Personal Preparedness and Getting Ready for What Comes Next

Episode 124. I’m joined by former Recon Marine and Green Beret Clay Martin, author of Concrete Jungle and Prairie Fire, to talk the Left’s color revolution, the consequences of a government gone gone rogue, and how to equip and prepare individuals for what looks to be shaping up next.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. Insurance_Agent January 19, 2022 at 18:54

    I just got done listening to this episode. This one ans the one with Rawles we’re both very interesting. Would love to see more of these interviews with some of the other bigger names in the preparation or training community

    • NC Scout January 19, 2022 at 20:05

      Thanks man.

  2. Parachutin Frogman January 19, 2022 at 20:58

    Intense interview. Grateful for the INTEL and heavy-duty experiences. Clay, you must BLESS the name of the LORD and cease and desist from taking His name in vain. As it is written, “Salvation is of the LORD.” Love to the green brotherhood. Almighty God help us in the day of trouble. Cheers…

  3. No Thanks January 20, 2022 at 09:02

    Wow. My friends it is painfully obvious and the writing is all over the proverbial wall – we are literally left with one option and one option only. I don’t think I need to say much more than that unfortunately.

  4. Hillbilly Jack January 20, 2022 at 11:23

    Great Interview!! I have read prairie fire twice great reference book. Mr. Martin brought me up to speed on NODs as well as other equipment. My ETS was october 1974 Abn Inf the equipment of today was Buck Rogers for us. Your right about Medical training at a minimum order a EMT work book!
    I had 30 yrs as Fire Fighter Med Tech in a Major Metropolitan city retired in 06.

    • NC Scout January 20, 2022 at 11:34

      Thanks for listening and for the kind words brother! All the Way!

  5. Ralph+k January 20, 2022 at 12:20

    This was one of your best interviews. Thnx.

  6. Daniel January 20, 2022 at 15:11

    As some here have studied intently, from the “final draft” of FM 3-24, a collaboration between the US Army and US Marine Corps, including their Judge Advocate Generals:

    Legitimacy is the Main Objective
    1-90. The primary objective of any counterinsurgent is to foster the development of effective governance by a legitimate government. All governments rule through a combination of consent and coercion. Governments described as “legitimate” rule primarily with the consent of the governed, while those described as “illegitimate” tend to rely mainly or entirely on coercion. Their citizens obey the state for fear of the consequences of doing otherwise, rather than because they voluntarily accept its rule. A government that derives its powers from the governed tends to be accepted by its citizens as legitimate. It still uses coercion—for example, against criminals—but the bulk of the population voluntarily accepts its governance…

    1-93. Five indicators of legitimacy that can be used to analyze threats to stability include—
    * Frequent selection of leaders in a manner considered just and fair by a substantial majority of the population.
    * A high level of popular participation in or support for the political process.
    * A low level of corruption.
    * A culturally acceptable level or rate of political, economic, and social development.
    * A high level of regime acceptance by major social institutions.
    Source: https://fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm3-24fd.pdf

    Effective psychological operations indoctrinate subjects/targets into believing that it is hopeless to resist, and that any who dare buck the program will be isolated, alone, and woefully ineffective. By trick and attrition, those who manage this Coronafraud have grossly and consistently inflated their compliance numbers and diminished our resistance numbers.

    If we turn off their false information regurgitation, however, most of us are surrounded by people who question this regime on all five, or nearly all five, of the above indicators. That’s remarkable; particularly given the years our opposition has to apply a monopolized and highly-sophisticated form of social and political pressure.

    I find myself pondering the purported words of an unidentified Irishman decades ago: “…You can depend on Americans to do the right thing when they have exhausted every other possibility.”

  7. Daniel January 20, 2022 at 15:24

    As some here have studied intently, from the “final draft” of FM 3-24, a collaboration between the US Army and US Marine Corps, including their Judge Advocate Generals:

    Legitimacy is the Main Objective
    1-90. The primary objective of any counterinsurgent is to foster the development of effective governance by a legitimate government. All governments rule through a combination of consent and coercion. Governments described as “legitimate” rule primarily with the consent of the governed, while those described as “illegitimate” tend to rely mainly or entirely on coercion. Their citizens obey the state for fear of the consequences of doing otherwise, rather than because they voluntarily accept its rule. A government that derives its powers from the governed tends to be accepted by its citizens as legitimate. It still uses coercion—for example, against criminals—but the bulk of the population voluntarily accepts its governance…

    1-93. Five indicators of legitimacy that can be used to analyze threats to stability include—
    * Frequent selection of leaders in a manner considered just and fair by a substantial majority of the population.
    * A high level of popular participation in or support for the political process.
    * A low level of corruption.
    * A culturally acceptable level or rate of political, economic, and social development.
    * A high level of regime acceptance by major social institutions.
    Source: https://fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm3-24fd.pdf

    Effective psychological operations indoctrinate subjects/targets into believing that it is hopeless to resist, and that any who dare buck the program will be isolated, alone, and woefully ineffective. By trick and attrition, those who manage this Coronafraud have grossly and consistently inflated their compliance numbers and diminished our resistance numbers.

    If we turn off their false information regurgitation, however, most of us are surrounded by people who question this regime on all five, or nearly all five, of the above indicators. That’s remarkable; particularly given the years our opposition has enjoyed to apply a monopolized and highly-sophisticated form of social and political pressure.

    I find myself pondering the purported words of an unidentified Irishman decades ago: “…You can depend on Americans to do the right thing when they have exhausted every other possibility.”

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